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Got a fine today...

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  • Got a fine today...

    Well, I decided I was going to take my friend shooting. Rather than go to the pay sportsmans club, I figured fuck it, we'll go to the public range.

    Well, I bought a new gun today too. I figured, why not? I picked up a Taurus PT 24/7 pro. One reason why, it came with two 17 round clips.


    Something I forgot, was you're not allowed to operate a pistol with more than 6 shots in it at a time. 17 is substantially more than 6.

    The game office waited until myself, my friend Ryan, and the friend I took out shooting for the 1st time, Nik all shot. Then he fined us all.

    This is where stupidity gets you man. It's like, we were using all of the safe rules of the range (paper targets, cleaned up our messes, no one was walking downwind whilst shooting. I mean, just normal safety rules.

    He said he noticed that we were observing all of the safety rules, so he would only site us one time each...but man, that sucks!

    I feel so fucking stupid. Granted, I'll plead guilty and pay my fine. I was wrong, and I won't be going back to that range (the sportsmans club I go to, you can shoot anything).

    man, shitty day.

    Oh, the gun shoots good.

  • #2
    Re: Got a fine today...

    I our town, we would have put a cap in his ass and split.
    No fines that way.

    (just kidding [img]/images/graemlins/nono.gif[/img] )


    • #3
      Re: Got a fine today...

      That sucks bro, but like you I am a very legal type of shooter and hunter, but we can sometimes overlook the simplest of things like the clip maximum. I alos belong to a sportsmans club, and we have a 3 burst minimum, but not a clip maximum, meaning, big clip, but not more than 3 shots allowed in 10 seconds or something, it is a judgement call really, but I either shoot single shot rifles or blackpowder muzzleloaders!! Jack.


      • #4
        Re: Got a fine today...

        Only 6 rounds at a time? What kind of horse shit is that?

        Sounds like a commie son of a bitch to just wait for a chance to take his little ticket book out and fuck with someone. Should have taken the fines, said thank you then kicked his fucking teeth in. Maybe then he won't be so quick to be a dick next time.
        Whataya Mean I Don't Support The System? I Go To Court When I Have To!


        • #5
          Re: Got a fine today...

          Wow, I have never heard of range rules like that, but then again I think I got into one of your threads one time where you had some oddball inspection rule on your car too.

          Is that kind of thing common? Are you in Ohio?

          Sometimes as stupid as things can be in Texas, at least they make sense. Of course now that I say that someone will point out a stupid texas law [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

          Now you say you got a fine, they have law officers at the range handing out tickets? How the hell do htey enforce it if it isn't a real cop?
          When you take a shower in space, you have to press the water onto your body to clean yourself, and then you gotta vacuum it off. - Ace Frehley


          • #6
            Re: Got a fine today...

            In PA the Game officers have more seizure rights than the State Police. Say you illegally shoot a deer. He can sieze ALL of the guns in your car, and the car.

            The guy isn't someone who just stands at the range. He monitors like so much of the game grounds. It just so happened he was in range to hear more shots. Decided to investigate. Then he fined us.

            We didn't get the citations there. He wrote the gun information down, got our names, and the citations are being mailed.

            The game wardens carry guns, tazers, radios, the whole deal. They basically are super state cops, and on game ground, don't fuck around.
            This guy was hidden in the woods, using binoculars to cite us. He also cited the other people at the other end of the range.

            The only reason I'm bothered by this is,

            why 6 shots? What is so damn wrong about unloading more rounds at a time, in an area MEANT FOR SHOOTING GUNS!

            The officer was doing his job, I can't blame him. The rule is just stupid though. I overlooked it, I'll pay the fine, but I won't be back there. The main reason I went to the public range was location. It's by this ice-cream/food place that I like to go, and I wanted to see if they were open. Fuck, I should have went to my place of membership had my guests with me, and shot whatever I wanted.

            There's drug dealers, rapists, thieves and shit like that, but I get cited, for shooting more than 6 rounds in a gun at a time. A gun I bought legally, passed the backround check for, and I've even got a concealed weapons permit. I practiced all of the safety rules, just not this stupid 6 shot one.

            Eh, I'm guilty, I'll pay. I just needed to vent.


            • #7
              Re: Got a fine today...

              Sorry to hear that man, it sucks. You can't really fight a ticket like that, but if you went to the judge and said you didn't realize the 6-shot rule existed, and cited your private club as a reason for not thinking it was an issue, you may get your fine reduced. I'd talk to someone in local law enforcement to see if that's practical or a waste of time.

              I know when I lived in Santa Monica, the gun range near my house would get real upset if you did ANY rapid firing - even if it was 3 or 4 rounds. Of course out there you can't even own a clip with over 10 rounds anymore.

              I hope you can at least get it knocked down; if not, kudos for taking it philosophically.
              Ron is the MAN!!!!


              • #8
                Re: Got a fine today...

                [ QUOTE ]
                In PA the Game officers have more seizure rights than the State Police. Say you illegally shoot a deer. He can sieze ALL of the guns in your car, and the car.

                [/ QUOTE ]

                eh, game wardens, park rangers, they can suck if you don't follow their rules & law to the letter..
                [img]/images/graemlins/tongue.gif[/img] about if I just 'tap' the deer into the ditch with a truck and strap it to the top?


                • #9
                  Re: Got a fine today...

                  [ QUOTE ]

                  The officer was doing his job, I can't blame him. The rule is just stupid though. I overlooked it, I'll pay the fine, but I won't be back there. The main reason I went to the public range was location. It's by this ice-cream/food place that I like to go, and I wanted to see if they were open. Fuck, I should have went to my place of membership had my guests with me, and shot whatever I wanted.

                  There's drug dealers, rapists, thieves and shit like that, but I get cited, for shooting more than 6 rounds in a gun at a time. A gun I bought legally, passed the backround check for, and I've even got a concealed weapons permit. I practiced all of the safety rules, just not this stupid 6 shot one.

                  Eh, I'm guilty, I'll pay. I just needed to vent.

                  [/ QUOTE ]

                  This is why I get so worked up over silly shit. Yeah, dude may have been doing his job, but these little badge wearing bastards have a brain in their heads, I assume, and they know the difference between an actual crime and just some overbearing bullshit that doesn't matter.

                  If you were being difficult with him I could understand it better, but that doesn't seem to be the case. And WFT was Ranger Smith doing in the woods anyway, looking for a reason to fuck with someone?

                  You are right there's criminals out there and the thing that pisses me off when I see a cop just sitting in parking lot filling out paperwork for an hour and a half because of something stupid like not coming to a complete stop at a stop sign I wonder what robbery or whose rape or murder may have been prevented had this asshole been worrying about shit that matters.
                  Whataya Mean I Don't Support The System? I Go To Court When I Have To!


                  • #10
                    Re: Got a fine today...

                    Bad news about the fine mate, Hopefully it wasnt too much and you can just put it down to experience. Will this go on your record?

                    [ QUOTE ]
                    I either shoot single shot rifles or blackpowder muzzleloaders!! Jack.

                    [/ QUOTE ]

                    A fan of loud noisy ones, eh? [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]
                    At the shooting club I go to one guy has a .50 black powder revolver. When he fired it and I had faulty ear defenders on (communal ear defenders [the muff type, the ear plug ones would just be nasty to share] at the club, mine were off range with my rifle) which I only just realised as I put them on just before he fired. The sheer sound actually stunned me and I lost my balance (from stood still, on straight legs). 2' flame out the end of the bloody thing too. I couldnt stop laughing.



                    • #11
                      Re: Got a fine today...

                      Nah, it's a summary offense. It will only be on file with that magistrate. The fine is from 75-220$ then court costs (you pay court costs weather or not you go.)

                      Something worth mentioning though is, the gun I bought is pretty sweet shit. For all the more it cost (just shy of 400$) came with the gun, two 17 round clips, and a carry case. I'm very pleased with it. It's comfortable in the hand. Doesn't feel all cheap like, strips down easy, and is relatively flat shooting.


                      • #12
                        Re: Got a fine today...

                        Deneb, where in PA do you live? I hunt alot of State Game Lands and deal with Game Officers quite a bit, never had a problem with them, but I do know their are some serious cowboy officers out there. Jack.


                        • #13
                          Re: Got a fine today...

                          I think the 6 shot rule and the rapid-fire rule is there so you don't disrupt the "shootists". You got to have rythum (sp) if you want to be in a shooter's "chorus line". [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]
                          I am a true ass set to this board.


                          • #14
                            Re: Got a fine today...

                            i thought we weren't supposed to feed vermin such as pidgeons. its like traffic wardens. it costs £60 to wipe the shit off your windscreen and a life sentence to wipe the pidgeon (the traffic warden) off. they're complete arseholes after a quick buck, and wehay, they're soon out shitting black and yellow plastic.
                            Fuck ebay, fuck paypal

                            "Finger on the trigger, back against the wall. Counting rounds and voices, not enough to kill them all" (Ihsahn).


                            • #15
                              Re: Got a fine today...

                              Back in the early 90's in Canada, after the halt of hand gun sales, you had to put your pistol in an approved, tamper proof case with an extra padlock if you even wanted to go to the range. The hand gun had to be placed in the trunk while en route. Then you had to phone the police and give them your departure and arrival times to the fish and game club, there and back. Plus you had to give the police your exact route. Don't even think about driving through for a Big Mac on the way home.

