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Day Without An Immigrant
See... the mere mention of la' migra and people scatter.
There's a reason they are called ILLEGAL immigrants... because they broke the law by entering the country illegaly or stayed here beyond the legal limits of their visas.
Regardless, they are criminals. they broke the law.
If I entered Mexico illegaly and made the same demands they are asking of the U.S., I'd be thrown in jail... or worse.-Rick
Easy fix...give 'em all a social security number as soon as possible so they can pay f'ng taxes like everybody else! Oh, and collect the $5000.00+ it costs to come here legally via payroll deduction!!!!"tie two birds together and though they have four wings, they cannot fly"
Originally posted by MadJackEasy fix...give 'em all a social security number as soon as possible so they can pay f'ng taxes like everybody else! Oh, and collect the $5000.00+ it costs to come here legally via payroll deduction!!!!
Originally posted by Inearthed
protest is going to happen on May 1st throughout the countryAny thoughts about this?Last edited by shelby22; 04-28-2006, 07:44 PM.If only I had back the money I gave that TV preacher....