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357 is at it again!!!

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  • Originally posted by sambencuda
    or maybe someone at 357 screwed up. I wonder who's idea this was.
    Exactly.....also, why did they pick the time when they were moving from Florida to Tennessee to do the promotions? It seems like someone (Chad, Epiphone/Gibson, Zakk, Moe the Janitor) would have said "wait, let's do this whole deal after 357 gets moved and set up". I mean, they had to know that they were moving even before the first promotion.

    Anyway, I'm through with it. I cancelled my order earlier today. (Haven't heard back from them yet though)


    • A better idea would have been to not do the 2nd and 3rd promotion until they'd fulfilled the 1st one, which they obviously still cannot do 6 months after the fact. From what I've read so far, they seem to have the part where they take your money down pat, though.
      Just a guitar player...


      • I'm still waiting for my Buzzsaw/Sawblade guitar. Though, I may sell it. They're going for $799 at MF. Anyone want to send me a mere $500 for mine now? When I get the guitar, I'll be sure to ship it to you.
        I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


        • What a grand idea: 357 Guitar Futures. I don't think the price of a Bullseye contract would be very much.
          I am a true ass set to this board.


          • MAJOR 37 News!!!

            Okay, it looks like Chad has been silenced according to this post by Choke over at And, also news about guitars. Sorry, no news about mp4 players.

            L3: Novice

            Join Date: Mar 2006
            Posts: 107
            Reputation: 25

            Okay, I just spoke to the president of 357 for nearly 25 minutes. [Daniel]

            Here is the bottom line.

            He was unaware of what Chad Dyer was posting as far as updates. He said that he gets a lot of emails every day, probably 20 or so from Chad; and he does not get to read them all. In those emails, apparently Chad sends for his approval to be used as updates. More apparently according to Daniel, he was not aware of the dead lines that Chad was setting, and telling people. So Chad just posted the updates, unapproved.

            Daniel took total responsibility on how poorly this deal has come off. He literally said that NO ONE IS TO BLAME BUT HIM, AND 357. He also gave me a lot of details that he did not have to in order to convince me that all is on the up and up; and that everyone would have their orders, sooner than later.

            Even considering how I was duped the first time, and how much harder I was going to be, to convince; I believe Daniel. Suffice it to say, what Chad told me about the pick ups was not entirely true.

            Nor was Daniel aware of how nasty and insulting Chad had been towards people who were asking questions. He totally understands now, why, his people have been bombarded with questions. That reason being because of how those people had been treated.

            I told him that Chad has said so many crazy, off the wall, threatening, and insulting things; that people have started calling them "Chadism's". And more importantly, they could be documented.

            Because of this, Chad will no longer be the spokesperson for 357, in relation to this deal; according to Daniel. I do not know what that exactly means just yet, but he said that would be the case. He is not going to "fire" Chad as a webmaster, nor should he. Chad is good as a webmaster. As a PR rep, he is a train wreck, that is a fact. And Daniel acknowledges that.


            I pressed Daniel to tell me more about the guitars. He told me that they were not all ordered all at once for various reasons, and frankly; they were good ones. He has asked that I keep portions of the conversation confidential, and I FULLY intend to do so. He did this so that I would have a comfort level to be convinced about what he is saying. Daniel opened up quite a bit, and because of that, and what he said; I believe him.

            That being said, I pushed for guitar ship dates. He was...

            Dare I say it...


            And said that he did not know. BUT, he is comfortable in saying that it will NOT be another couple months. Again, after all that he said to me, I am inclined to go with that for the amount of time that he stated. Which in the interest of starting another shit storm, I will keep the approximation confidential because it is only that. An approximation. And Daniel does not want to set incorrect expectations again.

            He apologized many times for people's expectations being set up, and then knocked down over and over again. He will ensure that Chad does not do that anymore. In my opinion, Chad did not do that out of malice. I think that he was doing that because he thought that it would cool the fires that had been stoked up. At the end of the conversation, Daniel knows that it only heated things up. For which he also apologized.

            The guitars will be delivered sooner than later, and it will most likely NOT take more than another month. Daniel is in a tough spot for a couple reasons, and I for one, am not going to keep nailing 357. 357 now understands why things have become the way they are. They have taken responsibility for all of it, beyond a shadow of a doubt.

            Daniel went as far as providing a means to reach him personally for any pressing questions that will not be answered. He has empowered me to be the "go between", and seek answers directly from him.

            Thats the summary.

            I'm going to take some time, and put some thoughts down, on the particulars that we've all been nailing. I just wanted ya'll to have some idea of what we spoke about.

            More later. For now... Back to work...


            • Another choke post...

              This one includes news on the mp4 players.

              L3: Novice

              Join Date: Mar 2006
              Posts: 109
              Reputation: 28 Thread Rating:

              Chad, I did not throw you under the bus man. Not in the least. He wanted to know WHY people were acting in the manner that they are. And I told him, every bit of it can be documented by YOUR own words. I did not do this to you. YOU did this to yourself.

              No one trashed you Chad. I did not call you one name through the course of this conversation. I did comment on how you handled this promotion, and it HAS been unprofessional at the very least. You have no one to blame but yourself. You're blaming me, just like you've been blaming all of the vendors in relation to this deal. You've blamed Epi, you've blamed EMG, you've blamed the manufacturers of MP4's. You told us that things were being picked up that were not even in the warehouse yet because they were shipped from the manufacturer. Do not try and put this off on me Chad. Grow up.

              About the MP4's. At this point, according to Daniel, they have now been ordered. But they were not ordered when we were told they were. Again, Daniel took responsibility for that and said that word of their shipment should not have been put out there. You guys all know because of the hard work that Corrado has done, "how" the manufacturer in China works his orders, and how he ships. The MP4's should truly be inbound soon. Daniel did not want to set a date because he felt it would be irresponsible to do so. I respect that. But you may be jamming on them before the day of "J".

              Guys, I'll post more detail so that no one thinks I'm trying to "hord" info. But there are thing that Daniel asked to be "off the record", and they will stay that way, period. I want to make sure that I do not break his trust, and lose a communications path by throwing up info that I promised not to. I took good notes, so I'll get it all on the board later, after I go through my notes.


              • Originally posted by BTB007
                Okay, it looks like Chad has been silenced according to this post by Choke over at And, also news about guitars. Sorry, no news about mp4 players.
                Wow, all that text. What an in depth conversation. It looks like this guy asked all the right questions. I am even more relieved that I didn't get in on this deal.

                Remember guys... nobody is a slicker talker than the boss.
                Chad learned from a pretty slick guy.


                • Originally posted by jgcable
                  Wow, all that text. What an in depth conversation. It looks like this guy asked all the right questions. I am even more relieved that I didn't get in on this deal.

                  Remember guys... nobody is a slicker talker than the boss.
                  Chad learned from a pretty slick guy.
                  Good call. I'm upset about the mp4 players not being ordered yet. That one just burns me!

                  Let me clarify, not ordered until recently. They are ordered now, still pissed about it, too!
                  Last edited by BTB007; 05-03-2006, 03:09 PM.


                  • This just keeps getting better and better.
                    I am a true ass set to this board.


                    • I am such a Dick, but I am staying in This is too good of a trainwreck not to see it through:ROTF: MP4`s not even ordered yet, no excuse for that at all. I will just sit back and eat some now. Jack.


                      • Everything sounded good, until I read these two sentences:

                        "And said that he did not know. BUT, he is comfortable in saying that it will NOT be another couple months."

                        That right there is another deadline. The original combatative PR guy has been replaced with another who has been given the 2nd phase "we had no idea this has been happening" propanganda. Nothing new, except now the new PR person is "one of the guys". The old "I can't give you insider info, but TRUST me on it" lines, just like a trustee in a prison. Same BS, new wording.

                        I'd still press for a refund.
                        Just a guitar player...


                        • " I ain't goin' to be had by Chad 'cus they got a new mouthpiece" Follow the bouncing balls.
                          I am a true ass set to this board.


                          • "the manufacturer in China "

                            Muahahahahahaha! I CALLED IT - MONTHS AGO!

                            Have fun with your long-lasting MP4s
                            "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)


                            • Are there any USA made Epiphones?
                              Just a guitar player...


                              • NOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Not since about 1967 or thereabouts.
                                I am a true ass set to this board.

