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Need a Nawlins roast beef po'boy recipe

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  • Need a Nawlins roast beef po'boy recipe

    [new orleans accent]
    I ain't had a good roast beef po'boy sice I left Nawlins, and now dat I can finally find some half-decent French bread up here in Hicktopia, and some good'nuff roas' beef, I gotta have a genuine Nawlins recipe for da gravy. I seen one place, when I was still in Nawlins, cookin the beef in a crock pot, but most places kept they fixins in the back outta sight; you order a po'boy and they disappear for a couple minutes, then come back with it all wrapped and ready, so other than that one place, I never got to see how dey did it.
    I looked online and found all dem fancy recipes to impress the out-of-town snobs that have orgasms when they hear that something was made with various exotic junk like thyme and cummin or whatever - I don't want all that happy-gay crap. I want a straight-up reg'lah roas' beef drippin with that clear runny juice, not that thick gravy like goes on mashed potatoes. The kind that can turn dry toasted French bread into soggy French bread in about 2 minutes - even the ends.
    Help a former Nawlinian out y'all!
    [/new orleans accent]

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