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Something I Need to Clear Up.

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  • #61

    [ QUOTE ]
    I wouldnt in a million years think about buying something, on this board of all places, a mere few days after I received monies from people here, no matter whether or not I could rationalize in my mind that it's ok since I am paying by credit card, need it for a band, etc...

    Everything in my character would scream at me to not do it if for no other reason than it looks wrong, and there are plenty of reasons not to do it... I recently gave money to a friend who is going through a hard financial time as his daughter is very sick and he needs the money to travel with her. If saw him in the mall buying new sneakers and polo shirts a couple of days later, you are damn right I would be pissed. Who wouldnt?

    I gave money to Rich, but didnt come across the Chuck-a-thon thread until after he had reached his goal, so as I did not donate to you Chuck, I dont have a problem from a personal standpoint. However, I have to admit, after I saw your thread buying in the classifieds,I was fairly disappointed...

    You would be better served to simply apologize(which you did), and not make rationales for why you did it(which you also tried to do), because they just dont hold water. Hell, if you had room on your credit card, but needed cash, you could have simply paid for something one of us was buying via your credit card, and had that person send you cash.

    I dont know what Pat typed to you, and in what manner, but I hope that MY thoughts were presented in a manner that leaves no doubt that I think you were (are) in the wrong.

    Hopefully it's ok to be honest about a situation, typed in a non-tirade manner, without losing your JCF priveleges.


    [/ QUOTE ]

    Pat didn't lose his priveleges, Shawn. He was so upset that others who had donated were supporting Chuck in this that he demanded that he be cancelled, or that he, as the owner of our web server, would shut down the JCF. So he threatened to cancel all of our priveleges.

    Hoowever you feel about this situation, remember that Chuck has a potentially fatal medical condition. Maybe he is trying to live life while he still can, and made what you feel is a faux pas. Try to imagine yourself in the same situation, and think about what you'd do, or how you'd feel if a supposed bro went off on you over something like this.

    You have the right to express your opinion, but so do the rest of us, and if those who gave are fine with it, then what is really the problem? Chuck didn't ask for the help, and it was freely given. It would be great if everyone would just calm down now.
    Ron is the MAN!!!!


    • #62

      I have experienced first hand the generosity and warm nature of this board. Tim, Dave,... all pitched in and sent me a completely free guitar, because I'd been guitarless for quite some time and had no hope to play anytime soon. They did such without any questions, simply from the genuine compassion and friendliness they have.

      Now, I would have found it SICKENING, and as shawn and Pat and Tim pointed out, I would never have been able to-> if I were for example to have sold that same guitar here in the classifieds and used the money to buy an intellifex, because that's something I want more. Imho that's pushing it too far and something I could no bring myself to do and I hope others wouldn't either, money aside, this is clearly and simply taking people's heartfelt compassion with a smile, wait for them to turn their back and plant a nice 5" knife between their shoulderblades...

      I decided not to post when I first read this post, but now that I saw what Pat did for his principles I simply could not keep quiet anymore.
      You took too much, man. Too much. Too much.


      • #63

        so it's a new day today, right? [img]/images/graemlins/tongue.gif[/img]
        the guitar players look damaged - they've been outcasts all their lives


        • #64

          I am disappointed. I have lived off of credit cards before, you do what you have to do. I donated because I wanted Chuck to keep that killer guitar and, at the moment, I have some spare money that I don't mind sharing.

          However, I will admit to being upset that Chuck took the money because he didn't want to suffer the 20% interest rate of a cash advance to cover his spend down.

          Man, I just don't know what to think.

          I am just disappointed. However, I have done worse and had worse done to me. The world continues to spin.

          C'est La Vie.

          Sleep. The sound doesn't collapse to riffs of early eyes either.


          • #65

            The reason it doesn't bother me is this,

            to my understanding Chuck didn't set up the "send me money" fund. Chuck was going to sell a guitar...granted at a profit, to cover the expenses.

            Maybe there are more facts that I do not know about, but I don't know them, and don't care to.


            • #66

              [ QUOTE ]
              Now, I would have found it SICKENING, and as shawn and Pat and Tim pointed out, I would never have been able to-> if I were for example to have sold that same guitar here in the classifieds and used the money to buy an intellifex, because that's something I want more. Imho that's pushing it too far and something I could no bring myself to do and I hope others wouldn't either, money aside, this is clearly and simply taking people's heartfelt compassion with a smile, wait for them to turn their back and plant a nice 5" knife between their shoulderblades...

              I decided not to post when I first read this post, but now that I saw what Pat did for his principles I simply could not keep quiet anymore.

              [/ QUOTE ]

              Well, that isn't all quite exactly what happened... So, I'm not sure what to say other than, that isn't what happened.

              Read my long winded post in this thread,


              and that pretty much explains what did happen.


              • #67

                Denny Crane
                I want REAL change. I want dead bodies littering the capitol.

                - Newc


                • #68

                  Denny would represent Chuck in this matter.
                  Tarbaby Fraser.


                  • #69

                    I can't remember if I sent money to Chuck or Rich or both, but either way I am perfectly fine with Chuck's explanation. Perhaps he could have found another way but the help was freely given to him and was not asked for. And with something like dialysis, time is of the essence so Chuck had to do what he had to do. Its a real shame we had to lose Pat over this. Both Pat and Chuck are guys there were old when I came here back when this board was part of the jackson website. I value their posts because both of them are huge resources to us JCF neophytes. Chuck is a stand up guy, look at what he did for Rich. Maybe what he did was unwise but I think for all he has done for this community he deserves the benefit of the doubt. He has apologized and offered to compensate those who feel slighted by what happened. When I help someone out here on the JCF I expect nothing in return, this is a community and we are all friends here (pretty much), I doubt I would have ever known Chuck had bought the gear if this post hadn't appeared. Once it goes to Chuck (or Rich) I don't care what becomes of it. He needed it and I know Chuck's character so thats enough.

                    The sad thing is that we stand to lose 2 or maybe even 3 people because of this. Its a damn tragedy. Kevin has worked his ass for this community and to see him go would be IMO a huge loss. We have already lost Pat, I hope we don't lose anyone else.


                    • #70

                      Hi guys, I was just contacted by a member and freind that this was going down. I had no idea as I have been busy of late. First off let me say that I have always considered Chuckracer a forum bud and generally on the right side of issues that I support. I also know that he has exquisite taste in players. He also made me a sweetheart deal on a Performance strat about a year ago which I still have [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]. As far as seeing the ESP up in the classifieds, since there were no other explanations, yes I was dissapointed. I have had that guitar around for a while and had many opportunities to sell it but I wanted it to go to someone cool. The reason I sold Chuck the guitar for the price I did was implicit on this.Anyways, I made my post and that was that as far as I was concerned on this issue. I certainley had no inclination to go nuclear. I was later contacted by Chuck and given an explanation and I gave the whole thing my blessings. Had I known about the fund raiser I would have sent some money. Truthfully though, I would have been dissapointed if I heard that new gear was acquired ( I don't know what an intelleflex is)especially since Chuck was inquiring about this incredible Anderson mutt I have for sale.This said I still would be open to an explanation and I am sorry that this whole mess has good standing members quitting the board.
                      I appreciate the kind words from Kev and I know that you, Sully and all the admins. are doing everything you can to keep this board cool and managable.I don't think many members here know this board when it was the coolest board in cyberspace. Those early days were truely exhilerating and no board has ever come close to replicating them.Its a shame nowadays that there are some who are so eager to make a reputation that they shoot their mouth off or that some guys don't seem to respect anything but the almighty buck but these are the times we live in. ( this last comment was not directed to Chuck as I said I consider him a bud)You know thinking about this even more. Once when I was getting roasted on the GMP board it was Chuck who stood up for me (and Sully) and quit his membership there because of the way I was treated. When I have something on the bay its Chuck that chimes in with a plug for me if it makes it to Efraid. Hey stuff happens, I thought this was between the 2 of us and we cleared it up a while ago. Anyways, I think it is up to us old timers to make a real effort to keep this board afloat and grooving. Anyways, off to making a living. Peace and love and all that hippie stuff [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]


                      • #71

                        well said yoga, those were good times.


                        • #72

                          Yeah... VERY well said! Now can we say all this SHIT is over?


                          • #73

                            Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam!


                            • #74

                              [ QUOTE ]

                              [/ QUOTE ]

                              <font color="yellow">Bwahahhahahhahh!!!!!!!!!



                              Ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! </font>


                              • #75

                                As always Yoga, well said
                                It's not a competition, it's a community

