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Some farewell and exiting comments and thoughts…

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  • Some farewell and exiting comments and thoughts…

    Pat sent this along and asked that I post this for him.

    The issue here is pretty simple in my mind and apparently numerous others who simply choose not to express their concerns publicly, and that’s perfectly fine. As many natural disasters and terrorist attacks we have in this day and age brings a lot of questionable issues to hand. You’ve always got someone that is always willing to help a man when he’s down on his luck for whatever reason, self mutilation, acts of God, etc, and then you’ve got the person who always has their hand out. So, myself being one of the guys that’s always willing to help another, I get a bit peeved when someone takes advantage of the giving. A lot of folks will help a brother out when they themselves don’t have much, but they will, mostly because they can, maybe just $2 or something, but as we all know, every little bit helps. Why do they? Because they don’t want to see anyone suffer, if they can help a little bit, they will, makes sense, no? So, when everyone came to Chuck’s aid and assisted him with his meds/procedure, etc, that’s all great, and like I said last night a couple of times, had I seen the post, I would have been one of the first in line to donate my usual $50 or whatever, BUT the simple fact that he accepted this money and turned right around and bought some gear just blows my mind, I can’t even fathom the idea that someone would do this or even try to justify it, and tell themselves this is Ok, and believe it to boot??? And then have some of you support this? It just blows me away that some of you would support this. You’ve got to ask yourself, what is this guy thinking? How on earth can I possibly justify this? I’ve never been this type of person and I hope to God I never will be. For a long time, respected member of this board which I have a lot of passion for (the board) does something like this and for it to go basically unscathed, I find this very disturbing…… Am I the only one? No, of course not, but for whatever reason, people have kept their thoughts and anger to themselves, again, that’s fine. Keep the peace….. Me? No, I’m sorry, but I put a lot in to this board and only a few, literally a few know this, here’s a bit of what I’ve done over the years….For a handful of years, I’ve hosted this forum on my network, the JCF is a paying customer and that’s fine. I’ve “never” over stepped my boundaries, ever, I’ve never taken advantage of any perks the admin’s get in any fashion. I could have had numerous people banned over the years and never have, always said no, I don’t want him banned, I want them to do the right thing, blah blah blah, as said with the issue with Chuck. The JCF consumes a TON of resources, whether it bandwidth, storage, email accounts, etc etc. They pay a minimal monthly fee, but I end up eating about $150 a month in raw costs on an average, and have done so since the site was moved to my network a few years ago. I’ve gone way over and beyond my position as a hosting provider for the JCF for several years, I’ve always made the extra step in keeping the board smooth, making sure everyone had what they needed, purchased licensing specific to the board, so the admin’s could make a little bit of money for all the hard work and blood they give to you guys. I’ve never once thought twice about it. I’ve always enjoyed the forum and that made it a lot easier for me to absorb the extra work and expense. I have no regrets in what I’ve done for this community.

    The Dime fund…

    As you all know, I basically coordinated the fund myself, setup the PayPal account, accepted CC payments via my company’s merchant system, and eventually, hand delivered the check to Rita with ZW in St. Louis one day, even put another $150 in to make it an even $1500 for the total donation on behalf of the JCF. I’m a pretty busy guy, but I’m very passionate about a lot of things, helping a brother out is one of the most important in my book and when it sours, it makes it that much harder the next time. I know for a fact that many of you donated a couple of dollars, literally because that’s all you had, and I mean a couple…. $2, $3, etc etc and you know what? Those were the donations that meant the most IMO. It takes a lot to jump in for a cause when you can’t afford it, but when you see someone in need, you step up. That’s speaks MOUNTAINS IMO! It takes a good man to do something like that, an honest and true person of value….. Ya know, we raised a ton of money for a good cause, as you guys did with Chuck’s cause, agree or not, he fucked up. It was a slap in the face to all who donated. I’ve been through a lot with this board and I can’t fathom the idea that some of you would condone this sort of behavior? Afraid to hurt someone’s feelings? Afraid someone’s not going to like you? WTF? Come on, give me a break! Chuck is a grown man, and I think deep down a decent guy, but geez dude, what were you thinking? It’s not about a credit card or not, half the people on this board don’t even have a credit card, so don’t even go there… So basically, I’ve done a ton for each and every one of you here, whether you realize it or not, and when you condone this sort of thing, I have to put my foot down and stop supporting it, this is the only reason I demanded my account to be terminated, period, plain and simple. I’m a man of principle, like it or not, I’ll tell you like it is, I won’t hide behind screen names, IM’s I will tell you right to your face exactly how it is or how I feel. Like it or not, that’s me…. And I’m not changing for anyone…… Take a look at the all the looting after Katrina, take a look at the aftermath where people were taking things, life altering/saving things and selling them on eBay and other places, how did that make you feel? Everyone on here was FLAMIN PISSED! So tell me, what’s the difference between what they did and what Chuck did? Is it because you know Chuck, or think you do? ( Sure a handful of you guys know him, met him, as have I ) But put all that aside, say you didn’t know him, and he did what he did? Ya know, fuck it, I’m tired of it, it’s why I wanted my shit deleted… cya guys……….

    The board and my comment about shutting the “mother fucker” down….

    At no time was the JCF “ever” in jeopardy of being shut down, ever, period. Kevin can tell you this, Jeremy can prolly state the same thing. I have a great relationship with Kevin, Jeremy and Sully. I haven’t talked to Sully about any of this, but I imagine I will. Kevin and Jeremy know me quite well and to think that I would ever shut a client of mine down for something I don’t believe in is quite boggling, but I can understand that in the world we live in today, folks must take threats at face value. But from my understanding is that all of my posts have been removed, but it went something like: I’m done, clock me all the way the fuck out, delete my membership, I don’t want any part of this forum anymore. If my membership isn’t deleted in 24hrs, I will shut the mother fucker down. Yes, I did say that, but for the simple reason I wanted all to know that I was done, and I was serious about my request to delete it, so if anyone took that as a threat, well that’s on them, all they needed to do was simply hit the delete button on my membership and I was fine, I didn’t want to be drawn into this sort of behavior or support thereof. I simply stated that I wanted “MY” membership to be deleted, nobody else’s and at no time did I want anyone to try and talk me out of it, period. Yeh, you’ve got the guys that post once in while, typically the annual I’m leaving, I’m quitting playing, blah-blah-blah, please stroke me for a while and make me stay. :BS I didn’t want any of this to be construed as this sort of post, so I simply demanded that my membership be deleted. I guess you can take that as a threat, but ONLY if you ( the admin’s) chose not to respect my “simple” request. I asked for it, why not abide? Is it hurting anything? Does it change anything? Certainly not! Obviously…. The sun will still rise on the JCF in the morning and the clouds will dissipate….

    So anyway, I wish nothing but the best for all of you guys and yes, you to Chuck, but just think about your decisions in the future. When people go out of their way to help you out, make sure it’s really necessary and you’ve exhausted all other means and resources….


    Tooth out!

    I want REAL change. I want dead bodies littering the capitol.

    - Newc

  • #2
    Re: Some farewell and exiting comments and thoughts…

    [img]/images/graemlins/sleep.gif[/img] Sounds like someone needs to go make some lemonade.
    I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


    • #3
      Re: Some farewell and exiting comments and thoughts…

      WTF?? [img]/images/graemlins/scratchhead.gif[/img]
      Tarbaby Fraser.


      • #4
        Re: Some farewell and exiting comments and thoughts…

        This all has to stop!!!!. Bob Newhart had a great skit. He was a psychologist and he was listening to his client do a lot of what is going on with all this shit. When asked; "What should I do?". He looked over his desk with a mean face and said: "Just stop it!!!!". This is a guitar forum. Goddamn it!!!!.I missed the first part of this, but I have read all the rest and I just don't understand how this escalated to this point. [img]/images/graemlins/mad.gif[/img]
        I am a true ass set to this board.


        • #5
          Re: Some farewell and exiting comments and thoughts…

          I think that post makes his position perfectly clear(not that it wasn't before). Thanks for the relay Tim.
          The Buzzard does not fear
          The man in riot gear
          Harvest a skull of stone
          The Buzzard grows his own...


          • #6
            Re: Some farewell and exiting comments and thoughts…

            I respect the fact that Pat has certain feelings over the matter. I still don't understand what pissed him off so much to quit the forum. That sucks he has always been a cool dude with great guitars.


            • #7
              Re: Some farewell and exiting comments and thoughts…


              I'm going to miss him on this forum big time. It blows my mind to think of how many great guys we've lost here over the past couple of years, along with a staggering amount of knowledge of J/C guitars, over issues that seemed like they could have been resolved with a little effort. I just don't understand why people can't respectfully disagree w/ each other & move on.


              • #8
                Re: Some farewell and exiting comments and thoughts…

                I do not in any shape, form, or fashion disagree with Pat. It was wrong, stupid, and just downright ignorant to do what Chuck did. I was also reading the people's posts saying "oh, it's ok Chuck", and I was thinking "wtf? is everbody insane"?

                It was a bad move no matter how you look at it. I can't possibly understand how Pat, Tim and I can be in the minority.....

                Spin the black circle.

                [email protected]


                • #9
                  Re: Some farewell and exiting comments and thoughts…

                  This board is all about passion. Sometimes it can be enthusiastic and sharing and sometimes it can be sad or dark. Lately it has been tense.

                  If you are a member of this board with a post count above (pick a number) than this community has become a part of your life. Your virtual life.

                  It will never be perfect.

                  I can agree with Pat regarding the Donations but not with as much passion. When you offer assistance you do not take possession of the person you help. It is not about the giver. And the gift often takes time to be realized.

                  quotes from both sides

                  Winston Churchill:
                  We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.

                  Ralph Waldo Emerson:
                  We wish to be self-sustained. We do not quite forgive a giver. The hand that feeds us is in some danger of being bitten.

                  Peyton Conway March:
                  There is a wonderful mythical law of nature that the three things we crave most in life -- happiness, freedom, and peace of mind -- are always attained by giving them to someone else

                  Barbara Bush:
                  Giving frees us from the familiar territory of our own needs by opening our mind to the unexplained worlds occupied by the needs of others.

                  Henry Drummond:
                  There is no happiness in having or in getting, but only in giving"
                  It's not a competition, it's a community


                  • #10
                    Re: Some farewell and exiting comments and thoughts…

                    What'd I miss?? If someone was "in trouble" with their health, and used donations for anything besides meds/food/rent (whatever people donated for).. then that is BS, no matter WHO it is!
                    I thought the donation was for Lexrtcat (Rich??) right?


                    • #11
                      Re: Some farewell and exiting comments and thoughts…

                      Remove everything after Tims first post and lock it. Just my worthless .02.
                      The Buzzard does not fear
                      The man in riot gear
                      Harvest a skull of stone
                      The Buzzard grows his own...


                      • #12
                        Re: Some farewell and exiting comments and thoughts…

                        [ QUOTE ]
                        What'd I miss?? If someone was "in trouble" with their health, and used donations for anything besides meds/food/rent (whatever people donated for).. then that is BS, no matter WHO it is!
                        I thought the donation was for Lexrtcat (Rich??) right?

                        [/ QUOTE ]
                        No, it was Chuck. You missed this thread.
                        I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


                        • #13
                          Re: Some farewell and exiting comments and thoughts…

                          Okay, that was weird.....
                          Ron is the MAN!!!!


                          • #14
                            Re: Some farewell and exiting comments and thought

                            You OK Rich? You need any gear? Err, I mean meds?

                            I am gonna miss Pat. [img]/images/graemlins/frown.gif[/img]


                            • #15
                              Re: Some farewell and exiting comments and thoughts…

                              [ QUOTE ]
                              Remove everything after Tims first post and lock it. Just my worthless .02.

                              [/ QUOTE ]

                              Seconded. Chuck posted an explanation, and while everyone is entitled to an opinion, this is moving into "dirty laundry" territory with undue haste.

