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Ok, I must have been living under a rock

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  • Ok, I must have been living under a rock

    After watching Sopranos I happen to hear a priest in there mention that his belief is that the earth is only 6000 years old. HUH ??? He got that from the bible. Now, I have heard the debate about how if you believe that there is life on other planets other than earth you must not believe in god but after doing some Google searches apparently there are a lot of people who only actually believe the earth is only 6K years old.

    Now I can respect those who wish to strictly adhere to the bible as the way everything happened, and I myself am a God fearing Christian, but there is no way I can believe the earth is only 6 thousand years old. I mean all you have to do is look at the Grand Canyon and that is proof of hundreds of thousands of years of errosion. They also claim dinosaurs lived side-by-side with man. It's pretty simple math to figure out that it takes a lot more than 6K years for a rock to form around a fossile.


  • #2
    Shhh, you'll scare the evangelists.

    But yes, there are people who believe this. Someone I talk to remembered a story where he was sitting in a restaurant and some guy at another table was bitching to his friend how he couldnt find a church conservative for enough for him, because he believed the world was only a few thousand years old and all that.


    • #3
      I saw the same episode tonight. Whats strange is, Ive never heard the 6k year old claim, and I went to Catholic school for 8 years! So you learn something new every day... do I believe it? Along with all the other religious bullshit, hell no. Ill take common sense for 500 Alex!
      Imagine, being able to be magically whisked away to... Delaware. Hi... Im in... Delaware...


      • #4
        Oops, I forgot I was logged in under the second account I created because the board was acting funny for me. Sorry for the confusion folks.

        Matt (The artist formerly known as Matt-OSG)


        • #5
          Originally posted by RobRR
          I saw the same episode tonight. Whats strange is, Ive never heard the 6k year old claim, and I went to Catholic school for 8 years! So you learn something new every day... do I believe it? Along with all the other religious bullshit, hell no. Ill take common sense for 500 Alex!
          That's the one. We missed it last Sunday and didn't get around to watching it till tonight. I went to Google and did "Earth is only 6000 years old" and found a bunch of forums arguing the debate and the people who are arguing for the 6000 years seem to be grasping at straws.

          It reminds me of the poor people quite a few years ago ( I think they were Chinese ??) that thought the end of the world was going to happen because thier religion told them it would on a certain date. They sold all thier worldly possessions and the whole nine yards only to have a very revealing wake-up call the next morning.



          • #6
   it's not that unbelievable....


            • #7
              Originally posted by Matt-OSG

              Now I can respect those who wish to strictly adhere to the bible as the way everything happened, and I myself am a God fearing Christian, but there is no way I can believe the earth is only 6 thousand years old. I mean all you have to do is look at the Grand Canyon and that is proof of hundreds of thousands of years of errosion. They also claim dinosaurs lived side-by-side with man. It's pretty simple math to figure out that it takes a lot more than 6K years for a rock to form around a fossile.

              Wow, that's a new one for me, and I've had these type of conversations before. Eh...I don't think it's possible at all, but that's just me. And on that note I'll be going


              • #8
                Originally posted by OnlineStageGear

                It reminds me of the poor people quite a few years ago ( I think they were Chinese ??) that thought the end of the world was going to happen because thier religion told them it would on a certain date. They sold all thier worldly possessions and the whole nine yards only to have a very revealing wake-up call the next morning.

                Oh man, that sucks. Oh crap, I wanna participate in this, I won't do it, damnit I won't! It's got it's good and bad though, and I've been scarred with this stuff horribly, so I can't put my own opinions in here because I'd like people to still talk to me once in awhile afterwards Eh...I guess like everything else in life, "shit happens", or dosen't happen, whichever works


                • #9
                  Originally posted by wulfe13
                  I stumbled across a few of those pages in my searches tonight. They would "Almost" have a legitimate arguement if it weren't for the simple fact that they blindly ignore facts that are right infront of thier face and opt out for what was written in the bible.

                  All you have to do is go to Arizona and go to a rock quary and pop open a rock that clearly could not have been formed in only 6000 years and right dead center of the rocks are Trylobytes, the oldest known fossiles over 300 million years old. It takes 10's of thousands of years for rocks to form from dirt.

                  They also clearly ignore the fact that you can usually date the layers in a cliffside. It's pretty simple math. The different seasons have different effects on deposits. There is just way way way too many facts that the earth is much older than 6 thousand years old.

                  I can and do respect someone's Religion, but saying the earth is only 6 thousand years old is taking it a bit too far in my opinion.

                  Last edited by OnlineStageGear; 04-08-2006, 12:45 AM.


                  • #10
                    Personally I believe most people take most things too far, especially where religion is concerned.

                    I have a hard time taking anything from the bible as fact. Simply because it was written by man and rewritten many times over the past 1700 years or so.

                    I ask people who wrote the bible. Some same say Jesus and some say God and others say the disciples. It was written more than 300 years after the death of Jesus... Assuming he did in fact die from the Crucifixion. The bible is only Gospels according to. In other words it's stories based on 300 years of being told from one person to another before the bible was ever written.

                    Christianity is full of contradictions and hypocrisy. They say follow the 10 commandments to the letter and don't break them or go to hell. Then turn and say you can run around raping, robbing and killing people and generally be a piece of shit and ask for forgiveness on your death bed and be accepted into heaven with all the good people who did follow it to the letter... That makes no sense to me!

                    I'm a product of 2 religions, both Christian, but both very different and of course both sides believe they are right.

                    I don't take the bible too seriously for a few reasons. One being that it is man made. Man will tell you anything he or she has to in order to get what they want from you. Plus, hardlined Christians obviously don't believe it all that much since they allowed it to be edited because referring to "man" offends the feminists and the whole gay is a sin thing offends homosexuals and now allow gay preachers and ministers.

                    This is a true story and very sad I think. Back in the 90's I worked at a Mall and there was this girl that worked in at least 2 of the stores. She was ALWAYS there working from open til close 7 days a week. I just thought she had money problems and needed the work.

                    She came in one day crying her eyes out. Her church told her she needed to give more money or she'd go to hell... Yes, they told her she'd go to hell!! To make a long story short, they were raising money to buy the preacher a new Cadillac!

                    That was sweet and Christian of them wasn't it?

                    Another problem I have with Christianity is the fact that MOST Christians are just not very good at it...

                    An old friend of mine, married and 2 kids, is at church every Sunday even teaches a Sunday school class sometimes. That asshole will lie and fuck someone over in a heartbeat. A liar and greedy. Very money hungry...

                    As far as the Earth being 6000 years old... Never heard that one before, but sounds like an evolution debate topic... And what about evolution? I don't know if I can get onboard with that whole thing either. I mean, if man evolved from apes, why are there still apes?!?
                    Whataya Mean I Don't Support The System? I Go To Court When I Have To!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by St.James
                      They say follow the 10 commandments to the letter and don't break them or go to hell.
                      Where does it say that exactly?
                      "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by RacerX
                        Where does it say that exactly?
                        I said "they say" not IT says... I actually know very little about what the bible says specifically. I'm more interested in religious history than the religion itself. Far more interesting I think.

                        Of my entire post that's what you pick out?
                        Whataya Mean I Don't Support The System? I Go To Court When I Have To!


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by St.James
                          I have a hard time taking anything from the bible as fact. Simply because it was written by man and rewritten many times over the past 1700 years or so.

                          I ask people who wrote the bible. Some same say Jesus and some say God and others say the disciples. It was written more than 300 years after the death of Jesus... Assuming he did in fact die from the Crucifixion. The bible is only Gospels according to. In other words it's stories based on 300 years of being told from one person to another before the bible was ever written.
                          also a very important fact is that normal people coldn't read bible at all, only priests did that. Bible wasn't allowed for non-church "workers". The priests read out it to the people. That means they could come up with random shit and say it to the people who came to the church to listen them.

                          The first time when normal folks could read the bible themselves was in the 17-18 century when Netherland's/Holland's Calvinists (Lutherians) started to translate bible for their people and for the foreign people who were in the Asia and in Amarica, the places where the Netherland's colonys were.
                          Last edited by Endrik; 04-08-2006, 05:54 AM.
                          "There is nothing more fearful than imagination without taste" - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

                          "To be stupid, selfish and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost" - Gustave Flaubert


                          • #14
                            havnt read the bible since i was forced to read it at school many years ago.Seems that Judas is in the news recently with the other side of the story

                            As for the 6 thousand year thing-each to their own-most dont believe it but i expect its harmless for others to do so?some pyramids in egypt may very well be a lot older than that figure alone so that sugests otherwise(weather damage sugests a tropical climate around the time of the building to that of the amazon )


                            • #15
                              Devil's advocate here - how do you know it wasn't all created to just look like it's older than 6000yrs? I'm waiting for them to find a fossilised dinosaur wearing a Rolex planted as a joke. See Hitch Hiker's Guide or Terry Pratchett's "Strata" (I think).
                              Wal - Good from far, but far from good

