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unbelievable e.g. of beauracracy in the military..

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  • #16
    Re: unbelievable e.g. of beauracracy in the military..

    [ QUOTE ]
    I have great respect for our men/women in uniform that have served and are presently protecting us. That is why this story makes me sad...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Are you from Charleston? I just moved from Huntington back in August. Didn't know any WV people on the board.


    • #17
      Re: unbelievable e.g. of beauracracy in the milita

      As fucked up as this is most people that have been in the military can tell you that your responsible for your gear. There is always someone willing to make a buck and will steal and/or sell gear out at some pawn shop. Not saying that this shouldn't have been handled differently but gear is something people seem to always have some scam going on around.

      I lost a piece of gear from artillery fire and I made sure it was accounted for with supply when they issued me a new flak jacket.


      • #18
        Re: unbelievable e.g. of beauracracy in the milita

        [ QUOTE ]

        Are you from Charleston? I just moved from Huntington back in August. Didn't know any WV people on the board.

        [/ QUOTE ]

        I live in WA. Link was sent to me. But there are some WV folks here IIRC.


        • #19
          Re: unbelievable e.g. of beauracracy in the milita

          all you dipshit know nothings talking about the war just shut the fuck up now! this is nothing new! it was a combat related loss and IMO should have been forgiven but never the less you ARE RESPONSIBLE for your equipment.
          my room mate had a major car wreck. the car caught fire and everything in the car was lost. which included a good bit of his field gear and NBC gear. he was required to pay for it. we as a platoon (everyone from the MSgt on down participated) scounged up replacement gear and what we couldn't come up with the CO pulled some strings and got the rest.
          1+2 = McGuirk, 2+4 = She's hot, 6-4 = Happy McGuirk


          • #20
            Re: unbelievable e.g. of beauracracy in the milita

            No one's disagreeing with you that it's a good idea for soldiers to be responsible for their own gear. And I think everyone is agreeing with you that this should have been forgiven. Why are we dipshits? [img]/images/graemlins/scratchhead.gif[/img]


            • #21
              Re: unbelievable e.g. of beauracracy in the milita

              I used to deal with this crap all the time. It should have been a combat loss. I don't know how many times this kind of stupidity used to show its ugly head. Several times I had to ask the question "what the hell are you trying to debit this persons pay for a obvious operational or combat loss?" I think some of this shit is a hold over from the frigging politically correct attitudes of the cold war. I did 22 1/2 years and have been retired for two now. I guarantee if that soldier was one of my troops that would not have occured. If I was the flag officer in charge of whatever command that soldier was from, I would be so ashamed I would pay for the gear.
              Remember, Wherever you go,.. there you are


              • #22
                Re: unbelievable e.g. of beauracracy in the milita

                yeah, why do we hafta be dipshits???
                I still keep practicing though.... Mostly because I hate my neighbors.-MakeAJazzNoiseHere


                • #23
                  Re: unbelievable e.g. of beauracracy in the milita

                  cause we are mate,normal responce i have seen on the net-good manners have gone out the fucking window.

                  Brits allways pay for some of there gear,the penny pinching forces them to do so.Its not good money too,so its even worse when you have to buy your own desert combat boots/webing because the regulation issue isnt up to the job.


                  • #24
                    Re: unbelievable e.g. of beauracracy in the milita

                    Well, if your car burns up, then you claim the items on your insurance, and are reimbursed by your insurance company, and then you pay the military. If you didn't claim it, or have the proper insurance, I guess that would make someone else a dipshit, rather than all of us.

                    I get so sick of this fucking war in Iraq. It's a bullshit war. Anytime you make an opinion about it, some right wing propagandist is ready to sling shit at you, and say how anti-American you are. It's complete bullshit.

                    The guy has a fucked up arm for life, and they wanted 700$ bucks for his service. Thanks Uncle Sam, for fucking me right in the ass. I'm suprised that guy has any positive attitude at all.


                    • #25
                      Re: unbelievable e.g. of beauracracy in the milita

                      [ QUOTE ]
                      yeah, why do we hafta be dipshits???

                      [/ QUOTE ]

                      Because, obviously, the only people qualified to discuss the war in Iraq or issues relating to the military, are actual military personnel. Everyone else is obviously clueless and not entitled to an opinion.

                      Sleep. The sound doesn't collapse to riffs of early eyes either.


                      • #26
                        Re: unbelievable e.g. of beauracracy in the milita

                        I was talking to the people that are dragging the war and George Bush into this with their stupid comments. I'm really tired of reading that crap. I don't care for the guy either but he's just a puppet. Put some thought into something before typing. Your rhetoric is really old and tired. You people would blame a rockslide in China on him, gice it a rest already.

                        My point is;
                        1. Combat gear is fucking expensive. You are required to keep track of your shit, it's no secret. You sign for it when it's issued to you. The policy has been in place for years and years and most likely will always be that way. It has nothing to do with the current war or George Bush or "Bush paying for his war" etc...

                        2. No you are not qualified to talk about this. You have no experience. You may hold what ever opinion you wish but the fact is you don't know what you're talking about. Would i dare talk to you about law MBreinin? no, you're a lawyer, I'm not therefore I should just shut the fuck up and let you do the talking.

                        Deneb, the guy drove a POS $200 Honda and had minimum coverage. That doesn't provide for personal losses, he was up the creek. As far as being a right wing propagandist you can eat the peanuts from my shit because you're dead wrong about me.

                        Everyone of you that took offense at my comment can stick it, NONE of you are innocent of making inflammatory remarks on this board! Had you not injected your garbage I would have said nothing at all.

                        BTW the guy has been reimbursed, justice prevails sometimes. End of story.
                        1+2 = McGuirk, 2+4 = She's hot, 6-4 = Happy McGuirk


                        • #27
                          Re: unbelievable e.g. of beauracracy in the milita

                          Sir yes sir Corporal Buttsaww!! [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]
                          "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)


                          • #28
                            Re: unbelievable e.g. of beauracracy in the milita

                            The military has rules and regulations for a reason. This is a case of someone not using their noggin and following the rules to the letter. He lacked critical thinking, which many in the military do, that's why they have rules for everything. If he had let the guy slide then he may have been in trouble.

                            What buzzsaww is trying to say is that unless you have been in the military you don't know how it works. Although this seems pretty shocking to a civilian I bet it didn't suprise anyone that has been in the armed forces. Buzzsaww just has a different way with words.


                            • #29
                              Re: unbelievable e.g. of beauracracy in the milita

                              Buzz, I wasn't saying you were a right wing propagandist. I don't believe I typed it either, if I did, sorry. I was saying about other people, anytime someone voices an opinion, someone has to shut them down.

                              I didn't really bash the administration either.

                              I did however comment about the combat gear.

                              Are the peanuts in your shit, honey roasted? If so, please send some. Yeah, I make fucked up comments all of the time, but I wasn't trying to start a fight with you. My stance was simply, if this guy gets the fuck blown out of him, and his gear is lost by his crew, how is he responsible? Someone who had a car burn up, is a little different.

                              I'm not a soldier, so maybe I shouldn't talk about it. I do however have a few friends in the military, that have served, or are going to serve in Iraq. I've got another friend that has done mulitple tours, around the globe. I've got a better understanding of the military, than most 'civilians' do. Hell, if I wasn't such a coward, I'd join up.


                              • #30
                                Re: unbelievable e.g. of beauracracy in the milita

                                I'm not pretending to have some deep knowledge of the military. However, I can surely comment on the war in Iraq and our President, even if the sarcasm sometimes goes undetected. I don't really think that Bush is paying for this war by charging soldiers for the privilege of getting injured and killed there...howefver, I know enough about what is going on there to form an opinion. My undergrad degree is in Political Science, and I am a pretty decent reader. [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

                                Sleep. The sound doesn't collapse to riffs of early eyes either.

