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Terrorist cell taking a dry run????

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  • #46
    the one difference i observed over the years though is that in the south people are far more forthcoming about their intolerances. elsewhere they just exercise more discretion in public - this just leaves me more uneasy because you just don't know where you stand with those fuckers.
    Funny I've never experienced that but I've heard that before ...
    Don't worry - I'll smack her if it comes to that. You do not sell guitars to buy shoes. You skimp on food to buy shoes! ~Mrs Tekky 06-03-08~


    • #47
      Originally posted by St.James
      I didn't say I think long hair is acceptable. I just don't care anymore. And to be perfectly honest I don't expect anything less from the people in this country.
      I wouldn't say only our country does this. I think it's human nature to be distrustfull of people who appear different. I think it's an unfortuante holdover from our distant evolutionary past.

      The suits look at the freaks and hippies and judge them. Funny thing, I was a long hair and hated the looks and stares. It was just part of the territory. Now I'm a short hair and I frequent a cd store/headshop downtown. It get the same looks from the long hairs and tatoo'd kids. People judge us by our external appearance. It's a reflex. Wether the thinking part of our brains conteracts that or not is a different story.
      "Yes,..that's when they used to shove a red hot spike in your peehole until you screamed "yes, yes, godammit fuggin' dicks..I'm a witch..I am cocksuckers"" horns666


      • #48
        A of them was wearing a frickin' trenchcoat in 85-90 degree BTW I was born and raised in MA(for 33years) and Lived 3 years in NH. I'm a recent transplant to Tampa for the past 3 years. +1 to close the borders!


        • #49
          Originally posted by dd3keegs
          A of them was wearing a frickin' trenchcoat in 85-90 degree BTW I was born and raised in MA(for 33years) and Lived 3 years in NH. I'm a recent transplant to Tampa for the past 3 years. +1 to close the borders!

          I'm still shocked you bailed on us :ROTF:
          Don't worry - I'll smack her if it comes to that. You do not sell guitars to buy shoes. You skimp on food to buy shoes! ~Mrs Tekky 06-03-08~


          • #50
            i don't trust short-haired people. unless they are heavily tatooed or pierced or otherwise demonic looking.

            short-haired people are always trying to opress me. power to the hippies.
            I want REAL change. I want dead bodies littering the capitol.

            - Newc


            • #51
              Once you go South.... never mind.
              The visual of chiseled beauties wearing thongs and prancing through the clear waters of Siesta Key.
              All the way and between mid March and mid November. Bikinis for the rest of the colder days.
              Try topping that Northern boys... do not toss in wet t-shirt contests in the middle of winter. Those full figured northern women must eat their buffalo wings.
              Mr. Patience.... ask for a free consultation.


              • #52
                Our own government attacked us, you propaganda breathing conservatives :P


                • #53
                  If that would have happened at the high school I went to, there would've been 40 half-baked metal-head rednecks going to jail and two arabic victims in the hospital!
                  "tie two birds together and though they have four wings, they cannot fly"


                  • #54
                    Damn, you are on to us

                    Originally posted by hippietim
                    i don't trust short-haired people. unless they are heavily tatooed or pierced or otherwise demonic looking.

                    short-haired people are always trying to opress me. power to the hippies.
                    "Yes,..that's when they used to shove a red hot spike in your peehole until you screamed "yes, yes, godammit fuggin' dicks..I'm a witch..I am cocksuckers"" horns666


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by hippietim
                      i don't trust short-haired people. unless they are heavily tatooed or pierced or otherwise demonic looking.

                      short-haired people are always trying to opress me. power to the hippies.
                      I knew if I gave it time we'd end up agreeing on something! :ROTF:

                      I've been screwed more and have witnessed more drug abuse by short haired fucks than any long haired folks I've ever known.

                      It's kind of funny. When I had short hair the people who would normally hate me seemed to warm up to me. I was the same asshole as I always was and didn't like them any better, but since I had short hair they didn't even notice it.
                      Last edited by St.James; 05-22-2006, 02:39 PM.
                      Whataya Mean I Don't Support The System? I Go To Court When I Have To!


                      • #56
                        What kills me is even the Political BS term "Racial Profiling."

                        As if this makes you a Racist or is a bad thing. Call me whatever you like I don't care. I am not afraid of names.

                        We know who these people are - they are Arab Muslims plain and simple.

                        And guys like Hippietim up there will get you killed because according to him we better not check these guys out or you will be called a name. Boo Hoo! Better to search Grandmother and Kids at the airports huh?

                        Sorry dude - not trying to get personal but I would rather live in a country where they call a Spade a Spade. My 14 year old son recently got pulled out and checked at the airport. Is that your idea of what's fair there Timmie?
                        Is that purdent - is that intelligent - is it a good use of resources?

                        You better be glad I am not running things because political correctness would be DEAD. And we would all be better off.
                        PLAY TILL U DIE !!!


                        • #57
                          Look back at history and EVERY empire falls.

                          Political correctness was the beginning of the USA's downfall as an empire. Not in our lifetime (hopefully) but it is well on the way and getting worse everyday.

                          There is no accountability anymore for anyone. Everybody's got a reason or excuse for doing what they do (down to child molesters and rapists). And if you disagree your "not understanding", you don't "have a heart", your a bigot, racist, profiler, etc.

                          Fuck that, I don't give a shit if you were molested as a kid, it doesn't give you an excuse to go do the same thing to others. I don't give a shit if you grew up in the ghetto and are used to seeing your friends die, get of your ass and get an education (although that's not all it's cracked up to be anymore either) and make something of yourself.

                          Oh man, I could go on and on and on with this bullshit PC attitude we live in today.


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by Mayday

                            When I moved to NH my daughter was 7 years old and starting a new school in a new area. I got out of work and went to the bus stop to pick her up. I wasn't there 5-10 mintues when the police came screaming around the corner. Someone saw my appearance and called the police saying I was stalking the buses.

                            While I am happy they were maintaining the safety of the kids I was bothered by the fact that the police specifically stopped based upon the length of my hair .. yes he admitted that ..

                            "You have long hair and you are in conservative NH now"

                            I understand wanting to protect the security of our country but there has to be a point where safety does not impede someones civil rights.. Every right in this country you give up in the name of safety is a right you will NEVER get back without massive Govt change

                            How many of you guys automatically get labelled dirtbags because of tattoos? Does it make it right? Because you have Tats does that make you a criminal by virtue of appearance?

                            Tim hit the nail on the head here ...
                            The flip side of the coin is, if you and I and Tim are going to be pulled over for long hair, which is still happening despite the Constitution, why not profile people of the group that HAS attacked us, when they are doing something suspicious? These guys had no business boarding a school bus, nearly 5 years after 9/11 they should well know not to do such suspicious acts whether they've been here or back in Saudi. They lied about their point of origin.

                            Our freedoms are important, but would they matter to you if you were holding the dead body of your child, killed in a terror attack because nobody wanted to offend Muslims? Personally, I have relatives who live in New York and work in Manhattan, and it took days after 9/11 to verify that none of my cousins, aunts or uncles were killed in the attack. That was a pretty stressful time. And I get pulled over to the special rooms everytime I fly anywhere, even though I'm not of the ethnic background to be made as al-Qaeda. I just deal with it, it's life in the new era.

                            To say it's profiling and racist to arrest and questiuon those two Saudis is going too far. I would say take them to Guantanamo Bay for rigorous interrogation as an object lesson to their brethren who think it's fun to jerk the USA's chain. what contempt they show us, and when we react so weakly, we deserve the contempt.
                            Ron is the MAN!!!!


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by Ralph E.
                              Look back at history and EVERY empire falls.

                              Political correctness was the beginning of the USA's downfall as an empire. Not in our lifetime (hopefully) but it is well on the way and getting worse everyday.

                              There is no accountability anymore for anyone. Everybody's got a reason or excuse for doing what they do (down to child molesters and rapists). And if you disagree your "not understanding", you don't "have a heart", your a bigot, racist, profiler, etc.

                              Fuck that, I don't give a shit if you were molested as a kid, it doesn't give you an excuse to go do the same thing to others. I don't give a shit if you grew up in the ghetto and are used to seeing your friends die, get of your ass and get an education (although that's not all it's cracked up to be anymore either) and make something of yourself.

                              Oh man, I could go on and on and on with this bullshit PC attitude we live in today.

                              Mr. Patience.... ask for a free consultation.


                              • #60
                                I have somewhat mixed feelings. On one hand I sure as hell don't like any like of racial profiling but on the other hand, if you have nothing to hide whats the big deal to answer a few questions on why you are in an area?

                                I really don't think there is an easy solution to deal with these kind of incidents without pissing off certain groups. I have been through the long hair / tatoo discrimination bs too but I never copped an attitude about it. I didn't feel the man was comin down on my civil liberties or just trying to fuck with me. I never got in any trouble. Now if I were to blow a gasket as some people do you can bet you ass I'd be hauled off to jail.

                                I know it doesn't fly with certain people and groups but my stance is if you have nothing to hide what is the bid deal? If it prevents one act of violence against innocence, if it prevents one crime, what is the big deal? You answer a couple questions and go on you way.

