Re: PETA goes after fishermen\'s children
Don't get me started on the PETA thing....Here is what I have to say to PETA...Have a looksie above my fireplace:
I guess I should also let PETA know that last Sat. morning I took a 14 year old hunting. It was Ohio's "Special Youth Gun Hunt 2005". An adult could take a child from 12 to 17 years old gun hunting. The adult cannot hunt, only watch. I volunteered to take my best friends boy. He killed his first deer, and I was right there to coach him. He got a button buck first thing in the was he excited. I'm proud of the fact that I was there to guide him and show him the proper way to approach hunting.
Makes me wonder if the PETA people take young men & women out on their first protest...You know, teach them the proper way to picket, and how to respect the laws of the land. To keep things ethical......I'd say probobly not.
Don't get me started on the PETA thing....Here is what I have to say to PETA...Have a looksie above my fireplace:

I guess I should also let PETA know that last Sat. morning I took a 14 year old hunting. It was Ohio's "Special Youth Gun Hunt 2005". An adult could take a child from 12 to 17 years old gun hunting. The adult cannot hunt, only watch. I volunteered to take my best friends boy. He killed his first deer, and I was right there to coach him. He got a button buck first thing in the was he excited. I'm proud of the fact that I was there to guide him and show him the proper way to approach hunting.

Makes me wonder if the PETA people take young men & women out on their first protest...You know, teach them the proper way to picket, and how to respect the laws of the land. To keep things ethical......I'd say probobly not.