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argh! work rant

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  • argh! work rant

    sorry guys, but after the rantings on in the import jackson section, i got really fired up about recent events about my own workplace. (deep breath...)

    i'm an advisor in a callcentre. if your pc completely freezes (uh, duh! - it crashes), you have no choice but to reboot. naturally, you will need to be signed out of various programs that are username enabled/password protected by the administrator, right? wrong - well, according to one stupid village idiot of a "team leader" anyway.

    i tried calling helpdesk who were engaged. so i told this TL, and instead of attempting to contact HD himself, he patronised me by saying i should have told him first and that only TL's are to contact helpdesk (previously i've been told to do it myself). but did he DO anything? what a dick. i then spent ages logging in and out to unblock my access, during which one other "TL" contacted HD because one of his advisors was stupid enough to forget his password and had locked himself out that way. THREE times i asked him whilst in contact with HD to get them to log me out too, but he ignored me. what? is it because i'm not part of your stupid little personal empire? i eventually sorted everything myself. took me a while.

    my post is not intended to ask what one does if their pc crashes, but to rant at the very fact that i used my initiative and got blasted for doing so, then got ignored, then sorted out my problem by myself, and finally - what use is a "senior member of staff" to advisors if they can't get the support they need? i'm thinkingt of taking this to a higher level, or does anyone here think i'm gonna be talking to a brick wall or end up causing trouble for myself?

    thanks guys, i feel better now.
    Fuck ebay, fuck paypal

    "Finger on the trigger, back against the wall. Counting rounds and voices, not enough to kill them all" (Ihsahn).

  • #2
    Oh man, ya brought back horrible memories from my last job. Same situation, but I talked with my manager and in the end he couldn't back up the company and left right before I did. Ya gotta get a feel of the company, if they have a good attitude and are willing to listen, I'd go to upper management and let them know the issues you are having and that eventually you solved it yourself. Most companies would like to know when they can be more effecient, so I hope you do go ahead and let upper management know. It might lead to a promotion or at least have them see you as someone who's trying to make things work for the best, which is good.

    The downside is they don't give a damn about their employees and nothing happens in the end, except the guy you went know might know you went above his head and the job might become more miserable. Get a feel of it, only you know best, but I say it's good to stir things up if things can be better. Not saying anything is why people have managers or leaders that screw people over in the end. Good luck man!


    • #3
      we have a similar policy here, to initially refer PC problems to our designated contact. But not because of some power trip, only to confirm whether your PC problem is an isolated one (in which case you'll be advised to call PC Support), or if it's a system wide problem (so the designated person can a call on behalf of the whole office, to save the call centre being inundated by individual staff members who are all suffering the same problem). This system works pretty well for here.

      Just sounds like your TL is a dick
      Hail yesterday

