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Roosevelt on Immigrants

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  • #16
    First off, english should be a national laquage bar none. Spanish should not be taught in schools and should not be printed on products, no languages except English. Every Legal Immigrant should have to learn fluid English to becaome a citizen. I am also fucking tired of the spanish language force fed to us everywhere you go, I am fucking pissed to no end What the fuck is going on in this country with all of the kissing the ass of the fucking Hispanic people. This is the USA, not fucking Mexico,ETC. The more I think about it, we nead a fuckinf Civil War again and first should be against the fucking scum bag Governement we have now, all of them They are fucking us over and steeling our money with it. They have totally forgotten what America is all about and who they work for and they don`t work for the illegal imiigrants you scummy fucks All they care about is their paychecks-perks and pensions and their fucking hands in the cookie jar of the big corporations who love cheap labor. These fucks are selling us and our way of lives down the pike. I say let`s get these scummy fucks out of office and take back our country. I will die before I become Mexico or anywhere else I am at my ends whit with our whole government and society. I seriously sometimes cry thinking about how our great country is being stolen from out from under our feet Jack.


    • #17
      Originally posted by FusionFarmer
      BULLY, I SAY BULLY. (T.R. talk for right on) Its one thing for fresh immirant not to know the language and quite another for these ones who have been here for decades and still don't speak a word of english, and all our governent does about it is print official forms in multi languages, and teach our kids spanish in school
      Speaking of teaching our Kids Spanish in school. If I even hear that my kids school even tries that, I will up in the principals face so fucking fast, they won`t know what hit them. I even yell at my kid when he sais what Dora the Explorer sais in Spanish, I even fucking hate cartoons, they are in on the plot also. I never hated Hispancs in my life, but my attitude has changed rapidly in the last 1-2 years. This is all caused by a Liberal/Big Business/Ass Kissing Government-No Ball Fucks Jack.


      • #18
        Originally posted by slayer
        Every Legal Immigrant should have to learn fluid English
        national laquage
        steeling our money
        I am at my ends whit




        You so funny, Jack! :ROTF:
        "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)


        • #19
          Well, Jack knows how to speak English. He just doesn't know how to spell it.
          I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


          • #20
            Wow... I swear I didn't even see that one coming. And ya know what, I'm not even gonna bother. I typed this long fukkin thing, but I'm not gonna argue over this shit on an internet board


            • #21
              well I can tell that I am among friends here because I echo all of your sentiments.

              I wish we had more men like Teddy Roosevelt around now, and not these sissy Senators and sellout El Presidente Bush. there are some good ones, my Rep Dana Rohrabacher has been a staunch ally in the pro-enforcement fight. and CO Rep Tom Tancredo is the leader of the good guys, he's the first one to have spoken out on this.

              my two spineless communist Senators on the other hand are with the illegal aliens, both Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer voted for Amnesty in the past few weeks in the Senate, each voted twice FOR Amnesty, the fuckers.

              I call their offices and give them shit about every day. they need to be Voted Out.
              Last edited by skorb; 05-06-2006, 04:31 AM.
              the guitar players look damaged - they've been outcasts all their lives


              • #22
                Originally posted by skorb
                well I can tell that I am among friends here because I echo all of your sentiments.

                I wish we had more men like Teddy Roosevelt around now, and not these sissy Senators and sellout El Presidente Bush. there are some good ones, my Rep Dana Rohrabacher has been a staunch ally in the pro-enforcement fight. and CO Rep Tom Tancredo is the leader of the good guys, he's the first one to have spoken out on this.

                my two spineless communist Senators on the other hand are with the illegal aliens, both Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer voted for Amnesty in the past few weeks in the Senate, each voted twice FOR Amnesty, the fuckers.

                I call their offices and give them shit about every day. they need to be Voted Out.
                Agreed, many liberal spineless Senators out these and Feinstein and Boxer are way up there with Shumer and Kennedy. Ya, I can spell, but I was typing so fast I just go with it There is NO fine line in this battle, you either become Legal-Legaly or you are a Criminal, bar none. It doesn`t help things when you have high ranking Govt. officials that are Pro Illegal and that Amnesty bullshit If someone can explain to me why Illegal Aliens are good and should be left unchecked, please explain clearly to me why and how that is good for our country and why we have to coddle them and froce Spanish on everyone when we speak English in this country? It better be a really good explanation Jack.

