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Got a fine today...

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  • #16
    Re: Got a fine today...

    Shooters World here in Phx has similar rules about rapid fire, but nothing about mag capacity.
    If it fits, you can use it. Three round burst is OK on the hand gun range, must be 5 seconds between bursts.
    You can do continuious(sp?) firing as long as there is 1 full second between shots.
    I've had my butt chewed once by the range officer for firing too fast.
    I was trying out a new 10mm and after the first round I decided to let loose.
    The thing only held 8 rounds, but apprently I scared some lady who was just learning to shoot.
    She was so scared that she dropped a loaded .38 on the range. Concrete floor... not good.
    I apologized to her, but man that was fun.


    • #17
      Re: Got a fine today...

      damn, I had to look up what you guys were talking about, since I didn't get what was fine with that day... [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]
      someone knows why you use the same word for almoust opposite things?

      but interessting story none the less.
      so this guy waited for all you three guys to fire a magazine to get all of you?!?
      so much bout safety rules.. if it was that dangerous he should have stopped you on the first run. [img]/images/graemlins/poke.gif[/img]
      tremstick give-away (performer series trem)


      • #18
        Re: Got a fine today...

        Micha, we weren't breaking any safety rules, just some stupid state game land range rule.

        He said it had to do with people using not normal targets (potatoes and shit) and ricochets (spelling, I'm sure Ron can correct it :P ) going and hitting fishermen.

        I guess the fact we were using paper targets, shooting properly, and using all of the safety rules didn't matter.

        RJ, I've actually heard of ranges having the rapid fire rule. This rule isn't like that. If you have 6 shots, you could unload them all in one second, it's just the shot rule.

        It varies range to range.

        You know what's even funnier though? I didn't shoot them fast. It was like, Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang. I would shoot, see where it hit the target, and try and correct.


