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Saturday Night...

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  • Saturday Night...

    Who's drunk as shit?

    Errm..Well, it's Sunday morning to be technical, but still..Who's shit faced with me?
    Whataya Mean I Don't Support The System? I Go To Court When I Have To!

  • #2
    Dunno if hungover as hell counts but if so I am with ya


    • #3
      Looks like we're the only drinkers around here.
      Whataya Mean I Don't Support The System? I Go To Court When I Have To!


      • #4
        Um...I am at it again!! mmmmmm BEER....just got a hold of the first batch of Sam Summer


        • #5
          It wasn't until this morning that I realized how much I drank last night. If you're also a beer lover, check out, it's a great resource.


          • #6
            I do love beer. I can't drink the cheap shit though. It must have good flavor.

            I brew my own sometimes. Nothing like some good fresh home brew! I may just start a new batch so it will be ready by June or July.
            Whataya Mean I Don't Support The System? I Go To Court When I Have To!


            • #7
              Monday night, 9:15pm in Japan. I had a swig of bourbon washed down with coke. Does it count? I have way too many ceremonies and orientation meetings with 1st year students in the morning to get hammered.


              • #8
                Monday morning out here in southern cal, and i'm still floating. And will continue to float through the rest of the day. I don't look at or use a computer on the weekends. I waste enough time during the week with it.
                I'm not floating on beer though- "wink icon here"
                Not helping the situation since 1965!

