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Blackberry users.

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  • Blackberry users.

    I know a guy that insists on sending me email from his work email account. I get roughly half of them and he gets about the same from my replies.

    He has an ISP account with Road Runner, the same as me, but for some reason won't set it up and use it. I've asked him more than enough times that if he needs to contact me call me by phone.. I still get email only.

    I've been pulling my hair out trying to figure out why our emails are fucked, even contacted RR support to see if there may be an IP block causing the problem...Nothing. Then wrote it off as the IT dweebs where he works filtering his email or just fucking with him.

    Today I got put out with it and asked him to just setup his RR email then he tells me RR is unreliable and that his Blackberry works fine. It kind of started making sense, but I didn't say anything because I don't know much about Blackberry.

    So my question to the Blackberry users, if any are here, exactly how reliable are these things in terms sending email? He's called me before and the connection wasn't that great. There were the typical cell phone dropouts, not bad but still there.

    Since these devices use the same carriers as any other cell phone it would seem to me the email delivery wouldn't be that reliable.

    Does this make sense or am I just reaching?
    Whataya Mean I Don't Support The System? I Go To Court When I Have To!

  • #2
    I run the Blackberry Enterprise Server here at work and depending on how he has his set up they usually use your companies email system. I've never had a problem sending emails with mine, you have to be within data coverage, but he should know instantly whether it sent or not. The only problems we have with emails not making it to someone is with our Spam filter. I have to go in there all the time looking for emails that were blocked.

    Hope that helps.



    • #3
      i'm a bberry user for 4 years, never had a problem getting emails on my bberry, just from time-to-time some issues with latency/delays...


      • #4
        Mine works really well using microsoft exchange server.


        • #5
          Interesting. Thanks, guys.

          I guess it may just be a filter somewhere.
          Whataya Mean I Don't Support The System? I Go To Court When I Have To!

