Well, Endrik inspired this one (purely hypothetical, I just love debating which is why I'm posting it :P) (I also posted this on another forum first, but I made some additions/editings so if some of my grammar is wrong... sorry!)
Now, most people know the idiotic things 14-15 year olds do when they're "going out" and it seems to progress into later years as well, kids just trying to have sex to prove that they're above their friends or something. But, for the most part what I've seen is a buckling down in older youth (17-19) when it comes to relationships, but this is what I must ask, are they throwing away experiances, or gaining life partners?
I know it varies from case to case, but in general, most relationship don't seem to last (I know when people get married that's an exception, but even then there are divorces, so as you can see, most relationships fail overall).
For example, I'm backpacking Europe this summer, and Endrik is bragging insanly about how hot the girls are there. I do have a girlfriend, and wouldn't want to 'cheat' on her, but he is more or less insisting I am 'cheat'ing myself by not taking advantage of a situation that only comes for a short span of ones life (1/7, lets say... 18-28).
Now, in the Animal kingdom, very few speicies are manganous, and couldn't the true nature of Humans be something along the same lines? I know in Math often times people overthink problems, which could be the case with relationships. People want them to work so badly that they turn a blind eye to their natural desires.
If we're here on the planet for no other reason then to pro-create then why would humans be manganous?
Now, I'm sure someone will bring up the moral issue here, but aren't morals based on the society we're brought up in? If we lived by ourselves out in the middle of the woods I'm sure our moral principles would be far less, or non-exestant as everything would be based on survival, at any cost. You'd kill a deer with your bare hands for food if you could, bambi eyes be damned!
So once again, could having a mentally fufilling relationship and multipule sexually filling relationships be so wrong? If all the sexual relationships are no-strings attached, then is it still, logically wrong to have an emotional (which is tied to morals as well) relationship with someone else at the same time?
Now, most people know the idiotic things 14-15 year olds do when they're "going out" and it seems to progress into later years as well, kids just trying to have sex to prove that they're above their friends or something. But, for the most part what I've seen is a buckling down in older youth (17-19) when it comes to relationships, but this is what I must ask, are they throwing away experiances, or gaining life partners?
I know it varies from case to case, but in general, most relationship don't seem to last (I know when people get married that's an exception, but even then there are divorces, so as you can see, most relationships fail overall).
For example, I'm backpacking Europe this summer, and Endrik is bragging insanly about how hot the girls are there. I do have a girlfriend, and wouldn't want to 'cheat' on her, but he is more or less insisting I am 'cheat'ing myself by not taking advantage of a situation that only comes for a short span of ones life (1/7, lets say... 18-28).
Now, in the Animal kingdom, very few speicies are manganous, and couldn't the true nature of Humans be something along the same lines? I know in Math often times people overthink problems, which could be the case with relationships. People want them to work so badly that they turn a blind eye to their natural desires.
If we're here on the planet for no other reason then to pro-create then why would humans be manganous?
Now, I'm sure someone will bring up the moral issue here, but aren't morals based on the society we're brought up in? If we lived by ourselves out in the middle of the woods I'm sure our moral principles would be far less, or non-exestant as everything would be based on survival, at any cost. You'd kill a deer with your bare hands for food if you could, bambi eyes be damned!
So once again, could having a mentally fufilling relationship and multipule sexually filling relationships be so wrong? If all the sexual relationships are no-strings attached, then is it still, logically wrong to have an emotional (which is tied to morals as well) relationship with someone else at the same time?