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I hate people....

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  • I hate people....

    Just like Bill mentioned on the gory pic thread not too long ago. I hate people, I really do.

    This was thew week from hell for me, lots of dealines and massive amount of work.
    This employee decides to quit the company, one of the partners freaks out and we take this guy to lunch, talk to him and really convince him it was the wrong thing to do professionally and personally.
    The whole fucking day was lost working on him and making him an offer for him to stay.
    I really went to bat for this guy as the majority partner basically said "what do you think? shall we let him go?"
    I said no and worked on a package(some more days off, relieve him of some accounts, a company phone and or course more money).

    I blew a precious day of work that made me almost loose it friday afternoon.

    You know what the jackwad did Saturday night???
    Threw a party and did not have the god damn common courtesy to invite my other partner and me. Half the office is going and none of those guys stuck by him.

    I had a good mind of showing up, eat and drink whatever he had there and then as I left tell him not to badder showing up on Monday. Telling him in front of his dog face wife would have been rather pleasing.

    At the end, I sat watching some college football had some of my good beers and curse the bitch that gave birth to that ungrateful fuck.

    Sorry I had to vent.
    Mr. Patience.... ask for a free consultation.

  • #2
    Re: I hate people....

    That sounds fucking horrible. I hate people like that, I really do! [img]/images/graemlins/mad.gif[/img]


    • #3
      Re: I hate people....

      i hate most people too. especially people that lop off your head after you've stuck your neck out for them.
      1+2 = McGuirk, 2+4 = She's hot, 6-4 = Happy McGuirk


      • #4
        Re: I hate people....

        Sounds like next week isn't going to be to good for him... What a feltch monkey.

        Insert annoying equipment list here....


        • #5
          Re: I hate people....

          Joe, I'm thinking the urinals need a good scrubbing next week.
          I want REAL change. I want dead bodies littering the capitol.

          - Newc


          • #6
            Re: I hate people....

            You want to hear more!?....

            This douchebag asked me on Thursday to take Thanksgiving week off, BUT he had a trip scheduled to visit some sites with a good client of ours.
            I told him to go ahead with his vac and I will cover him on the meetings. 230 miles each way, two sites starting at 9:00 A.m. Monday, mind you.

            Do I feel taken or what? It is gonna suck getting up Monday.

            I am taking the high road with this panty waste. He is a father of two and a husband.
            This is petty shit and I wouldn't and couldn't go to his party anyway. I would have been nice of him, after I stuck out for him big time and he knew it, to just say thanks in some fashion.
            Mr. Patience.... ask for a free consultation.


            • #7
              Re: I hate people....

              sorry but to me it sounds like you went to bat for the wrong type of person. I'm willing to bet that you''ll continue to have issues with this person in the future. My read on this is he played poker you guys using the busy workload as his ace card, should have said have a great holiday at the unemployment line...

              Regardless of hectic workloads and deadlines you'll be surprised on how well you'd adaptto the loss of a joe dickhear employee like that guy if you had to, at least until you rehired for the position. I went through the dot com bust and with all the corporate downsizing never thought I'd get by with the staff left...but we adapted and are still around and more efficient today because of it....


              • #8
                Re: I hate people....

                [ QUOTE ]
                should have said have a great holiday at the unemployment line...

                [/ QUOTE ]
                + 1
                I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.

