Well I recieved the news-one of my close friends Jim Nunis died of cancer"What a fukking drag"
one of the absolute best guitar luthier's around-Good enough to make Gibson Les Paul re-issue copies
that even fooled the Gibson custom shop guys-But then again thats why he recieved papers from them.
Jim was 43 years old-way to young to pass-problem was he sprayed chemicals for 20 some odd years
without ever wearing a respirator-we use to get on his ass about it but he absolutly refused-plus thinking
it could never happen to me and thinking I will live for ever finally caught up with him. Jim and Kerry Champion
started www.jnunisguitars.com together and then had a falling out-of sorts-go to his website and check out
the pros playing his guitars-designed by me-yeah they look like others but they are very cool guitars-totally
handmade from scratch-I'm glad I held on to my double cut prototype and first production model.
Well Jim Bro have a safe journey -Until we meet again!!!!
one of the absolute best guitar luthier's around-Good enough to make Gibson Les Paul re-issue copies
that even fooled the Gibson custom shop guys-But then again thats why he recieved papers from them.
Jim was 43 years old-way to young to pass-problem was he sprayed chemicals for 20 some odd years
without ever wearing a respirator-we use to get on his ass about it but he absolutly refused-plus thinking
it could never happen to me and thinking I will live for ever finally caught up with him. Jim and Kerry Champion
started www.jnunisguitars.com together and then had a falling out-of sorts-go to his website and check out
the pros playing his guitars-designed by me-yeah they look like others but they are very cool guitars-totally
handmade from scratch-I'm glad I held on to my double cut prototype and first production model.
Well Jim Bro have a safe journey -Until we meet again!!!!