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Your standard gig side contract/application?

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  • #16
    Re: Your standard gig side contract/application?

    Loooo hooo hooo hooo zer.


    • #17
      Re: Your standard gig side contract/application?

      Only the finest musicians...


      • #18
        Re: Your standard gig side contract/application?

        [ QUOTE ]
        Only the finest musicians...

        [/ QUOTE ]

        Finest or Fattest [img]/images/graemlins/scratchhead.gif[/img] ?
        "told you guys that spandex, hairspray and makeup on guys was a bad idea, and now look what happened - you all turned into women." - Newc


        • #19
          Re: Your standard gig side contract/application?

          they're not wearing ties tho...instant pay dock.


          • #20
            Re: Your standard gig side contract/application?

            [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] @ "Bugsy"
            That's a guy that would get shoved under a bus after a gig

            He does it full time, his sidemen do it part time, and he expects his sidemen to treat it like it's their full-time job as well?
            And the 4-month-prior notice if you're gona miss? This guy don't have friends or family, does he? [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

            And he's "serious"? Serious about what? Being King Og The County Fair? He's not pursuing (and directly in line to receive) a Major Label contract with full 80s-style tour support, he's just a small-time loser doing Vegas in Duluth [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]
            I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

            The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

            My Blog:


            • #21
              Re: Your standard gig side contract/application?

              Sounds like he's gonna end up like his namesake... Slumped over on his girlfriend's couch with a bullet-hole through the eye. (the eye being 15 feet away from the body)
              Occupy JCF


              • #22
                Re: Your standard gig side contract/application?

                wow...what a joke


                • #23
                  Re: Your standard gig side contract/application?

                  ya, you about hit it Matt. He had those stipulations in place when I played with him. What really would chap my ass is the pressuring from him for a 'full time' commitment.
                  If he got a wild hair up his arse, we had to be available to leave to go tour Florida (or where ever for that matter) for a month because he could line us up gigs there. (which was a joke in itself as it was being sold to us as a 'fun job' where we still had to work but also had the vacation aspect of the climate about us while it was Feb/March here) So, he would ask our opinion on what we thought of leaving for a few weeks (which, his asking was rather rare but he couldn't very well force all of us- buut, he would lay the "this is your commitment" line on us all the time)

                  It also often came down to "we'll eventually I wanna go FT, whats your commitment." Well, that was always countered with "would be relative to the amount of pay you offer", and that was when the 'gaurantee' "you'll be making this much by such and such a time" crap came about cause "I'm for real". Then he always had to have one guy in the band he trused for arrangements and musical know how to be the 'music director' It was typically the keyboardist. I remember one time when the sampler wouldn't work proper and we or the 'music director' couldn't cue a song correctly as it started by sample. The dead silence was only broken by his rather sharp whispers for the next course of action to play the parts live.

                  If you ever heard of the Johnny Holm traveling fun show or JB Leighton, these are two mainstay acts he is striving to pattern himself after and he figures, "if they can, I can"
                  Well, those two names by themselves paid their dues for decades to establish a name and fanbase. If he were ever to achieve that kind of status, it would be after years and years of sloggin it out and I already know by the number of empty rooms we played, it just ain't going to happen.

                  He used to referee on the side, I have not talked with him in years so he may not have a job but he does dabble in other money making endeavors/projects outside of the band.

                  His idea of 'no set list' and using hand signals stems from the use of hand signals in sports, he just tied it into music. Bottom line, it was not worth the gas, the tax deduction and the time spent with setup and rehearsals when the $ came around. I probably ended up with like 5.00-10.00/hr.


                  • #24
                    Re: Your standard gig side contract/application?

                    The entire contract looks fine until you get to the PAY section. Are they stoned? Who the fuck would go through all that shit for $50.00 or $75.00 per night. He should rephrase his pay schedule to reflect the real deal. You need to be a total pro and expect to paid a little less per hour than little 16 year old Johnny makes at the local Mcdonalds.
                    I am sure after reading that contract, they get many applicants for auditions! What a joke.


                    • #25
                      Re: Your standard gig side contract/application?

                      exactly..I agree, which is why for the most part we parted ways. There were a couple times after I had already quit I had him over a barrel where he absolutely needed a guy to play the gig and had no guitar player where the "I'll do it for a 100 cash" came about.
                      If you are expecting this level of commitment as a side, and do not have a full schedule past 3-4 nights a week.... you need to pay for it but he doesn't have the capitol... so he likes taking a bunch of young guys and honing them to what he can get from that amount of experience level and still pay them dirt.

