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Had my operation

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  • Had my operation

    I had my surgery this morning. They gave me a nerve block so I don't feel pain, and can't move my arm. The nerve block is wearing away now and I'm starting to feel pain in my one hole in the front and one in the back. I guess the pain doesn't come from the anchor in the bone or the sutures through the labrum. It comes from the 4 holes in me and all the shit that gets moved around to do what they do.

    They have me on pain pills and this shit called vistiril (spelling). It's used in people with mood disorders, and with pain pills to stop the nausea and itching, and to make them work better. I will be taking one here in about 1 hour, then taking another pain pill.

    They said that with the pain pills that it's better to take thme before the pain becomes too severe, that they work better that way.

    My Dr. said that what we thought was wrong was wrong and that everything went together nicely. I'll be in a sling for a few weeks, but the doctor said he may let me back to work in 8 weeks! It may take longer though, we'll see.

    I don't like lifting weights, but once I'm better I'll have to, to strengthen this shoulder. I don't like to lift, but I did a few years back to go up about 20 lbs (ask anyone who knows me, I was really little, about 145-150) now I'm 170. I'll start lifting again in about 4 months I think. Not only will it make my Judo and JuJitsu better, it will also help prevent anything happening to this shoulder again.

    I start therapy in 3 days, just mild movement I assume to prevent it from locking up.

  • #2
    I'd hold off on the weights and start with something light, just to get your range of motion back first.

    I dislocated by left shoulder (broke my collarbone and a couple of ribs too) when I was hit by a car while riding my bike about 10 years ago.

    The physical therapist gave me a couple of pieces of elastic material (think they were called "Thera-Bands") and told me to tie one end to a fixed object and go through whatever range of motion I could while holding the other end in my left hand. I followed that regimen for about three weeks, then started doing pushups to build up muscle again. It may take you longer, as they actually cut you open and performed surgery.

    Don't overexert yourself until your shoulder can handle it.

    Hope your recovery goes well
    Until you get weaned off the boobie, you are going to have to do what the wife wants too. -Rsmacker


    • #3
      Glad to hear the surgery went well! Hopefully the recovery is smooth too!


      • #4
        Quantum, they only did enough cuttinh to fit an arthoscope inside. I only plan on weights several months down the line. Did you get surgery for your dislocation? If so, have you had any problems? If you didn't have surgery, did you have any problems?


        • #5
          Originally posted by Deneb
          I'm starting to feel pain in my one hole in the front and one in the back.
          Huh huh huh huh huh huh huh huh huh huh

          J/K dude, hope you recover fully!
          "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)


          • #6
            Hehe! I didn't realize how that came out! hahah, thanks man.


            • #7

              I didn't have surgery for my shoulder. The ER doc just popped it back in, and I actually didn't start with the Therabands until the cast/sling for my broken collar bone came off. You know the type, where your arm is fixed at an angle to your body and your elbow is supported by a rod that's attached to your waist.

              No problems regarding range of motion or anything like that. My left shoulder slopes downward a little more than my right shoulder now, so I have to carry bags with shoulder straps on my right side or else they slip off. But that may have been due to the collarbone break, and not the shoulder.

              Glad to hear that you're going to hold off on the weights for a while. Easy does it, bro
              Until you get weaned off the boobie, you are going to have to do what the wife wants too. -Rsmacker


              • #8
                Glad to hear it went well.You are right about the therapy,you don't want any build up of scar tissue,so they will work on your range of motion.Good luck!....
                Straightjacket Memories.Sedative Highs...........


                • #9
                  QR, I actually read that the Japanese believe that for popping a dislocated shoulder back into place, if it's in a cast at an outward angle, rather than a sling, that the labrum has a higher success rate of healing in the proper position to support the humeral head.

                  Thanks for the kind words everyone. I've got these pain pills that are keeping me pretty fucked up. It's time to watch Spin City, then Dharma and Greg, then sleep until King of the Hill, then sleep until the ultimate fighter 3


                  • #10
                    Glad to hear the surgery went well. Listen to the doctor and most likely you will be prescribed physical therapy so I wouldn't worry about what types of weights to lift. The therapist will take care of that.


                    • #11
                      Take it easy for a while.
                      After that it might be a good idea to get a physio therapist to do some sort of a healing program.
                      Good luck.


                      • #12
                        Glad to hear you're doing O.K.


                        • #13
                          Good to hear things went smooth. Hope your recovery goes well and fast!


                          • #14
                            Good luck with the recovery!
                            I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by jgcable
                              Glad to hear the surgery went well. Listen to the doctor and most likely you will be prescribed physical therapy so I wouldn't worry about what types of weights to lift. The therapist will take care of that.

                              12 weeks of therapy. JG, for weight lifting, I'm talking about down the line, to prevent future injuries. A little more muscle in the shoulder areas probably couldn't hurt for all the shit that I do.

                              Thanks again for the kind words everyone.

