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Terrorist cell taking a dry run????

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  • Terrorist cell taking a dry run????

    2 Saudi men (young 20s) Boarded a School bus to my Son's High School last week., they were just in the country 6 months and are enrolled in USF not to far away. The bus driver (who was filling in as a substitute) did not recognize them, became suspicious when the began to speak Arabic with each other and called the Tampa Police. Several cruisers and some Homeland Security personel were there to greet them at the High School. They had several different stories when questioned. First they said they were from Morocco, they revealed they were from Saudi Arabia on Visa. I'm not a racist, but I'm all for racial profiling. It makes a parent wonder if this is some way terrorists could be testing the waters of our children's safety. Does anyone remember a few years back when a Russian Elementary school was taken over by a terrorist cell. They moved all the Students and Teachers into the Gymnasium and hung a large bomb of C4 explosive over the children! Well, the Russian Special Forces were called in. And let's just say the Russian Special Forces don't negotiate. They went in and the C4 went off killing many children and staff. The terrorist did not survive. I don't know about you, but I'm sick of this Terror Alert is ELEVATED (but we can't elaborate)Bullsh1t! Keep an eye on your schools and your children!

  • #2
    Here the link to Newspaper Article. hope it works....


    • #3
      I am also for Racial Profiling. It is for all of our safety and I don`t care what race it is, it just so happens this is middle eastern, but if happened to be a crazed white man on the loose, so be it that way also. I am sick of all the bleeding heart liberals about racial profiling and racisim, this is some serious stuff we are dealing with now. This is no time to be weak, this is kill or be killed. I love how the Russians take care of scum. Sometimes innocent people get hurt killing scum, but small sacrifices are neaded at times to kill alot of scum. I don`t trust any middle eastern or islamic people right now, that may change in the future, but unless they change their ways and the goods ones help us on the fight on islamic extremeism, I will feel as such. Jack.
      Last edited by slayer; 05-21-2006, 03:38 PM.


      • #4
        The inccident with the Russian school was not the special forces spetznaz could not get there in time, im not sure if the sas could have done something, I just rmember it was average joe soildiers not trained for these situatiosn like spetznaz or the SAS....

        as for that school bus, thats pretty bad, I know that if any people tried anything like that from my old area, they'd get the crap kicked out of them....

        I remmeber watching the whole school incident, it's shame it ended as badly as it did.....



        • #5
          Are you sure?
          I don't think it was just normal army, i thought it was OMON.

          Yeah i support racial profiling too.


          • #6
            Looks like the national news picked up the story.

            "Yes,..that's when they used to shove a red hot spike in your peehole until you screamed "yes, yes, godammit fuggin' dicks..I'm a witch..I am cocksuckers"" horns666


            • #7
              The fucking Chechyans are the terrorists in Russia. They are of Arabic/Russian Descent that do Terrorist tactics to try to try to free their little country in Russia.


              • #8
                Stop being racist. These were obviously just a couple of hard-working new immigrants to the US who were confused by the cultural differences between our nation and their homeland.


                The Media
                Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam!


                • #9
                  It will be interesting to see how this plays out as more facts are made public. I can see how it would be possible to make a mistake like this, but their conflicting stories raises a huge red flag.

                  Originally posted by YetAnotherOne
                  Stop being racist. These were obviously just a couple of hard-working new immigrants to the US who were confused by the cultural differences between our nation and their homeland.


                  The Media
                  "Yes,..that's when they used to shove a red hot spike in your peehole until you screamed "yes, yes, godammit fuggin' dicks..I'm a witch..I am cocksuckers"" horns666


                  • #10
                    Dude, I heard that bit of news on my way home immediately I said WTF!!!
                    Two grown men taking a ride on a school bus?!
                    While going to college I met A LOT of foreign students; Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Morrco, Spain, Venezuela, India, Germany, the old Yugoslavia, etc. and many of them had one thing in common. They were highly educated and not ignorant people, they were wordly and knew our culture and society incredibly well.

                    Someone form the Islam center of whatever came to their defense saying they were confused with public means of transportation and got on it.... allright! an excuse.
                    Then how come when they were interviewed by Police they each had a different story on what happened and where they were going together.
                    I smell a rat and a dry run.

                    If those fucks atart targeting mass transportation and school buses, the gloves got to come off. I mean worse than they had already...
                    Mr. Patience.... ask for a free consultation.


                    • #11
                      Where's Benjamin Franklin when you need him?


                      • #12
                        Don't get Yet Another One started!
                        "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by RacerX
                          Don't get Yet Another One started!
                          :ROTF: :ROTF: :ROTF: Not unless you have your reading glasses on and use the right side of your brain.
                          I am a true ass set to this board.


                          • #14
                            you can call me a bleeding heart liberal (i'm not) if you want to. but just be clear that the attitude in this thread is just racism plain and simple. as a joke, sure it's all fun. but as something our fucking government and population support as a matter of course, it disgusts me.

                            what will happen when some african nut jobs start a slew of terrorist attacks? are you gonna start profiling black people? oh wait, we already do that - my bad.

                            what about when it's people from pakistan? after all, we recently gave them some kick ass bombers. do we start profiling people that look like they're from pakistan? oh wait, we'd have that covered by profiling arabs - they all look alike right? remember all the non-arab non-muslim folks that were beaten and/or murdered after 9/11? no big loss. right? they did look like arabs after all. it's understandable. right?

                            if you guys think that any of the racial profiling of arabs or anyone else is going to stop or even impede terrorism you are gravely mistaken.

                            fuck that.
                            I want REAL change. I want dead bodies littering the capitol.

                            - Newc


                            • #15
                              Whether or not this incident has anything to do with terrorism those two men should not be riding on a children's school bus. Who cares what color or national origin they are. Get them the hell off of it and make sure it doesn't happen again.

