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Power tab Archive disables Downloads

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  • #16
    Re: Power tab Archive disables Downloads

    That sucks so fucking much. Thank christ I got that this godless endevour tab before it shut down, that shits been giving me hours a day of entertainment!
    Meanwhile, I went to the 'MPA' website and luckily, they have a massive 'of the united states' logo under their title. So there shouldnt be a problem for anyone outside the us to host a site with tabs touch wood. I dont think lars will mediawhore this push...
    At the end of the day, if they sold tab books for the stuff that we go to those sites for we'd fuckin buy em. But they neglect the metalshredders and we pick up the slack, so fuck 'em!!


    • #17
      Re: Power tab Archive disables Downloads

      [ QUOTE ]
      if i post a powertabbed solo i worked out myself on my website they havnt got a leg to stand on if they expect me to bring it down.what can they do to me?please tell me as you fucking know it all [img]/images/graemlins/popcorn.gif[/img]
      Are the laws diferent over in the USA than here in England?

      [/ QUOTE ]

      If the solo is YOUR OWN solo to YOUR OWN song, and you haven't signed a record deal to share publishing with a record company, then they can't do anything.

      If it's someone else's song and solo they can subject to to fines and/or imprisonment, that's what they can do. The details probably vary from the UK to the US but you will get punished if they focus on you and you don't comply with a cease and desist order, or do it past a stipulated date.

      The UK may not be onboard yet, who knows? But they will have to cooperate with the US in this or UK artists might start not getting protection in the US market.

      BTW, why shoot the messenger just because you're pissed about the news? That's a good way to cut yourself out of the info chain...
      Ron is the MAN!!!!


      • #18
        Re: Power tab Archive disables Downloads

        Copyright law of course varies a bit among nations but it has largely been harmonized throughout much of the developed world via a series of treaties and agreements dating back almost 100 years (I'll leave the legislative archeology as an exercise for the reader). The differences are around the edges but we're not talking about the particular microsecond at which rights in ephemeral recordings attach or debating the finer points of database or software protections as industrial property versus copyrightable works versus patentable inventions. No, what we're talking about here is simple primary school-level copyright law. You know, "A, B, C. 1, 2, 3. Yes an unauthorized derivative work prepared with your own grubby little paws is still an infringement." At that level it's all pretty much the same though the potential penalties for being a grossly ignorant wanker will vary from nation to nation.
        Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam!


        • #19
          Re: Power tab Archive disables Downloads

          Since this is international ownage...


