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Anyone ever been faced with not playing guitar etc

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  • Anyone ever been faced with not playing guitar etc

    For the last few years I've been dealing with pain in my arms. The Docs. have told me I have carpel tunnel and repetitive use injuries in my elbows, as well as some as of yet undiagnosed pain and stiffness. Sometimes if feels like my wrists are wrapped tightly with rope. Other times the muscles in my arms hurt from my elbow down my arm to my fingers. My left elbow and hand hurt so much I can't pick up a cup of coffee.
    Anyway... Playing guitar is, needless to say, sometimes a painful experience, both physically and emotionally. It is hard to see my speed and accuracy diminishing and I can't always play what I want or like I want. I get about a hour or so and that's it for a few days.
    What I'm thinking of doing and may be forced to do is to sell off my guitars or give them to my brother. I sometime get so depressed that I think it may be easier to just get rid of everything. The pain is also made worse by playing so I'm sure I'm not helping myself by playing.
    So ....... I'm not trying to bring folks down it's just nice sometime so get stuff of your chest.
    Has anyone ever been faced with loosing their instruments? Some people are forced to sell stuff to have money or the have no space for equipment, or whatever.
    Please share any stories you may have.

  • #2
    Re: Anyone ever been faced with not playing guitar

    Yeah,I've had to do it...

    My ex was pregnant,we had a 3 year old,an 18 month old,and I was diagnosed with cancer.I was off work for a total of 11 months,and had to sell everything...

    86 Rhoads
    89 HM Strat
    88 Rhoads import
    Marshall Microstack
    Marshall half stack
    distortion,mxr stereo flanger,cry baby,eq,morley,stereo chorus,phaser,and all the power supplies.

    Kids with full bellies and clean diapers made it easy to sleep at night,though..It took me a long time to get back to close to what I lost,but I am content..

    My advice..Seek alternative therapies before throwing in the towel....
    Bon Jovi is like a frozen Coca Cola.. It's cool, it's crunchy, but when all is said and done it is still pop....


    • #3
      Re: Anyone ever been faced with not playing guitar etc

      I just went through it.I had a blood clot in my lungs that broke loose and I ended up having a stroke.I am still in rehab right now.I went 2 weeks terrified that I would'nt be able to make music again and the scared to touch a guitar for fear I could'nt play.I started playing guitar when I was 6 years old.Music has been a major part of my life and was terrified.One of the members of this board shared some insight with me and coached me for a couple of days and helped me get over my fear and now I play fine.I know this may sound a little lame to some of you,but you never know,I never thought it could happen to me.And I owe one of our JCF brothers ,I won't forget [img]/images/graemlins/notworthy.gif[/img]....Sorry for the long post...............
      Straightjacket Memories.Sedative Highs...........


      • #4
        Re: Anyone ever been faced with not playing guitar etc

        I've been as broke as possible, can't afford to eat, you name it, I've never sold off my "main" guitars. I'd sooner sell my car and give up my apartment. I have great fears of having something bad happen to my hands where I can't play at all. However, if the situation were unavoidable, which it sounds in your case that it is, I would find other ways to make music. I have a side project that I do completely with squencers and samples and stuff, so I just arrange the songs, I don't really have to "play" anything live. I know this isn't ideal, and I much prefer making music with my guitars and my band, but it IS a way to keep the creative spark alive and keep producing music in spite of your limitations. If you are interested, I have had good results with the program "Fruity Loops".

        I guess what I am saying is to maybe adapt your style to fit what you CAN do. Yes, it's depressing not being able to play your guitars, but all is not lost. And unless you REALLY need the money, don't sell your gear. Keep the dream alive.


        • #5
          Re: Anyone ever been faced with not playing guitar

          Yeah i had an unlce with the same problems a few years ago. he had the surgery for it. was out for a few months but is back at about 90% now. Don't give up too soon. look around more to see what else you could do.


          • #6
            Re: Anyone ever been faced with not playing guitar etc

            Yeah.... I was in the same situation as you. I had very acute C.T. I couldn't even play PERIOD. After 16 years of shredding, it just caught up with me.

            I sucked it up, got the operation and all went very well. I am playing more and better then I have ever played in the past and the strength and stamina and feeling is almost back to where it use to be.

            Now, I am not directing this strictly at you becuase this is about the 4th time I have seen someone on this forum talking about hand/arm/forearm problems. It is silly that people take risks with the one of the things that they cherish the most. Why is everyone so scared of the surgery? Stop living with the pain. You will immediately feel better afterwards and within a few months, you will be playing again. Don't sell your shit!!!!

            If it is a matter of not knowing what is going to happen, let me tell you exactly what will happen. You will go in for surgery. They will have to perform in two separate instances if you are having both hands done because it will disable you for about a week. They put you in twilight and 1 hour later it will be done. You will have a boxing glove worth of bandages on your hand for about 2 weeks and it will be painful (But, a good pain that you haven't felt in a long time) to use for a few weeks. During that time, use it as much as possible without stressing it out. Your therapy will consist of pusing the limits a little bit at a time. When I could, I started playing light XBox games to start stressing it out a little and then Driving, opening doors, eating, typing, flipping people off(California style first until your hand can handle a New York....) etc followed. About a 3 to 5 weeks later, you will be able to pick up your guitar again and start using it a little bit. I played the first song I ever learned. Iron man. Everyone was gone and I turned the shit up and it felt and sounded wonderful to acually hold a guitar again.

            Timeline :
            -Surgery. I was screwed 2 weeks. Movies, pain killers and bad food were my agenda for a while.
            -About a month later, a lot of strength was back and there was no pain at all.
            -About 2 months later, I began to be able to stretch again and do light intervals on guitar. This was the hard part because they cut the lateral muscle between the thumb and pinkey.
            -About 2 months after that, The small amount of numbness was gone from my "fuck you finger." and everything was wonderful again.

            I went through this twice. It was the best thing I have done besides investing in a house. If you are worried about downtime at work. I am a software engineer. I was out for 2 weeks each time.

            The worst pain I ever felt in my hand was my nephew rearing his head back HARD onto my hand(It was caught between the glass of the truck and my nephews head.) One day after surgery when my father picked me up to take me somewhere. He slammed my hand with his head. I did my best not to shout or anything else. I didn't want to freak the kid out. But, my father looked at me like someone just kicked me in the nuts as water just filled my eyes. When the car stopped, I jumped out of the car and took a quick walk. When I got back in the car, I told my father "Boy, I can feel my hand now =)"

            Insert annoying equipment list here....


            • #7
              Re: Anyone ever been faced with not playing guitar

              Before selling any gear, just pack it all up and put it out of sight. If there's a fair chance that you'll still be able to play, even in a diminished capacity, then you'd really regret selling anything later on. I sold all my gear simply because I thought I had lost interest. I've regretted that for some time now.


              • #8
                Re: Anyone ever been faced with not playing guitar etc

                Maaan, that is tough. I can tell you are real upset by this, understandably. I would be too!
                I totally agree with what stevieb said, look into some alternative therapies and explore your options with your doctor too.
                People have come back from worse injuries and still play, there is totally hope here, man! [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]
                I know it sounds lame, but keeping a positive outlook can really do wonders as well. Don't give up yet!
                I wish you all the best, I really do. [img]/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img]
                Let us know how you're doing!



                • #9
                  Re: Anyone ever been faced with not playing guitar etc

                  I broke/dislocated both my thumbs in a motorcycle accident when I was 18. Held onto the handlebars about a 1/2 second too long during an accident.
                  I can now put my left thumb (broke joint socket) in positions that would make most guitarists cringe. The right one (dislocated one) seems to have healed up nicely.
                  My left thumb still hurts after about 2 hours of playing.
                  I got used to it.
                  Now I'm 36 and they have surgicle procedures that can fix it with no ill side effects or risk of paralisys.
                  The point is, I still have my guitar from then.
                  Don't ever give up hope... it's only a matter of waiting for the right solution to present itself.
                  I still haven't had the procedure done yet, but it's nice to know I have the option now.
                  Talk to your doctor and explore your options.


                  • #10
                    Re: Anyone ever been faced with not playing guitar etc

                    It's nice to hear others have been through crap too....... well not nice..... but um well you know, nice to know you're not alone. [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]
                    I don't think I could bring myself to sell everything. I've got some nice stuff!!!! I think for my own good I may just pack everything up for a while.....or not [img]/images/graemlins/headbang.gif[/img]


                    • #11
                      Re: Anyone ever been faced with not playing guitar etc

                      That's the spirit. My wife has listened to me whine about my gone-forever Jacksons for too long to ever let that happen again.


                      • #12
                        Re: Anyone ever been faced with not playing guitar

                        Instead of just packing it away,use the time as a maintenance shutdown..That way when you are ready again,so is everything else.
                        Bon Jovi is like a frozen Coca Cola.. It's cool, it's crunchy, but when all is said and done it is still pop....


                        • #13
                          Re: Anyone ever been faced with not playing guitar

                          Different circumstances, but for the last year or so I've had a problem where the skin on the ends of my finger-tips dries out and cracks / splits. This hurts like hell and means that playing guitar (and even typing) can be very difficult at times - I've had weeks at a time when I can't play, and when I do pick up a guitar, my left hand calluses are history, so I have to use those rubber thimbles that bank clerks wear. Not great, but I've had treatment which has had a limited affect, and superglue helps a bit.....
                          Popular is not the same as good
                          Rare is not the same as valuable
                          Worth is what someone will pay, not what you want to get


                          • #14
                            Re: Anyone ever been faced with not playing guitar

                            neilli - try various hand lotions that promote healing rather than just lubrication. You might have to pay a bit more for the good stuff, but it's worth it. My fingers do the same thing in the winter - especially my pick-hand thumb right next to the edge of my nail - and it makes it very painful to hold a pick.

                            Also drink lots of fruit juice (all natural, not that Soda-Poppy fruit "Drink") and water.

                            Also wash your hands frequently, but beware of antibacterial soaps - some of those eat away the "good" bacteria, which leaves your skin dry and cracky.

                            Donovan - Sorry to hear about the C.T. I'm always afraid of losing my hands or use of them - without music, there's nothing left for me. I may never do it professionally like I want, but that doesn't mean I'm ok with never doing it again. I'd rather lose my pecker than not be able to play guitar.
                            As for surgery, if you DO go for it, make sure you get the best surgeon you can find - ask others who have had the surgery to see who had the best results.
                            There are butchers and there are skilled surgeons, but they both get the same medical degree and license. No sense in losing total use of your hands forever just to save a few bucks on a doctor, but most-expensive doesn't always mean greatest.
                            I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

                            The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

                            My Blog:


                            • #15
                              Re: Anyone ever been faced with not playing guitar

                              Matt - I've tried loads of over the counter lotions etc, and the best thing so far is a prescription 'embroilent' cream, which is OK, but it helps, rather than prevents.

                              I drink loads of water and fruit juice right now, and I don't ever put soap, shampoo, hair gel etc on my hands - I have a helpful wife [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] I've had alergy tests (all negative) and recently finished a course of UVA treatment which definitely helped, but I have a feeling they took me off that a little bit too early....

                              It's one of those things that while I know there are plenty of people in a far worse situation than myself, it's still difficult to stay positive about it when nothing seems to make it go away....
                              Popular is not the same as good
                              Rare is not the same as valuable
                              Worth is what someone will pay, not what you want to get

