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Can anyone help me recover a gtr from my past?

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  • Can anyone help me recover a gtr from my past?

    hey guys.

    i know this might be the wrong post to put up in the wrong section, but i figured i'd give this a shot. it's taken me months to realize i need to get this thing back.

    its a long long shot, but i was wondering if anyone could possibly help me in search of one of my old guitars.

    for my 18th birthday and graduation from my parents, i received an ESP Eclipse Custom made for Michael Wilton (=like this=, but in blue sparkle, with a 3 piece maple neck. it had gibson pickups in it, with white bezels. it also had a small ding by the input jack.

    but i went through some tough stuff then, and against my better judgement, i let it go. and the store i sold it to in Massachusetts says it went to some ESP collector up there.

    its a long shot, i know you guys probably don't want to hear my ramblings, but if anyone hears anything, or could help in any way, i'd really appreciate it.

    i guess, in some small way, i'm trying to recover things that remind me of the last year or so, in a way. small tokens, per se'. and that guitar meant a lot to me, unfortunately, i didn't know any fuckin' better at the time...

    thanks for hearin' me out ya'll, i appreciate it. if anyone hears anything, please lemme know. i'll try my best to make it up to you/

  • #2
    Re: Can anyone help me recover a gtr from my past?

    What store in MA?


    • #3
      Re: Can anyone help me recover a gtr from my past?

      Maybe the JCF needs a "Lost and Found" section!
      Good luck in your search.
      My goal in life is to be the kind of asshole my wife thinks I am.


      • #4
        Re: Can anyone help me recover a gtr from my past?

        I am one of the better known ESP collectors I will keep an eye an ear out for it but I cant make any promises. Some of these ESP collectors are just plain weird if you ask me [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

        Edited to say your link dont work and was the guitar set neck or bolt on.


        • #5
          Re: Can anyone help me recover a gtr from my past?

          The guitar was definitely set-neck, and man, i loved the way that heel felt...

          and the store was PM Blues, and aww crap, its actually in Pawtucket, Rhoad island (if that helps any).

          here's a link again (but unlike his gold and silver ones, mine was Blue with chrome knobs),

          same configuration though, except i had the covered pickups and it *might* have said "custom" on the headstock instead of Eclipse, but i'm not too sure.

          Guys, your interest and help really really means a lot to me. I'm really grateful for anything you guys can do.

          i appreciate you guys, a Lot, [img]/images/graemlins/notworthy.gif[/img].

          and great idea on the Lost and Found section,


          • #6
            Re: Can anyone help me recover a gtr from my past?

            I surf the net alot for used gear, I'll keep an eye out.

            AK47, I got to see your ESP collection.


            • #7
              Re: Can anyone help me recover a gtr from my past?

              thanks guys, i appreciate it!

              yeah, i've seen a little of AK's collection on the ESP board, and it is Definitely a nice collection :headbangs:!


              • #8
                Re: Can anyone help me recover a gtr from my past?

                Good luck in your search!

                (Maybe you can butter up the store owner or manager and see if he'll give up the name of the buyer)
                "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)


                • #9
                  Re: Can anyone help me recover a gtr from my past?

                  are store owners allowed to do that?

                  (granted, i dunno why they wouldn't be).


                  • #10
                    Re: Can anyone help me recover a gtr from my past?

                    A handshake and a $50 bill go a long way!


                    • #11
                      Re: Can anyone help me recover a gtr from my past?

                      good advice razor! i wonder if that'll work...

                      but, even if i found the owner, how does one go about "coaxing" the guitar out of him/her?

                      just making a deal? do collectors get offended by stuff like that?

                      do any of you guys who recovered your old flames, how'd you do it?

                      sorry for the dumb questions, thanks a Lot for the help guys.

