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  • #31
    I read that entire website, which took me the better part of the day, and I dug around on the net for opinions not on the website. I found this one guy's site, he calls himself "Experiment Monkey" and he chronicled 60 some days of his use, and two of his friends. He passed all kinds of stuff....and alot of that colon plaque stuff (otherwise known as chocolate coverered Christmas lights!!).

    L, I don't think powdered Ex-Lax is going to push out Colon Plaques and parasites. The parasites are unreal....and Stuka, I am sure we will have plenty o' worms coming out of our asses. I eat mega rare steak, tons of Sushi, steak tartar, pate', you name it. I know I probably have a 20 foot tape worm in my gut. I just hope I don't have to yank it out of my ass like that one woman did.

    I am prepared, but I am nervous about what kind of vile shit I am going to pass. However, I would really like to have some energy and to get rid of that constant feeling of bloat, gas, etc.

    We'll see...I am ordered up and will be starting on Saturday.

    Sleep. The sound doesn't collapse to riffs of early eyes either.


    • #32
      Last edited by finnman; 04-25-2006, 10:27 PM.


      • #33
        I'd rather send 357 custom my hard-earned money.

        Spare yourself the intestinal trauma.


        • #34
          I think I will wait until I spontaneously disembowel myself and play jump rope with my small intestine to shake the parasites out.


          • #35
            I used to feel that bloated gassy feeling, especially after lunch. Would have to lean back and stretch my legs out under my desk because it was too uncomfortable to sit up straight. It wasn't from overeating either. I stopped that once I had to pay adult prices at the all you can eat buffet.

            And then I quit moo juice. Made the switch to soy milk (yeccch) and then rice milk, and have been feeling much better since. Guess I was lactose intolerant or something
            Hail yesterday


            • #36
              Can it help this though?

              "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)


              • #37
                damn! Did you pass that?
                Hail yesterday


                • #38
                  Wow....this forum has gone to "shit".....LOL. All these poo threads! Last week we had the thread about some poo on a bowling alley.....


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by lerxstcat
                    The problem is that the medical community doesn't have a vested interest in these things. They'd rather treat you with chemical laxatives and wait until you get colon cancer, so they can make $100 grand cutting a couple of feet of colon out of you. Not surprisingly, most docs are skeptical.

                    My sister does a lot of these natural cleansings and says she has friends who have gotten rid of "incurable" cancers by using the natural methods. Those doctors won't endorse it, but when they do an X-ray and the cancer's gone they just tell the patient, "keep doing whatever you're doing". They won't get involved in endorsing it just because they've seen it work though!
                    You hit the nail on the head. To paraphrase Chris Rock, they will never find a cure for AIDS. "Ain't no money in the Cure...the money is in the medicine!"

                    The drug companies do all they can to discredit/suppress research on anything that they can't assert ownership over. E.g., vitamin C. I've been taking megadoses of vitamin C every day and have yet to catch a cold or flu in 3 years. And who do you think is keeping marijuana illegal when it's efficacy and safety in treating chemo side effects is well known?

                    Just think about it. Do you think a computer anti-virus company like Symantec or McAfee looks forward to the day when computer viruses are eliminated? Hell no! Same shit with the drug companies. They don't want cures. They want drugs that will prolong someone's life but who's prolonged life is dependent on the daily ingestion of that drug.

                    "Doctors don't cure shit! They don't cure shit! The last disease doctors cured was polio, when's the last time you met someone with polio?" - Chris Rock

                    oh, and now i see on tv a new drug for restless leg syndrome. give me a fukkin break!

                    rant off
                    Last edited by SeventhSon; 04-26-2006, 06:39 PM.


                    • #40
                      If this works for you guys, I am getting it also!! I have eatin rare food all of my life, along with tons of everything else Jack.


                      • #41
                        I work out with a trainer a few times each week and asked him about "cleansing" this morning. This guy spends the bulk of his time studying nutrition, the human body etc... and I was surprised to learn that he does a cleansing about every 2-3 months.

                        Sounds like a massive dump is the road to colon happiness!
                        Special deals for JCF members on Jackson/Charvel, Suhr, Anderson, Nash, Splawn, Bogner, LSL, Ibanez, Diezel, Friedman, Bad Cat, 3rd Power, Dr. Z, ENGL and more. FREE SHIPPING! 0% FINANCING!


                        • #42
                          Holy Crap! This is the first time I've looked at this thread. Oh man, my eyes are definitely clear from all of the tears rolling down. Stop it people!!

                          I really like this one from the "skeptic" page:

                          "I've dealt with this since I was a little girl when my mom had to go to the bathroom with me once a week when I had a bowel movement so she could hold my hands while I cried and pushed a hard bowel movement as fat and long as an anaconda snake."

                          And then later:

                          My point is, is I'm starting to smell that same smell as a baby’s bowel movement, which must mean that I'm getting clean. It’s great.

                          Oh man, stop it! Stop it now!!!


                          • #43
                            "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)


                            • #44


                              • #45
                                Hah! My kit arrived today!

                                Let the shitting commence! :ROTF:

                       have no chance!

                                Sleep. The sound doesn't collapse to riffs of early eyes either.

