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Skull and Crossbones - Dress Code violation???????

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  • Skull and Crossbones - Dress Code violation???????

    My son, who is in sixth grade (an A student) got told by the VP yesterday to not wear a jacket that has a skull and cross-bone emblem on the back of it to school.

    Is it me or does anyone else fail to see where that becomes a dress code violation of following rule;

    "Clothing shall not advocate nor advertise drug use, alcohol use, tobacco use, or violence, nor display profane or obscene slogans or symbols".

    I'm interested everyone's opinion on this. I'm pissed off and frankly fed up with all this political correctness bullshit. I wrote the principal for clarification but have yet to get any other than she agrees with the VP.

    My sons are great kids and I give them the freedom to express themselves as long as they do good in school and are respectful/compassionate to others. They pick what they want to wear and we buy it if we feel its not inappropriate. Both of them have the same jacket and wore it last year w/o any problems.

  • #2
    Re: Skull and Crossbones - Dress Code violation???????

    Sounds like your son's school has something against pirates.


    • #3
      Re: Skull and Crossbones - Dress Code violation???????

      I could understand if it was a pentagram or a weed leaf but a skull and cross-bone emblem? Thats taking the piss.
      Sounds to me the school is too bothered about getting in shit with its pupil's parents to apply common sense.

      Thats not common sense, its discrimination! Discrimination against pirates!!! [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]



      • #4
        Re: Skull and Crossbones - Dress Code violation???????

        Sounds like your son's school, is full of it. Don't they have more important things to worry about.


        • #5
          Re: Skull and Crossbones - Dress Code violation???????

          Beat me to it Inearthed [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]



          • #6
            Re: Skull and Crossbones - Dress Code violation???????

            Smells like political BS to me. If your kids are in public school you have a chance to fight it but if they are in a private school you might as well hang it up now.


            • #7
              Re: Skull and Crossbones - Dress Code violation???????

              [ QUOTE ]
              Smells like political BS to me. If your kids are in public school you have a chance to fight it but if they are in a private school you might as well hang it up now.

              [/ QUOTE ]
              +1, was about to say this. In a public school, you could totally fight it. In a private institution, you don't have a chance in hell besides having a discussion in private with the head of the school. Possibly then, you could state your opinion and hope that they see your side of the story.

              Good luck,

              Insert annoying equipment list here....


              • #8
                Re: Skull and Crossbones - Dress Code violation???????

                [ QUOTE ]
                I could understand if it was a pentagram or a weed leaf but a skull and cross-bone emblem?

                [/ QUOTE ]

                A Pentagram is a religious symbol, equivilant to the christian cross or the star of david.

                If you guys really want a laugh, one of my buddies got grilled because he made an Iron Cross in metalworking and the vice principle gave him a lecture about why nazism is bad. Talk about ignorant.


                • #9
                  Re: Skull and Crossbones - Dress Code violation???????

                  If that was my kid, I would be at the school raising shit. I can't even begin to express how I feel about this. This kinda shit burns me right the fuck up.
                  Sleep!!, That's where I'm a viking!!



                  • #10
                    Re: Skull and Crossbones - Dress Code violation???????

                    it's a public school system. very nice area to live in but we do have a bunch of wealthy snobs around...I don't judge people by wealth or social status.

                    Zeeg...I feel the same way and may fight it, just need to cool down and think about it.


                    • #11
                      Re: Skull and Crossbones - Dress Code violation???????

                      Right after I got out of school they put a similiar rule in place. To go against it my friend wore a t shirt with a viking (school's mascot was a viking) holding up a decapitated head. It really is stupid the restriction they put on the entire student body because some kids are knobs.


                      • #12
                        Re: Skull and Crossbones - Dress Code violation???????

                        Liberalism at its finest........we cant afford to offend anyone...........


                        • #13
                          Re: Skull and Crossbones - Dress Code violation???????

                          [ QUOTE ]
                          [ QUOTE ]
                          I could understand if it was a pentagram or a weed leaf but a skull and cross-bone emblem?

                          [/ QUOTE ]

                          A Pentagram is a religious symbol, equivilant to the christian cross or the star of david.

                          [/ QUOTE ]

                          Yes but to Joe Public its a common symbol of Satan. I know what you're getting at with the iron cross, I see it more as a medal of bravery and a biker/skater thing second, then a Nazi logo third. But the pentagram is kinda like the swastika, yeah it was a Buddist symbol (or Muslim, some religion I dont know a lot about [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] ) but Hitler used it as his own. I think if you asked the public, 99% would see pentagram and think Satan, and as we all know its not whats right that matters, its what the majority believes.



                          • #14
                            Re: Skull and Crossbones - Dress Code violation???

                            I hate political correctness.
                            And I hate BS dress codes almost as much.
                            I thought school was about learning? This politicaly correct BS is only setting kids up to fail in the real world.
                            The real world is a place where people could give a damn about who they are offending. What ever happend to freedom of expresion and free speech?
                            I'll stop... this is a pet peeve of mine and I could go on forever.
                            Challenge it bro... it's crap at it's finest.


                            • #15
                              Re: Skull and Crossbones - Dress Code violation???????

                              [ QUOTE ]
                              Sounds like your son's school, is full of it. Don't they have more important things to worry about.

                              [/ QUOTE ]
                              +1. I remember, in the '80s, some school here in NJ was making a big stink about a student wearing a Stryper "To Hell With The Devil" T-shirt to school. [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] It was even in the paper and on the news.
                              And I loved my old Exodus Bonded By Blood shirt... I wore it to school quite a bit, then I guess one day my principal really took notice of it told me not to wear it again. Yeah, like that happened! I guess siamese twin babies are wrong?!? [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]
                              I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.

