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Hey strangers...

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  • Hey strangers...

    Back from the mini-tour. Had a great time, but now I got a ton of catching up to do! [img]/images/graemlins/toast.gif[/img]

  • #2
    Re: Hey strangers...

    strangers in the night
    both on seperate flights
    strangers in the night
    going nowhere.....



    • #3
      Re: Hey strangers...

      Hi Rob, what have you been up to, my friend? Mini-tour eh? With your Rhoads?
      Don't worry if you don't remember me - i've been offline over a year [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]
      AUDIOZONE.DK - a guitar site for the Jackson and Charvel fan


      • #4
        Re: Hey strangers...

        Hello and welcome HOME..How was the tour??
        Bon Jovi is like a frozen Coca Cola.. It's cool, it's crunchy, but when all is said and done it is still pop....


        • #5
          Re: Hey strangers...

          [ QUOTE ]
          strangers in the night
          both on seperate flights
          strangers in the night
          going nowhere.....


          [/ QUOTE ]

          [ QUOTE ]
          Hi Rob, what have you been up to, my friend? Mini-tour eh? With your Rhoads?
          Don't worry if you don't remember me - i've been offline over a year [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

          [/ QUOTE ]

          Of course I remember you Henrik! Yeah, just a 10 day mini-tour around the West coast area plus a little bit inwards. Hit more obscure venues / areas and skipped the big cities (LA, San Francisco). I used my black KV1 since that has 24 frets and I need it for one solo that I didn't write. The other band we toured with used the same tunings so we just shared guitars (as well as the rest of our gear too).

          [ QUOTE ]
          Hello and welcome HOME..How was the tour??

          [/ QUOTE ]

          It was a successful tour in the sense that nobody wanted to kill each other when we were done and we spent the majority of the time cracking jokes and just having a generally good time. 11 people in a 13 passenger van is fairly packed and everyone kept their cool. We originally were going to have 12 people but one person bailed at the venue in Portland, which was frustrating.

          In terms of turnouts (and getting paid) it was mixed. 3 of the 9 stops had poor turnouts, they were weeknight shows and we weren't expecting much (interestingly enough, they were all California gigs). One ended up being great because the people that were there were there for music and we ended up heading over to the local bands' house and partying / crashing there with them. The other two suffered from really poor promotion. One basically involved the promoter fucking us over (sent him flyers, he never put them out, never promoted the show and put 3 fucking terrible zero-draw bands... I'm very laid back when it comes to bands but if your band seriously cannot complete a song without everyone playing completely different parts at once then you need to practice more. To make matters worse, the promoter as well as all the opening bands left before we even started playing), and the other just being in a bad location (from what I understand) and poor promotion. Vegas, Utah, and Idaho were our best turnouts and we ended the show on a very high note with great performances by all bands around.

          That was my first tour and it was definitely a learning experience. I really feel that playing almost every night for 10 days straight will help us out in the long run.


          • #6
            Re: Hey strangers...

            Eleven people in a 13 passenger van,boy if that isn't a commercial for personal hygene products in the works,I don't know what is.

            Thankfully it was an overall positive experience and did not sour you(as a band)out of doing it again.And it is amazing what a stress relief humor can be.

            At least the one that bailed left early enough to not interupt any routine,and the blanks were able to be filled easily.

            Now,grab the lady,whisk her to the softest surface you can find,wrap your arms around her and let her know you missed her...
            Bon Jovi is like a frozen Coca Cola.. It's cool, it's crunchy, but when all is said and done it is still pop....

