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eBay help

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  • eBay help

    Okay, I have bids on some shit on eBay. An RR2 which I really want, and a RR3 which I won. The RR3 auction, I won but didn't meet reserve. The seller sent me a 2nd chance offer, for 300$. I hit the buy it now.

    I got an email from him saying he'd sell it for 450$. I said, I already won it for 300$, why pay 450? He said that he can't sell it for 300$, and that I don't have to pay for it.

    At this point, that's fine, since my DK2M came in, and I want this RR2. Is there a way I can get this guy with the RR3 who doesn't want to sell it to NOT have a way to come back on me for not buying it? I would pay for it right now if he sold it, but he's holding it back from me. I emailed eBay asking for help, but I was wondering if anyone else ever had an experience like this.

  • #2
    Can't he just cancel your bid?
    Last edited by texasfury; 05-16-2006, 05:53 PM.
    Just a guitar player...


    • #3
      The seller can't send a second chance offer and then jack the price AFTER you already accepted his original offer.
      File a complaint with ebay... you may not get the guitar, but he will get booted as an ebay member.
      What he did is against ebay rules.


      • #4
        You got fukked. Take that guy to the cleaners. If he took Paypal, pay it!!!! Then sort it out. You have a done deal!!!!!
        I am a true ass set to this board.


        • #5
          Originally posted by rjohnstone
          The seller can't send a second chance offer and then jack the price AFTER you already accepted his original offer.
          File a complaint with ebay... you may not get the guitar, but he will get booted as an ebay member.
          What he did is against ebay rules.
          +1 that is just silly. If you did pay like Fett said he would have to ship it to you or he would be in violation of the rules. Ebay is getting worse and worse....This is the one you posted about the other day right?


          • #6
            If you hit "buy it now" on a 2nd Chance Offer and he won't sell it to you for that, leave him negative feedback stating that... "Offered 2nd Chance, hit BIN, item never shipped, ripoff alert" or something similar.
            The 2nd Amendment: America's Original Homeland Defense.


            • #7
              I want to leave him a shitty feedback, but that'd leave me open to a retaliatory negative feedback. I've got an outstanding rating, and don't want to tarnish it with this ass bag.

              Quak, yeah this is the one I thought I got a freaking deal on. I guess I can't win


              • #8
                If you do leave neg feedback, do it on the 11th hour of the last day to do so. I do believe there is an option for both parties to withdraw feedback as well.
                Just a guitar player...


                • #9
                  There IS no 11th hour of the last day. If you leave feedback, it will pop up on his feedback record and he will be able to respond, no matter when. That cutoff crap is a myth, if you have the item # you can leave feedback basically any time.

                  You should probably file a report that he offered you the second chance at $300 and you accepted, then he reneged. They'll ask him for his side. Then the two of you can amicably agree, through Ebay, to withdraw from the deal. Then you both either leave no feedback, or positive feedback saying you worked it out. If you leave a neg he WILL be able to retaliate, period.

                  Since it sounds like you want out of the deal anyway, it seems like it should be an amicable solution. If you wanted to hold him to the deal, it might get uglier. But why neg him if you also want out of the deal?
                  Ron is the MAN!!!!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Deneb

                    Quak, yeah this is the one I thought I got a freaking deal on. I guess I can't win
                    Nah....your DK2M is on the way....YOU WIN!!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Deneb
                      I want to leave him a shitty feedback, but that'd leave me open to a retaliatory negative feedback. I've got an outstanding rating, and don't want to tarnish it with this ass bag.

                      Quak, yeah this is the one I thought I got a freaking deal on. I guess I can't win
                      Well, since you don't want it and he doesn't want to sell it, just send him a message saying "okay, since you don't want to sell it to me now, I don't want it anymore. Thanks, have a nice day!"
                      The 2nd Amendment: America's Original Homeland Defense.


                      • #12
                        When I first saw the 2nd chance offer, then him backing out, that's when I wanted to blast him with a negative.

                        Now, if he wants to withdrawl, I'll let him. It leaves me a few more bucks to bid on this RR2 I've got a bid on. I'm also willing to buy it, either way.

                        The thing I'm worried about is him screwing me over AFTER the fact, even after he said he will not sell it. Do you know what I mean? Like if we can go our seperate ways with no reciprocation from him, I'll be happy to leavea postive saying we worked it out. I just don't want to get nailed for not paying for something I'm willing to pay for.

                        What I did was sent a message to eBay telling them that he doesn't want to sell, and I'm okay with it as long as there's no way he can dick me latter. If he does want to sell at the price of my 2nd chance offer, I'l gladly buy it (hence why I hit the buy it now button).

                        I also sent a message to him saying that it's fine if he does or doesn't want to sell it, all I ask is him to send me an email saying such through eBay with the item number and all of the details.

                        I bid, I won, I'll pay. I've got no problem paying for the item, but if he doesn't want to sell, I'll walk away, as long as I don't get fucked somehow.


                        • #13
                          Deneb, you get the Overthinker Award!
                          "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)


                          • #14
                            Since April 20th, I've left the house 9 times. I've gotten on average 3-4 hours of sleep, with the rest of my sleep hours scattered through the day for 15 minutes-1 hour, and not a good sleep at that. I've not been in a fight, sanctioned or not, or even a grappling match since March. I've not played guitar for basically 2-3 weeks. I've not worked since April 20th...All I've got is time

