Just bought a guitar off Ebay, the seller is in Alabama, here is the email I just received:
"As was stated in the Ad Paypal is the only method of payment I accept. What is your shipping address and I will determine shipping costs since you apparently live in the UK."
Huh? I live in Warwick, RI....Rhode Island.....one of the original 13 states....
I hope I get this thing in one piece and the seller is just geographically challenged. Now that I think about it, when I was in the Army a few guys did ask me where Rhode Island was, even when I said next to Massachusetts, they were like "where is that", then I would say New England, again blank looks, wasn't until I said near New York or Maine that they would know where it was [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]
"As was stated in the Ad Paypal is the only method of payment I accept. What is your shipping address and I will determine shipping costs since you apparently live in the UK."
Huh? I live in Warwick, RI....Rhode Island.....one of the original 13 states....
