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shipping from USA to UK

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  • shipping from USA to UK

    I know this was vaguely discussed quite some time ago, but inflation changes all the time. if i were to order a DKMG from the USA within the next couple months or so, what would be realistic in terms of:
    1) carriage
    2) import tax
    3) ETA on delivery.

    i am so sick of uk retailers at the moment.
    Fuck ebay, fuck paypal

    "Finger on the trigger, back against the wall. Counting rounds and voices, not enough to kill them all" (Ihsahn).

  • #2
    You will have to pay shipping (duh) and then add the 3.75% import duty on the value of the guitar+shipping and then add the % of the tax on all this (20% in Slovenia, don't know for UK).


    • #3
      Carriage: Should be somewhere between 100 - 150 dollars for 3-5 day, but that will vary on the service you pick, so you can save money by going for a longer delivery time (personally, I wouldn't recomend letting a parcels co have a guitar for any longer than absolutely necessary!)

      Import tax: Take the cost of the guitar + shipping then add UK duty (5% on guitars) then add 17.5% VAT to the total (the taxes could be added the other way around - can't remember, but the important part is that the first tax is calculated on the total inc shipping, then the second is calculated on the second total)

      ETA: Depends on what payment method the store requires (can take time to clear if not credit card or paypal) and then which level of shipping service you use.
      Popular is not the same as good
      Rare is not the same as valuable
      Worth is what someone will pay, not what you want to get


      • #4
        Originally posted by neilli
        Import tax: Take the cost of the guitar + shipping then add UK duty (5% on guitars) then add 17.5% VAT to the total (the taxes could be added the other way around - can't remember, but the important part is that the first tax is calculated on the total inc shipping, then the second is calculated on the second total)
        I called the custums office few days ago and had a nice little 10 min chat with the guy working there and he explained me the whole procedure....first duty and then tax. Anyway he told me that the duty is the same for whole Europe - 3,75%, but the tax varies (you can get better off by importing guitar to another country with lower tax and then get it send to you if you have a contact there ), but he could be wrong on the duty thing.


        • #5
          Import duty is around 9% and then you've got the VAT to look forward to, so thats like another 26.5% of what you paid on top. It can be cheaper than UK retailers, but not necessarily cheaper than Ebay. Ive seen brand new KVX10's on UK Ebay for around £285 which is cheap as anything mate.

          I could be wrong as that was for importing a guitar from Canada.

          Post pics when you get it


