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Bike Week, WTF!!!!

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  • #16
    Re: Bike Week, WTF!!!!

    Hello I am a grown-up dude who hasn't ridden in 24 years and I just got a big-ass Harley.

    I also don't want to be a statistic--- So I went to a 15 hour safety course (California CHP sponsered) on the worst weather weekend there was.10 hours of riding 5 of testing and studys. Then get tested on skills after all the riding. Learned a lot I never knew and it was well worth the cost. I would recommend to everybody. Got my motorcycle lincense last Thurday. Never had one years ago.
    I rode a bunch years ago but when my kids were born I sold everything and drove cars - now the kids are 24 & 21. Time to ride - I have a lot of friends and bros that ride -So Died - Ride Safe Don't Drink & Live Long... Cheers


    • #17
      Re: Bike Week, WTF!!!!

      Ridden on and off all my life. Still after my last lay off, I went and bought all new gear, body armor and all, and took my states MSF Intermediate course to brush up on my skills. Still with all that, I know I am just cutting the odds down. There are only two kinds of riders, those who have crashed and those who will. I have never crashed and like to think that I will be safe due to my continued vigilance, but some 'tard somewhere can end that streak real quick. I live by the mantra "I am the crumple zone" and ride like my life depends on it, cause it does.

      my ride......

      "Those who know what's best for us, must rise and save us from ourselves!"

