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Not bad Tommy. I just paid 2.97 a gallon the other day.
Be without fear in the face of your enemies. Be brave and upright, that God may love thee. Speak the truth always, even if it leads to your death. Safeguard the helpless and do no wrong.
Such becuase the vehicles we have are a 78 Impala with a 305,
and a 85 Camaro with a 305. Obviously the camaro does better.
Been drivin the Impala, since the camaro needs a flexplate.
My g/f sometimes has training in Cobblesville, which is around 100 miles roudn trip.. sometimes I let her use the car and uses almost a half tank!
You guys remember Enron?
Where do you think all the unemployed electricity speculators went?
They went to speculate on Gas.
Ridiculous electricity prices from speculators = ridiculous gas prices because of speculators.
I agree with that completely. I am not an economist but it certainly seems there are those in this administration that feel if the oil market is doing well.. so is the economy... or so it appears.
Once again we are at this tug of war with the middle east much like the 70's and to me.. our diplomacy of pissing off the countries off who supply our oil isn't going to help the worker who commutes 40 miles to work each way like myself. My company is laying off due to restructuring and large new investments into more efficient machines... I am wondering if I will even see a raise this year...let alone keep my job when the bird Flu pandemic hits. This is nothing .. things are going to get alot worse.. not a question of if.. just when.
Time to fix it up my Toyota MR2 and bring it out of storage at least it'll get me a little more for the gallon than my huge 4 door Concorde.
If I could afford a hybrid investment.. I would and I may just take the plunge anyways inspite of the doom lingering on the horizon.
It broke 3.09 here for cheap octane ..the cheapest was 2.87 right down the street...and it's not even in the 70's yet..It's a beautiful day but still crisp in the 60's..
This is really gonna suck this Summer for anyone into cruising..
I wonder how far they can push us until we just say fuggit..I think they're wondering the same thing.
"Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!
"Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.
"I wonder how far they can push us until we just say fuggit..I think they're wondering the same thing."
well, there was some test on TV where they raised the gas prices on one station just to check how much the driver would pay. i can't recall the exact figures right now, but iirc they were still buying gas when the prices were well above 3 euro per liter which is about 13$ per gallon. go figure....
well they have us all by the shorties really..people need to drive..kids gotta go to school, we gotta buy food..
The BMV can charge you 500 dollars for a license plate sticker..either buy the sticker or don't drive..
they're fuggin' us at every angle and hole lately..heat, utilities, medical bills, taxes, gas, food, insurance, script meds, you name it...."we" all NEED these things,,
ahhhhhhh FUGGUM!!!
"Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!
"Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.
Yeah but we are spoiled as Americans..and that's a good thing ..I liked having it easy for the most part..apparently alot of the immigrants do too ..that's why they come here in droves from all over the globe..
you don't miss what you never had..we had it pretty good for a long long time..now we don't..and we miss that..
So we earned the right to bitch.. not that it does any good other that the sake of venting..but we fought long and hard to stay the land of oppurtunity..just ask any Mexican or Cuban hopping the border or floating on a innertube..they're not sneaking into Mexico..they are coming here to peck the bones of our own deprived.
Kill ALL repeat violent criminals and illegal immigrants that come here to exploit, pull out our troops and make a sandbox of the entire middle east, TAKE that oil, seal up all our borders for the time being, Take away all welfare unless absolutely necessary, temporarily stertlize all woman until they proove they're finacially able to raise a child instead of continuing the cycle of human pollution, all men that produce more than two bastards should be immediately castrated and don't send a single penny to Bono or Africa.. or any other ingrateful, clueless third world shithole..until we can take care of our own..
We are a super power?..I'm not sold...we are a super sucker buying into everyone elses' drama!
so sayeth Z bub..
I totally agree with this statement to the letter. I have felt this way for a while now. It`s time to play serious hardball all around Jack.
I totally agree with this statement to the letter. I have felt this way for a while now. It`s time to play serious hardball all around Jack.
Slayer dude, You know how many people actually and truly feel this way...pretty much most people..they're just too nervous and scared to say so..pussys!
"Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!
"Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.
I take the train and bus everywhere. No reason for me to kill money on insurance and gas when we have an excellent public transportation system here. But taking my Rhoads or Explorer on a packed train is a BITCH!
They have us and theres not a thing one we can do about it.
We could car pool, run less errands, no vacations, contact our reprersenatives and complain, persuasion through the power of a vote, and etc. It doesn't matter, they will continue to play with the price over and over again. Get used to it, high prices are here to stay most of the summer. IMO we'll be lucky to see $2.40-$2.50 again even after summers over. It never goes back as low as it was before once they raise it.
Yes, it sucks and yes we are the victims of the price increases.
You realize, thats easily half if not 3/4's a workings man pay check to fuel up his vehicle. So the philosophy, spending stimulates the economy just got shot in the head. Not much left to spend with after fueling up the vehicle/s.
Peace, Love and Happieness and all that stuff...
"Anyone who tries to fling crap my way better have a really good crap flinger."
I personally do not care how it was built as long as it is a good playing/sounding instrument.
This is absolutely pure supply and demand, it's not the oil companies sticking it to us it's us sticking it to ourselves by refusing to change our usage / habits no matter the cost.
No more accurate words could be spoken.
Last time gas creeped this high I would say 50% of the people I worked with were car pooling, including myself. Well I'm back to car pooling, bought a more fuel efficent cars ( now my f150 sits in the barn most days ). I bet less than 5% are back to car pooling now. It is the old " How do you cook a frog" saying. You do it slowly. We are accepting the spikes in gas prices and that will keep the price high and slow any retreat.
I'll probably get flamed royally for this, but G.W. Bush and his dad are oil-rich from waaayyyy back. I'll bet they're recording record profits right now. I'll bet Tony Blair is somehow involved, as well.