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T.O. stood on a star... now wears a star!

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  • #16
    Re: T.O. stood on a star... now wears a star!

    Hell!!! At least, the Raiders didn't sign him. Mr. Owens has put the "offense" in offense. Bets on how many games it will take for him to revert to his old nature? [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]
    I am a true ass set to this board.


    • #17
      Re: T.O. stood on a star... now wears a star!

      A slightly different take on TO: He has so severly damaged his reputation, that he actually WILL tow-the-line in Dallas. It's that, or lose the one thing that probably means more to him than his reflectoin in the mirror....A Paycheck! If he flames-out in Dallas, under a respected guy like Parcells, then his NFL career is OVER. You saw how 'humble'...well more like 'remorseful' he was once he realized that the Eagles were dead serious about booting him from the team....I think he realizes what side his bread is buttered on. Shut up and play, or risk losing everything..



      • #18
        Re: T.O. stood on a star... now wears a star!

        [ QUOTE ]
        [ QUOTE ]
        He's a cancer for any theam that takes him.

        [/ QUOTE ]

        Sorry, but I feel the need to correct you on this...

        Tyrell Owens is a cancer for the entire league no matter what team that takes him.

        [/ QUOTE ]

        I stand corrected [img]/images/graemlins/notworthy.gif[/img]


        • #19
          Re: T.O. stood on a star... now wears a star!

          Parcells will probably keep him in line (he was able to get productivity out of Me-Shawn, after all), but who the hell is going to throw the ball to him??? [img]/images/graemlins/scratchhead.gif[/img]

          The Cowboys are really hurting at QB, and a draft pick is (1) going to be low first round at best, and (2) not going to be ready to start for at least a year. I can't imagine the Cowboys have lots of cap space left to sign a decent QB. Imagine the snit that T.O. is going to put on the third or fourth time a pass to him is way off target.

          I'm a Redskins fan, so (to quote McDonald's) I'm lovin' it!!!


          • #20
            Re: T.O. stood on a star... now wears a star!

            [ QUOTE ]
            A slightly different take on TO: He has so severly damaged his reputation, that he actually WILL tow-the-line in Dallas. It's that, or lose the one thing that probably means more to him than his reflectoin in the mirror....A Paycheck! If he flames-out in Dallas, under a respected guy like Parcells, then his NFL career is OVER. You saw how 'humble'...well more like 'remorseful' he was once he realized that the Eagles were dead serious about booting him from the team....I think he realizes what side his bread is buttered on. Shut up and play, or risk losing everything..


            [/ QUOTE ]

            I don't think so, once a a$$hole, always an a$$hole, I'm sure he'll be a model player for a while, but when things don't go his way I am sure we will see his true nature. Despite what some people want to believe people do not change. [img]/images/graemlins/frown.gif[/img]
            I say the boy ain't right!


            • #21
              Re: T.O. stood on a star... now wears a star!

              Redskins over here too....I think this is great. All we have to do is sit back, watch it implode and laugh.


              • #22
                Re: T.O. stood on a star... now wears a star!

                [ QUOTE ]
                [ QUOTE ]
                A slightly different take on TO: He has so severly damaged his reputation, that he actually WILL tow-the-line in Dallas. It's that, or lose the one thing that probably means more to him than his reflectoin in the mirror....A Paycheck! If he flames-out in Dallas, under a respected guy like Parcells, then his NFL career is OVER. You saw how 'humble'...well more like 'remorseful' he was once he realized that the Eagles were dead serious about booting him from the team....I think he realizes what side his bread is buttered on. Shut up and play, or risk losing everything..


                [/ QUOTE ]

                I don't think so, once a a$$hole, always an a$$hole, I'm sure he'll be a model player for a while, but when things don't go his way I am sure we will see his true nature. Despite what some people want to believe people do not change. [img]/images/graemlins/frown.gif[/img]

                [/ QUOTE ]

                Exactly Terril Owens hasn't learned a damn thing. I don't know that as a human being that he is a bad person so to speak but his professional selfishness and public image hasn't changed and quite simply it won't. You can argue that he has been made this by the business and that really is true. Actually HE is the epitome of all that is wrong with professinal sports.
                I keep the bible in a pool of blood
                So that none of its lies can affect me


                • #23
                  Re: T.O. stood on a star... now wears a star!

                  [ QUOTE ]
                  [ QUOTE ]
                  [ QUOTE ]
                  A slightly different take on TO: He has so severly damaged his reputation, that he actually WILL tow-the-line in Dallas. It's that, or lose the one thing that probably means more to him than his reflectoin in the mirror....A Paycheck! If he flames-out in Dallas, under a respected guy like Parcells, then his NFL career is OVER. You saw how 'humble'...well more like 'remorseful' he was once he realized that the Eagles were dead serious about booting him from the team....I think he realizes what side his bread is buttered on. Shut up and play, or risk losing everything..


                  [/ QUOTE ]

                  I don't think so, once a a$$hole, always an a$$hole, I'm sure he'll be a model player for a while, but when things don't go his way I am sure we will see his true nature. Despite what some people want to believe people do not change. [img]/images/graemlins/frown.gif[/img]

                  [/ QUOTE ]

                  Exactly Terril Owens hasn't learned a damn thing. I don't know that as a human being that he is a bad person so to speak but his professional selfishness and public image hasn't changed and quite simply it won't. You can argue that he has been made this by the business and that really is true. Actually HE is the epitome of all that is wrong with professinal sports.

                  [/ QUOTE ]

                  Occupy JCF


                  • #24
                    Re: T.O. stood on a star... now wears a star!

                    Good points. Could you imagine where he would be without the NFL though? Is he that stupid that he would let his ego destroy his money-making potential? I don't know... You are right in that it does not appear that he has changed at all. Logically, it just doesn't seem like a smart move on his part to continue his BS. Everything we do in life has consequences...But I guess there goes your point. The NFL(and sports in general) has indeed bred this type of 'me first' behavior. That's not to say TO did make his own bed. In the end, we're all responsible as individuals for what we do...

                    Maybe that's the Cowboy fan in me doing some wishfull thinking...



                    • #25
                      Re: T.O. stood on a star... now wears a star!

                      TO needs to grow the fuck up and act like an adult and not a spoiled little brat. I could give a rats ass what kind of talent he has.



                      • #26
                        Re: T.O. stood on a star... now wears a star!

                        [ QUOTE ]
                        Good points. Could you imagine where he would be without the NFL though? Is he that stupid that he would let his ego destroy his money-making potential? I don't know... You are right in that it does not appear that he has changed at all. Logically, it just doesn't seem like a smart move on his part to continue his BS. Everything we do in life has consequences...But I guess there goes your point. The NFL(and sports in general) has indeed bred this type of 'me first' behavior. That's not to say TO did make his own bed. In the end, we're all responsible as individuals for what we do...

                        Maybe that's the Cowboy fan in me doing some wishfull thinking...


                        [/ QUOTE ]

                        No he won't learn he has his money. He isn't a team player. This isn't Boobie Miles he isn't going to be crying in his uncles car because well he has already made millions. Sure he could have more but I believe TO cares more about being a spectacle now than he does about coin. He is this way because of the system. He solely isn't wrong in this... infact I blame the cowboys front and center right now more than I do TO. I blame ESPN for the fact they were covering him at his house. I blame the greedy owners.
                        I keep the bible in a pool of blood
                        So that none of its lies can affect me


                        • #27
                          Re: T.O. stood on a star... now wears a star!

                          I would disagree. Terrell Owens does care about the money or else he would probably still be sitting on the Eagles bench. Problems started with the Eagles because he wanted a restructured contract with more money, hence fake groin injuries.

                          I would say that Terrell will stay out of trouble this year and hope that the Cowboys keep him on the roster or that someone else will sign him. Lets face it guys he in not getting any younger. Three stikes and he will be out. Nobody wants to give extended contracts to an old receiver with an attitude. It will definately be interesting to see what happens.

                          As a Cowboys fan, (and in my fantasy world) I would have loved to have seen what could have been the best recieving unit in football. Owens, Johnson, Glenn, and Whitten. I guess 3 out of 4 ain't bad if they can all just get along.

                          Still there I agree that the cowboys have to plug a few holes in their offensive and defensive lines.
                          Damn, I love this Interweb.


                          • #28
                            Re: T.O. stood on a star... now wears a star!

                            I really don't believe it is about the money... The money is a tool TO used in Philly to make more fanfare. He is about the attention plain and simple well that is how I view him. He has fine skills but you will be cursing by seasons end. I will lay down money on the fact that he doesn't play out his 3 year contract in Dallas. You'll get a good ½ season out of him though.
                            I keep the bible in a pool of blood
                            So that none of its lies can affect me

