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Do I need/want a Mac?

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  • Do I need/want a Mac?

    I'm going to get a laptop soon, but it's now a tossup between the Dell Inspiron 6000 and an iBook G4. I am the most familiar with Windows and know that the Dell is the laptop I want for my needs. I've only been considering a Mac because I've seen every single error message Windows has to offer and while I normally would just live with it and keep fixing it, I would welcome a change. Here's what I need to know:

    - Specs - the Dell is 2GHz while the iBook is 1.42. I don't know how the OSX operating system reacts to RAM and processor speed, is that enough or should I get something faster? The Dell is 1GB RAM while the iBook is 512MB. Obviously one is much better than the other, but again, I don't know Macs.

    - Price - If I were to compare em as PC to PC style laptops, the Dell wins, but is the Mac less than what I need for the money? I might play some occasional games and get Pro Tools LE maybe for the laptop, so speed and effeciency is something I need, and don't want to compromise. I basically get more spec wise from the Dell, but if the Mac needs less to do the same job, it's worth it to me.

    I can live with learning a new OS all over again. This won't replace a desktop for me, but for a student who does use his computer a lot I don't want a piece of junk that I might have to upgrade in a few months as my needs change.

    Any help and advice would be appreciated. I can live with Windows, but again, the thing I want to find out is can the iBook do the same with less specs. I was checking out the new MacBook Pro, but I'd rather wait to have em work out any bugs since it's a first generation thing for them. BTW, they are both the same price, which is why I'm torn and confused. Thanks fellas! [img]/images/graemlins/toast.gif[/img]

    - Irfaan -

  • #2
    Re: Do I need/want a Mac?

    In case someone is reading this that is on the fence about typing a response, I am also very curious about this question...I have often wondered the same thing but I don't know a soul with any Mac experience



    • #3
      Re: Do I need/want a Mac?

      My personal experience with Macs has been less than great. When they work, they work fine, but they have a very high failure rate. I got a top of the line PowerBook last year and it died in 6 months. Most people I know who have Macs spend a good deal of time at the Apple store getting things fixed or replaced.

      While viruses and spyware are not really a big deal on MacOS (yet!), the OS will still crash occasionally.


      • #4
        Re: Do I need/want a Mac?

        your subject title made me laugh, my dad always said I get "need" and "want" confused, especially in reference to guitars. [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]
        "clean sounds are for pussies" - Axewielder


        • #5
          Re: Do I need/want a Mac?

          That kinda sucks to hear. I also hear getting parts from Apple (memory) is expensive as hell, but I can't say myself


          • #6
            Re: Do I need/want a Mac?

            Apple's and PC's all use the same type of memory now.
            And now that Apple switched to Intel chips, it's all the same stuff. Slight difference in the new bios Apple is using, but nothing major.
            As for an iBook G4, you might as well throw your cash in the trash.
            It's an obsolete design and the product will be discontinued by the end of the year.
            That being said, I stil prefer Macs, but I have to use PC's to make a paycheck. [img]/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img]


            • #7
              Re: Do I need/want a Mac?

              I also make a living using pc (and much bigger) stuff but use macs at home and for side jobs. They, like most makers, have had a couple troublesome models over the years but on the whole it's very good stuff. From my experience for laptops I would put them above dell, compaq, and hp but below ibm. I also second the ibook g4 thing, if you can't afford the current intel laptop, wait a couple months until the cheapers ones are out. Unless you HAVE to have one right now, wait for an intel model so you don't have to replace it as quickly or buy a used powerpc model. There is a good performance bump in the intel models as well.

              OS X is a great OS that in one form or another has been around a LONG time and is very stable and extendable. It doesn't take most people very long to learn to use it and most of the big popular apps are very similar to their Windows counterparts. Most of the OS's steal/borrow/whatever from all the others so most of the real popular stuff makes it's way around to the others over time.


              • #8
                Re: Do I need/want a Mac?

                Thanks for the replies guys. I think I'll wait for the Intel laptops since I'm not buying one till Aug/Sept. I'd rather something new at this point...Like I said, I've seen every error message known to man...seems like the only thing Microsoft has not offered me was advice on my sex life, and those damn pop ups in IE covered that too! Apple and Firefox, I should be fine (if it's even compatible, didn't check)


                • #9
                  Re: Do I need/want a Mac?

                  The MacIntel laptops are shipping February, FWIW I dig my Mac [img]/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img]
                  1+2 = McGuirk, 2+4 = She's hot, 6-4 = Happy McGuirk


                  • #10
                    Re: Do I need/want a Mac?

                    [ QUOTE ]
                    I'm going to get a laptop soon, but it's now a tossup between the Dell Inspiron 6000 and an iBook G4. I am the most familiar with Windows and know that the Dell is the laptop I want for my needs. I've only been considering a Mac because I've seen every single error message Windows has to offer and while I normally would just live with it and keep fixing it, I would welcome a change. Here's what I need to know:

                    - Specs - the Dell is 2GHz while the iBook is 1.42. I don't know how the OSX operating system reacts to RAM and processor speed, is that enough or should I get something faster? The Dell is 1GB RAM while the iBook is 512MB. Obviously one is much better than the other, but again, I don't know Macs.

                    - Price - If I were to compare em as PC to PC style laptops, the Dell wins, but is the Mac less than what I need for the money? I might play some occasional games and get Pro Tools LE maybe for the laptop, so speed and effeciency is something I need, and don't want to compromise. I basically get more spec wise from the Dell, but if the Mac needs less to do the same job, it's worth it to me.

                    I can live with learning a new OS all over again. This won't replace a desktop for me, but for a student who does use his computer a lot I don't want a piece of junk that I might have to upgrade in a few months as my needs change.

                    Any help and advice would be appreciated. I can live with Windows, but again, the thing I want to find out is can the iBook do the same with less specs. I was checking out the new MacBook Pro, but I'd rather wait to have em work out any bugs since it's a first generation thing for them. BTW, they are both the same price, which is why I'm torn and confused. Thanks fellas! [img]/images/graemlins/toast.gif[/img]

                    - Irfaan -

                    [/ QUOTE ]

                    Since I do computer stuff for a living and I own both a MAC and PC.

                    I can answer your questions.

                    The Processor on the MAC doesn't have to be as fast because the OS doesn't use as man resources as Windows.

                    As Far as RAM. MACs LOVE RAM the more you give them the happier they are.

                    PCs will always win the price war.

                    Learning the OS is easy it's not a whole lot different anymore.

                    In Summary there are advantages and disadvantages to the MAC and the PC. If you are using a MAC for recording music and general internet stuff it's great.

                    But my advice would be also to wait for the intels.


                    • #11
                      Re: Do I need/want a Mac?

                      most certainly get a mac, but as others said, wait for the intels if you can.
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                      • #12
                        Re: Do I need/want a Mac?

                        Thanks for all the help guys. I'll wait around for the Intel Macs [img]/images/graemlins/toast.gif[/img]


                        • #13
                          Re: Do I need/want a Mac?

                          What version of windows are you using? 98 still? I've had ridiculously few errors or crashes since switching to xp two years ago.


                          • #14
                            Re: Do I need/want a Mac?

                            Nah, I'm using XP, have been for years. Even after I format the PC and start freash, in a few weeks it'll start acting up again with the same old problems. I think it's more specific to the programs I use rather than Windows itself, but I'm so used to errors coming up in all ends that I'd just like to try the Mac OS

