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Kick-ass fighterjet lowflying clip!

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Snoogans
    Man, I love fighters. They just turn me back to 12 year-old mode!
    Hear hear!

    I would SO pay the Russian Air Force to take a ride in a MiG or Sukhoi. Expensive as hell, but it would be one of my childhood dreams realized.

    Apparently there is also aerial laser tag dogfighting somewheer in the States! Prop planes fitted with lasers, sensors, and smoke releasers so you know when you hit your opponent.


    • #17
      Originally posted by GodOfRhythm
      From an old airshow, filmed by Belgian guys from 'Limburg' (same province as I, you can hear it: the accent is typical for this region and the thing we're ridiculed with the most!)


      That IS probably the lowest I've ever seen a plane fly, aside from maybe the Tomcats that drop to like 5 feet over the ocean.

      Look at how fast it blasts by!! [img]/images/graemlins/eek.gif[/img]
      Tornado demonstrating high "Q"


      • #18
        Originally posted by Number Of The Priest
        Apparently there is also aerial laser tag dogfighting somewheer in the States! Prop planes fitted with lasers, sensors, and smoke releasers so you know when you hit your opponent.
        I don't know about the smoke, but that sounds like Air Combat USA, right down the road from me:
        "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)


        • #19
          That pic of the F15 and P51 looks to be photoshopped. Look at the wingtip of the Mustang. It's in front of - and practically touching! - the nose of the Eagle. Highly doubtful that's a real pic, as they'd be about to have a mid-air collision.


          • #20
            I use to live very close to USMC Air Station EL Toro. Every year in March it was Air Show time featuring the Blue Angels. They do some crazy shit. I really miss that being a military brat. I guess all good things must come to an end. In the late 90's the US Goverment closed the base ending a great tradition. It is now in the midst of being coverted to another OC planned community. FUCK YOU! to the Irvine Co. The OC's MultiBillion dollar land development Co.


            • #21
              We just had the Air Show here in Chicago a few weeks work is pretty much on a peninsula into lake Michigan (just north of Navy Pier) where the aircraft fly over.....emplyees and their family were invited for a picnic there on that day and the jets like to show-off for us especially. They use 2 Black Hawks to transport the pilots from their hotels downtown to the airport their jets are at....the black hawks landed on our lawn for about an hour and the Blue Angles pilots hung out with us....
              Anyways...later on when they were up pilot #4 flew overhead sooooo low to us you could read the number 4 on his helmet....It was so great....there's something about these jets that just get the blood and testosterone flowing!!
              RIP Donny Swanstrom...JCF bro
              RIP Dime


              • #22
                Another awesome P51/F15 shot!

