...without luck might I add. Its 3am and Im done for the night. I finally decided to put all of these parts Ive got laying around to use. The project:
-Blue flame top dinky H/H body
-Jackson Pro 24 fret bound neck rosewood/MOP (the one I scored off eBay not too long ago)
-Black hardware
Seems simple... NOT. I swear, Ive never had such a problem putting a guitar together. First, beings that the neck is early 90's, it uses the larger neck screws. I have 'em, but they were all the same length and too long, no problem, I cut em down. Then I had to drill out the screw holes in the body so the bigger neck screws wouldnt bind up... While out in the workshop, I put the body down onto the grinder I used to cut the screws... nice new scratch in a previously PERFECT body. Luckily itll buff out with a little wetsanding.
Get the neck bolted up, and realize I dont have any black knobs, curved football jack, or 3 way switch hardware. No prob, Ill pick some up tomorrow. Install the tuners, and go to install the nut. Wouldnt ya know it, the nut is off center by 2mm. WTF? Try another nut, now its only off by 1mm, but its still too much. Tried a chrome MIG R2 nut I had, but doh, its not an R2 neck.
So either the neck isnt drilled right, or it was drilled with a real MIG nut and not these import knock-off nuts I have.
So yeah, I finally get ambitious and decide to do something, but end up getting nowhere and wasting a couple hours. w00t.
-Blue flame top dinky H/H body
-Jackson Pro 24 fret bound neck rosewood/MOP (the one I scored off eBay not too long ago)
-Black hardware
Seems simple... NOT. I swear, Ive never had such a problem putting a guitar together. First, beings that the neck is early 90's, it uses the larger neck screws. I have 'em, but they were all the same length and too long, no problem, I cut em down. Then I had to drill out the screw holes in the body so the bigger neck screws wouldnt bind up... While out in the workshop, I put the body down onto the grinder I used to cut the screws... nice new scratch in a previously PERFECT body. Luckily itll buff out with a little wetsanding.
Get the neck bolted up, and realize I dont have any black knobs, curved football jack, or 3 way switch hardware. No prob, Ill pick some up tomorrow. Install the tuners, and go to install the nut. Wouldnt ya know it, the nut is off center by 2mm. WTF? Try another nut, now its only off by 1mm, but its still too much. Tried a chrome MIG R2 nut I had, but doh, its not an R2 neck.
So either the neck isnt drilled right, or it was drilled with a real MIG nut and not these import knock-off nuts I have.
So yeah, I finally get ambitious and decide to do something, but end up getting nowhere and wasting a couple hours. w00t.