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I Am Meth

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  • #16
    Re: I Am Meth

    I loved Meth..stay up for days...drink like a fish and NEVER get drunk....and get a bunch of shit done!!! Whoooo hoooo...But, then came the downside...sleep for days after, lie to people about things etc. But when I quit it, I quit. I was never addicted. I could hang around the same people and never do another line. That shit really kills a lot of people and if it doesn't do that, it ruins their life.. I was lucky.


    • #17
      Re: I Am Meth

      [ QUOTE ]
      I just remember writhing through the worst withdrawals of my life, not getting a wink of sleep for over 6 straight days, while I watched the Meth dudes snoring like babies, it was pretty frustrating.

      [/ QUOTE ]

      I loose quote from Salton Sea...

      You really got to respect a person that can go the distance with you. But once you wake up, you wouldn't cross the street to piss on their head if it was on fire.

      100% true.

      Insert annoying equipment list here....


      • #18
        Re: I Am Meth

        Years ago, I saw firsthand how quickly meth could tear people down. Certainly dissuaded me from trying it.


        • #19
          Re: I Am Meth

          It's called self medicating Sully and I know 100% where you are coming from. I self medicated for a long time and when that became hard to do I got on the government dope (antidepressants). Once I got laid off and could not afford that I came to the conclusion that I had to change my evironment as I could not change who I am. Stimulants were never my thing although I understand why people do them. I have a friend that got wrapped so tight in that stuff he lost it all. Houses wife, kids, material shit gone.


          • #20
            Re: I Am Meth

            I am too paranoid to ever become addicted to drugs. I was totally programmed by those BS movies they showed us in school..that never left my subconscious. Oh, I tried everything excpet for smack, at least once. But, nothing ever grabbed me because if it turned bad for me, it turned REALLY bad..full on freakout bad. That is why I won't do shit like Meth. I couldn't stand being awake for only 24 hours when we rolled or did acid. I tried Meth once, I think it was called Crank back fucking SUCKED for me. Coke, I can do. It is quick and dirty and a couple valium and you are off to slumberland.

            Cigarettes, on the other hand are a different beast completely. I can eat, shit, ANYTHING with a ciggie in my hand.

            I need to quit. I have done it before, but I am having a hard time now.

            Sleep. The sound doesn't collapse to riffs of early eyes either.


            • #21
              Re: I Am Meth

              It's kinda funny, I was just reading in the paper that the editor of the local liberal rag here just got fired for publishing a cover story "Meth Made Easy" Printing the recipe, costs, and specific how tos on how to make the shit. Caused quite a shitstorm here. This is one of those free papers that sits on the racks in front of every store you go to. They tried to defend it by saying you can learn it all on the internet. What doucebags, You can learn to make bombs, find child molesters, and lots of other stupid shit on the net too.
              And while it is alot harder to kick heroin you can do it and still live to be relatively old compared to a tweaker. Hell if you can get real heroin that hasn't been stepped on it doesn't really do any damage to your body unless you OD.

