in december, i was looking on a greyhound adoption site and found Sonny; a (now) eight year old dark brindle male greyhound. he was on the "injured reserve" page, which is where the group puts their special needs hounds; he was taking meds for a thyroid condition. the group had a special paypal address to help with the cost of his care (his meds were about $10 a month). they do this for all of their IR hounds, and i figured that while i don't have much money, if $10 can cover his monthly meds, i certainly can do that, so i donated. his page has a bunch of great pictures that make you melt. either his foster dad is a great photographer, or there's something about Sonny that leaps off the screen and moves you. see?

of course, there's more pictures on his page and there's some really great shots.
usually about once or twice a week, i would check back on him to see if there were any updates on how he's doing. there hadn't been anything new since 11/30, and when i went to check on him the weekend of the 27th, i found this update:
It is with deep sadness that we report Sonny has been diagnosed with Osteosarcoma in his left shoulder. He will be cherished and loved in his forever foster home and kept as comfortable as possible for as long as possible.
[/ QUOTE ]
after i read that, i was heartbroken. There was a meet and greet for that greyhound group that weekend, and I went in hopes of getting in touch with someone who could get me in touch with the person who was fostering him. i wanted to see if i could meet him before he passed on. as luck would have it, Sonny's foster dad was there and I spoke with him. he had some video of Sonny on his phone that he showed me. he had given me the name of the person i should contact in order to see if i could meet him, and after a while i went home.
i left an email and a voice mail for the coordinator last week, and i didn't hear back. i wasn't too surprised because i know he's a sick little guy.
...i got a message tonight though; sonny died this evening. while i never met him in person, i feel a loss. that may be very strange, i don't know, but i've worked with greyhound adoption groups ever since i adopted mine a few years ago, and they're truly wonderful dogs that make wonderful companions.
i hope he's running free again.
RIP Sonny.

of course, there's more pictures on his page and there's some really great shots.
usually about once or twice a week, i would check back on him to see if there were any updates on how he's doing. there hadn't been anything new since 11/30, and when i went to check on him the weekend of the 27th, i found this update:
It is with deep sadness that we report Sonny has been diagnosed with Osteosarcoma in his left shoulder. He will be cherished and loved in his forever foster home and kept as comfortable as possible for as long as possible.
[/ QUOTE ]
after i read that, i was heartbroken. There was a meet and greet for that greyhound group that weekend, and I went in hopes of getting in touch with someone who could get me in touch with the person who was fostering him. i wanted to see if i could meet him before he passed on. as luck would have it, Sonny's foster dad was there and I spoke with him. he had some video of Sonny on his phone that he showed me. he had given me the name of the person i should contact in order to see if i could meet him, and after a while i went home.
i left an email and a voice mail for the coordinator last week, and i didn't hear back. i wasn't too surprised because i know he's a sick little guy.
...i got a message tonight though; sonny died this evening. while i never met him in person, i feel a loss. that may be very strange, i don't know, but i've worked with greyhound adoption groups ever since i adopted mine a few years ago, and they're truly wonderful dogs that make wonderful companions.
i hope he's running free again.
RIP Sonny.