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Skull and Crossbones - Dress Code violation???????

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  • #46
    Re: Skull and Crossbones - Dress Code violation???

    that is a little extreme John dont ya think? They have rules for that, my point IMHO the skull and crossbone does not violate any of the below codes

    Rockwall ISD

    PURPOSE The District's dress code is established to teach grooming and hygiene, instill discipline, prevent disruption, avoid safety hazards, and teach respect for authority.
    GENERAL GUIDELINES Students shall be dressed and groomed in a manner that is clean and neat, that exhibits good taste, and that will not be a health or safety hazard to themselves or others. The District prohibits any clothing or grooming that in the principal's judgment may reasonably be expected to cause disruption of or interference with normal school operations.
    SPECIFIC GUIDELINES Students shall adhere to the following dress code:
    1. Shorts of a modest length and fit (approximately fingertip length, loose-fitting, and hemmed) may be worn by students, as designated by the building principal.
    2. Dresses/skirts should be no shorter than fingertip length and of modest fit.
    3. Students are not permitted to wear see-through clothing or to have midriff areas exposed.
    4. Students are required to wear shoes at all times.
    5. Clothing normally considered as undergarments (e.g., muscle shirts, tank tops, and the like) are not permitted to be worn as shirts.
    6. Extremely sloppy or torn clothing is not permitted.
    7. Students are required to wear their hair above the eyes, well-groomed, and clean at all times; modes of hair design and color that detract from the learning process shall not be allowed.
    8. Facial hair, such as beards, mustaches, and goatees are not permitted. Dermatological conditions shall be considered.
    9. Males shall not be allowed to wear earrings.
    10. Clothing, shoes or boots, jewelry, or grooming styles associated with gangs or particular groups, unless they are approved by the District, are not allowed.
    11. Clothing shall not advocate nor advertise drug use, alcohol use, tobacco use, or violence, nor display profane or obscene slogans or symbols.
    12. Hats are not to be worn in the building.
    The student and parent may determine the student's personal dress and grooming standards, provided that they comply with the guidelines and dress code set out above, as well as any guidelines outlined in the student handbook.

    If the principal determines that a student's grooming violates the dress code, the student shall be given an opportunity to correct the problem at school. If not corrected, the student shall be assigned to in-school suspension for the remainder of the day or until the problem is corrected.
    A student whose clothing violates the dress code shall be assigned to in-school suspension either for the remainder of the day or until a parent or designee brings an acceptable change of clothing to the school.
    Repeated dress code offenses may result in more serious disciplinary action. Appropriate discipline procedures shall be followed in all cases in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct. [See FO series]

    EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES The principal, in cooperation with the sponsor, coach, or other person in charge of an extracurricular activity, may regulate the dress and grooming of students who participate in the activity. Students who violate dress and grooming standards established for such an activity may be removed or excluded from the activity for a period determined by the principal or sponsor, and may be subject to other disciplinary action, as specified in the Student Code of Conduct

    [img]/images/graemlins/bs.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/bs.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/bs.gif[/img]

    Thrust - We have had the stand up one's beliefs several times already. I prepare my children for dealing with the real world. To stand up for themselves, to fight back and don't let people walk over you. In this instance fighting back was his decision and for me to fight it w/o his consent wouldn't be right. Even though I really want to do it. I put myself in his shoes and I wouldn't want school authorities breathing down my neck looking for minor violations just because I fought basically a "grey area" of the dress code. Especially knowing how vindictive people are.


    • #47
      Re: Skull and Crossbones - Dress Code violation???

      shawn, i agree with you 100%. my hat's off to ya for asking your son what he wanted you to do. many parents leave that part out and take on the district on behalf of their child who may not really give a rat's ass about the issue. [img]/images/graemlins/toast.gif[/img]

      big huge grey area on that dress code, i'm assuming they're considering it violent. whatev. i do think the part about facial hair not being allowed is funny, but does the "dermatological conditions being considered" mean no zits?

      "sorry son, but you're gonna have to pop that thing right here, right now, before we let you into school. now go on, you don't want to be late for class and get a detention!"
      Sully Guitars - Built by Rock & Roll
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      • #48
        Re: Skull and Crossbones - Dress Code violation???

        Growing up in Texas, I was the kid that had long hair, wore concert shirts, and got sent home for not following the dress code. I had to get my senior pictures taken again because my hair was too long the first time. I almost didn't get to go my prom because my hair was too long [img]/images/graemlins/rolleyes.gif[/img]

        Fast forward 18 years later...we bought a house in the neighborhood where my wife use to teach (she now stays at home with our 3 boys). We always thought it would be great that our kids could walk or ride their bikes to school. Plus the school is one of the top schools in Austin.

        Now that our oldest has started school this year, what did we do. Private school [img]/images/graemlins/what.gif[/img] yep, dress code and all (white shirts and blue pleated pants with brown shoes). No logos, not even on backpacks. It breaks our ass every time we have to pay tuition. I've even sold some guitars to pay for it, but it's worth it.

        I'm not for conformity, but I am for parents being able to raise their kids the way they want. WTF is wrong with skull and cross bones jacket, nothing. If the kids a good kid, get off his ass.

        I bet the assistant principle was probably having a bad day and felt the need to exercise his authority. Most principles are so deep in the liberal BS that it becomes part of their lives and who they are. One of the reason we went the private school route is because we didn't want to be a part of the liberal social program our schools have become. It's bad enough that they still get our tax dollars.

        Someone answer this question...How can a private school offer a better education at a cheaper price than the public school. A public school needs $8000 a year to educate a student, the private school we attend doesn't cost anywhere near that, and my son is learning Spanish and Latin in Kindergarten along with all the usual stuff.

        Thanks for reading [img]/images/graemlins/rant.gif[/img]


        • #49
          Re: Skull and Crossbones - Dress Code violation???

          [ QUOTE ]
          but does the "dermatological conditions being considered" mean no zits?

          [/ QUOTE ]

          I think it means "if you've got acne so bad you can't shave" probably.


          • #50
            Re: Skull and Crossbones - Dress Code violation???

            ohhhhhhh, thanks cleve. poor little guys. it's funny, my son's friend has one of those little weasely 8th grader mustaches. cracks me up every time i see it.

            interesting question, patrick! i do agree that you get a better education in private schools. i went to parochial school for 1st and the 1st half of 2nd grade. i distincly remember handing in my work in 2nd grade after i switched, and my teacher handed it back to me because i was writing in cursive. she said "you can't write in cursive" i thought she meant that i didn't know how, so i said "sure i can, see?" she laughed and said i couldn't because the other kids didn't, and wouldn't until 3rd or 4th grade or something like that. funny what one remembers.
            Sully Guitars - Built by Rock & Roll
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            • #51
              Re: Skull and Crossbones - Dress Code violation???

              Shawn, I think the skull and crossbones graphic could be considered violating item 10 and certainly item 11.
              Thats just my take bro. I am sure your kids are great and that graphic means nothing. Unfortunately, there are alot of violent kids out in the world with NO parental guidance.
              The good kids suffer because of the few bad apples in the bunch. I am all for individuality, as long as my kids aren't getting jacked up in the bathroom or beat up after school. If the unwarrented busting of your kids stones at school will put the wacko kids in check... be thankful.
              Back when I went to school in the 60's and 70's, we had fights every day. EVERY day. In Junior High everybody smoked in the bathroom and smoked weed outside. If you weren't one of the cool kids you would get beat up in the bathroom or outside. High school was worse. We were aloud to wear anything we wanted. School wasn't locked down like it is today. There were smoking doors. Half the school smoked. The other half got stoned at lunch time. There was a fight every day. There were clique's. The jocks, the freaks, the stoners. We had a (pardon my language..) spic door, a [censored] door, a greaser door. Thats what they were called. It sucked for me because all my friends were black but I couldn't hang out with them because I would get total crap from the shit white kids. There were kids that wore Kiss concert T's who would always fight with the kids who wore Led Zep T's. Overall, school is much safer now. I gotta believe it has alot to do with locked down schools and strict dress codes.


              • #52
                Re: Skull and Crossbones - Dress Code violation???

                your high school sounds exactly like mine [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img] Somking doors...I remember those [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]


                • #53
                  Re: Skull and Crossbones - Dress Code violation???

                  Here's what I know.

                  In my high school we had some of the richest of the rich and poorest of the poor kids in our area.

                  People dressed how the fuck they wanted. Including exposed midriffs, pot leaf t-shirts, Satan t-shirts, concert t-shirts, button down dress shirts, bandanas, Izods, torn jeans, dress khakis, flip flops, dress shoes, etc.

                  People groomed themselves how they wanted including long hair, mohawks, purple hair, shave heads, stinky smelly fuckers, guys with nose rings, tatoos, cheesy boy mustaches, etc.

                  Nobody ever got shot in my school. People got their ass kicked from time to time - just like at the Catholic and other private schools around us. In fact, the only time anyone was seriously injured was when a guy broke his neck at football practice.

                  So what it comes down to is this is a bunch of bullshit instituted by poor leaders. I see this shit all the time - including at work. People that are in a position of leadership/control/power that don't know how to solve problems ALWAYS fallback to limiting privileges, introducing restrictions, and lashing out at easy targets rather than solving the fundamental problem. Thus that jackass Rockwall dress code was born.
                  I want REAL change. I want dead bodies littering the capitol.

                  - Newc


                  • #54
                    Re: Skull and Crossbones - Dress Code violation???

                    [ QUOTE ]
                    Thats just my take bro. I am sure your kids are great and that graphic means nothing. Unfortunately, there are alot of violent kids out in the world with NO parental guidance.
                    The good kids suffer because of the few bad apples in the bunch.

                    [/ QUOTE ] ]

                    I think you hit the main reason right there...


                    • #55
                      Re: Skull and Crossbones - Dress Code violation???

                      [ QUOTE ]
                      your high school sounds exactly like mine [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img] Somking doors...I remember those [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

                      [/ QUOTE ]

                      I hung out with the smokers. Eventually I even took up smoking [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]
                      I want REAL change. I want dead bodies littering the capitol.

                      - Newc


                      • #56
                        Re: Skull and Crossbones - Dress Code violation???

                        [ QUOTE ]
                        [ QUOTE ]
                        Thats just my take bro. I am sure your kids are great and that graphic means nothing. Unfortunately, there are alot of violent kids out in the world with NO parental guidance.
                        The good kids suffer because of the few bad apples in the bunch.

                        [/ QUOTE ] ]

                        I think you hit the main reason right there...

                        [/ QUOTE ]

                        So the solution is to bury your head in the sand? [img]/images/graemlins/bs.gif[/img]
                        I want REAL change. I want dead bodies littering the capitol.

                        - Newc


                        • #57
                          Re: Skull and Crossbones - Dress Code violation???

                          Yea Shawn, it was fun but pretty dangerous. I think I got into a fight every single day. Many times, fighting in school didn't even mean a suspension.
                          I beat the snot out of a kid in gym class once and the gym teacher recruited me onto the wrestling team. He said I had a natural instinct to never be on my back.
                          One of my good friends used to sell weed at school in one of the 1st floor bathrooms. It was like a business. He got mugged one day and came back the next with a loaded German Luger. That was a scarey day of talking him out of killing somebody. I got suspended once for insighting a riot, disturbing the peace, reckless endangerment and public fighting. It was a 2 day suspension!! That was huge back then. I don't miss those days and I am very glad my kids never have to experience them. Black eyes, cut lips, broken knuckles and bruises everyday sucks.


                          • #58
                            Re: Skull and Crossbones - Dress Code violation???

                            [ QUOTE ]
                            People that are in a position of leadership/control/power that don't know how to solve problems ALWAYS fallback to limiting privileges, introducing restrictions, and lashing out at easy targets rather than solving the fundamental problem.

                            [/ QUOTE ]

                            I see you've dealt with the IT department. [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]
                            Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam!


                            • #59
                              Re: Skull and Crossbones - Dress Code violation???

                              [ QUOTE ]
                              So what it comes down to is this is a bunch of bullshit instituted by poor leaders. People that are in a position of leadership/control/power that don't know how to solve problems ALWAYS fallback to limiting privileges, introducing restrictions, and lashing out at easy targets rather than solving the fundamental problem. Thus that jackass Rockwall dress code was born.

                              [/ QUOTE ]

                              I agree 100%.
                              Tarbaby Fraser.


                              • #60
                                Re: Skull and Crossbones - Dress Code violation???

                                [ QUOTE ]
                                [ QUOTE ]
                                Liberalism at its finest........we cant afford to offend anyone...........

                                [/ QUOTE ]

                                this has nothing to do with liberalism.

                                [/ QUOTE ]


