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Our bros in Australia....Hope you're all ok!

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  • Our bros in Australia....Hope you're all ok!

    Hey...all our bros from Australia chime in here!
    Biggest typhoon to hit the country slams the northwest coast leveling entire towns, and taking out Banana and Sugar cane crops.

    Hope you're all ok! This is the Queensland I correct?

  • #2
    Re: Our bros in Australia....Hope you\'re all ok!

    Wow, just read about this. Crazy shit. I thought nothing bad ever happened down under (weatherwise anyway). Hope you guys are all okay!
    Sleep!!, That's where I'm a viking!!


    • #3
      Re: Our bros in Australia....Hope you\'re all ok!

      It was the northeast coast of Queensland. My wifes parents live there and luckily none of their property was damaged. We just got back from visiting them 2 weeks ago. Most people evacuated so there were no fatalities but a lot of homes and crops were destroyed. Even the Great Barrier Reef was damaged.


      • #4
        Re: Our bros in Australia....Hope you\'re all ok!

        Holy crap. Thankfully, they heeded the warnings.
        Be without fear in the face of your enemies. Be brave and upright, that God may love thee. Speak the truth always, even if it leads to your death. Safeguard the helpless and do no wrong.


        • #5
          Re: Our bros in Australia....Hope you\'re all ok!

          hardy fellows that lot down under,i expect there still necking the golden throat charmers and putting another burger on the grill if they run out of beer they might notice the wind getting a lil peaky


          • #6
            Re: Our bros in Australia....Hope you\'re all ok!

            thanks all for your concerns. I'm in the southeast corner of Queensland, and we didn't see any of the storm down here.

            Looks like there were no fatalities, which is great news. My stepmother has a lot of family from Cairns up to the Torres Strait, haven't heard anything from them yet. But no news is good news.
            Hail yesterday

