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  • Wow...

    DALLAS - A $69.7 million compensation package and $98 million pension payout to Exxon Mobil Corp.'s former chief executive and chairman Lee R. Raymond has some shareholders and economists asking, "how much is enough?"

    Dude, that much money can support a small 3rd world country for awhile I dunno, I'm all for people making a lotta money, but that's an insane amount of money right there...

    - Irf -

    Came across the link on another forum, thought it might make an interesting conversation...

  • #2
    Gee I wonder why gas is freakin almost 3 bucks a gallon!! They should all be SHOT!


    • #3
      The Middleast is not a excuse either with that kind of payout...


      • #4
        Right on man, last year during the whole mid east gas prices thing the oil companies had their most profitable year. I hate it. Gas prices make everything go up and it sucks, these companies are screwing us and it sucks.


        • #5
          Yes, we are getting screwed by the current administration and their "big oil" buddies.

          I have to laugh when people say things like "supply and demand"... "China is using more oil, depleting the current supply, forcing prices up"... "It is a limited resource, so the high prices is a way of controlling consumption", blah, blah, blah. I can't believe people are buying that crap. We are getting ripped off, plain and simple. The huge profits the oil companies are making is proof of that.

          Oh yeah, Haliburton won the main rebuilding contract in the hurricane ravaged areas fair and square, and is the largest civilian contractor in Iraq fairly as well.


          • #6
            Watch Sryiana and get a feeling for these money grabbing asseholes who pull the strings of our so called world leaders.There scum,simple as that and if there is an afterlife i hope they get slapped silly by every human being they have stampled over to make a quick buck


            • #7
              Nice thread title
              "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)


              • #8
                Its fucken bullshit... I know of a CEO that gets 60 million at the end of each year from making numbers. Also, it kinda sucks when you look at the 100's of millions of dollers worth of stock being sold by the upper level of management. Meanwhile. you have them making decisions about how many people to lay off and how many people to hire in India. They can fuck off and then rot in hell.

                Insert annoying equipment list here....


                • #9
                  Put "The Corporation" on your NetFlix queue.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by SeventhSon
                    Put "The Corporation" on your NetFlix queue.
                    "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)


                    • #11
                      Its a friggin crime, The high fuel costs are really killin the small business owners, and people like me small time farmers and ranchers, diesel is over 3 bucks right now, even the "off road" diesel (no road tax) is over 2.50, A large tractor will flat use some fuel, and because chemical fertilizer (ammonia nitrate) is made with natural gas it has doubled in price in the last year. all in all this pretty much takes the profit margin right out of the equation
                      I say the boy ain't right!

