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Terrorist cell taking a dry run????

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  • #76
    in a sense outsourcing is taking place on our own soil. Foreign workers are working HERE cheaper, they get the MBA's and PHD's that our country helps foot the bill for


    • #77
      I just read about this today and was shocked that two adults were able to board a school bus full of children. Where is the driver's responsibility in this? Surely he must be facing some form of punishment for allowing these yahoos on the bus.

      I stand at my daughters bus stop every morning and wait for her to board, along with probably another six to eight parents. What was going through the parents minds as two adults joined their kids for the ride? I would have been asking a shitload of question and kicking up one hell of a fuss if these morons attempted this at my kids stop. Where were the parents in this?

      I can see past their ethnicity in this issue because there are so may other factors here that are fucked up beyond comprehension. This deal goes far beyond race and trench coats.
      Tarbaby Fraser.


      • #78
        Call it racist or whatever, but if a bunch of Swedish men hijacked an airliner and killed 3,000 innocent Americans, I'd be expecting security-types to be paying extra attention to fair-skinned, blond-haired men attempting to board methods of public transportation. We need to use common-sense tactics with our national security, starting with securing the borders (which the current administration and congress has failed miserably to do) and paying extra attention to those that fit the current terrorist profile. Last year I flew to Boston and was in line behind former defense secretary Caspar Weinberger- he was the one who was randomly selected by security for a search. Doesn't seem very effective.


        • #79
          Originally posted by St.James
          Who cares if it's racism? Who cares if it's racial profiling?

          Personally I don't care who thinks I'm racist. I'm sure some of my views are indeed racist and I just don't care!

          2 people who influenced my life and who I respected more than anyone outside my family were black men. I've dated Mexican and Asian chicks, I have had Jewish friends and so on... So figure that one out.

          Even though I don't consider myself a racist I don't run around screaming racism every time someone of color or different nationality is questioned or even when people voice their opinions on it.

          I'm so fucking sick and tired of the word racist being thrown around every damned time someone has something to say about someone else who isn't white. It's fucking ridiculous!

          Middle Easterners attacked our country and continue to be a threat to this day. Our own government went ape shit over that dumbass Dubai deal. Why? Because we're at fucking war, the Mid East is a threat and we don't fucking know who our enemy is walking around in our own country!

          If people want to get nervous and raise an eye brow when 2 middle eastern men gets on a school bus full of kids, so be it! I think Americans have earned the right to question and be suspicious Middle Easterners. It's only a matter of time before the mother fuckers are strapping dynamite or C4 to themselves and blowing up malls, schools and other shit.

          I can't tell you how many times I've been pulled over by some dickhead cop who pulled up beside me, took a look at my long hair and decided it was a good idea to pull me over. Did I like it? Fuck no! It pissed me off to no end. Who was going to listen to me? Who was going to scream racial profiling? No-fucking-body, that's who!

          But, do I agree with racial profiling? You bet your ass I do. Perhaps if gang activity wasn't way out of control, if we didn't have the mid east threat and their numbers growing in this country as we speak, I may feel differently about that.

          Until real changes are made I say if you see anyone doing something stupid or suspicious, may they be white, black, Arabic, whatever, you question it and bring attention to it.

          In this day and age I think it's your duty as an American to protect yourself, your family and your country and if that offends someone, who gives a shit?

          Testify brother!


          • #80
            Originally posted by Jimmy B
            I just read about this today and was shocked that two adults were able to board a school bus full of children. Where is the driver's responsibility in this? Surely he must be facing some form of punishment for allowing these yahoos on the bus.

            I stand at my daughters bus stop every morning and wait for her to board, along with probably another six to eight parents. What was going through the parents minds as two adults joined their kids for the ride? I would have been asking a shitload of question and kicking up one hell of a fuss if these morons attempted this at my kids stop. Where were the parents in this?

            I can see past their ethnicity in this issue because there are so may other factors here that are fucked up beyond comprehension. This deal goes far beyond race and trench coats.
            This was my initial reaction too, but then I thought about it. It was a HIGH SCHOOL bus, where presumably kids up to 18 are riding. How much different than an 18-year-old does a 20-year-old look? Had the female bus driver refused to let them on and they were 18-year-old students, she'd likely have been fired - for racism! Think about that. When they started conversing in Arabic and acting strangely, she called her dispatcher, who called 911. She did what she was supposed to, and when.
            Ron is the MAN!!!!


            • #81
              I don't know how it works in Florida but here no one can board a school bus that they are not a regular passenger on. For instance, my brother in law bought a car last summer and was driving that to high school everyday this school year. He had some car trouble a few months ago and tried to board his bus after school to get home, thinking he would go back with his father and try to get the car running. Upon attempting to board the bus was refused entry because the driver didn't know him. My sister had to go and pick him up and inform the school that he was a "bus student" if required.

              Again, why did the driver allow these goons on her bus if they weren't supposed to be there? I just don't get THAT part of it. American school buses carry the same number of kids as Canadian ones, right? The faces should have been familiar, or not, to her after nine months of back and forth.
              Tarbaby Fraser.


              • #82
                Originally posted by lerxstcat
                This was my initial reaction too, but then I thought about it. It was a HIGH SCHOOL bus, where presumably kids up to 18 are riding. How much different than an 18-year-old does a 20-year-old look? Had the female bus driver refused to let them on and they were 18-year-old students, she'd likely have been fired - for racism! Think about that. When they started conversing in Arabic and acting strangely, she called her dispatcher, who called 911. She did what she was supposed to, and when.
                I don't know how stupid the bus drivers are where this took place but when I was in high school and a new student or friend that's never ridden the bus before got on the bus the driver asked who the hell they were. Even back in the early 80's people had the sense to ask questions in such situations - you'd think the same logic would apply. Obviously if it were the first week of school or something that might not be the case but it's May now.
                I want REAL change. I want dead bodies littering the capitol.

                - Newc


                • #83
                  Originally posted by hippietim
                  I don't know how stupid the bus drivers are where this took place but when I was in high school and a new student or friend that's never ridden the bus before got on the bus the driver asked who the hell they were. Even back in the early 80's people had the sense to ask questions in such situations - you'd think the same logic would apply. Obviously if it were the first week of school or something that might not be the case but it's May now.
                  There could be variables there too. Suppose the driver was new, or new to that route? Also, I don't recall the school bus drivers paying that much attention to who got on the bus - but then, I'm class of 1976, different world back then.

                  Not to sound racist, but she probably took them for Cubans until they started talking in Arabic.

                  Also, note that most bus drivers are part-timers making close to minimum wage. They aren't Homeland Security agents, and they are never going to be.
                  Last edited by lerxstcat; 05-23-2006, 01:52 PM.
                  Ron is the MAN!!!!


                  • #84
                    It's very possible that the bus driver DID know they weren't students, but was afraid to question them. Why? Well, it could be because she may have thought if she questioned them, they might attack her. Or, (and much more frightening) she may have been afraid to question them because if they were students and she questioned them, then she'd get called a racist and/or profiler by the PC Crowd.


                    • #85
                      I'd rather be called a racist at the mall, then dead on a school bus.
                      Last edited by Top Jimmy B; 05-23-2006, 02:26 PM.
                      Tarbaby Fraser.


                      • #86
                        I haven't read the entire thread, but the first post indicated the driver was a substitute for the normal guy.


                        • #87
                          Originally posted by Jimmy B
                          I'd rather be called a racist at the mall, then dead on a school bus.

                          More than likey it would be the unemployment line..after the media circus died down that is.


                          • #88
                            Hey Tim, whats up man...welcome back broham..

                            I'm HUGE racist!
                            I hate the human race!!

                            I just fuggin' hate 'em..and they don't like me too much it's all good!:ROTF:

                            Fuggum in Z azz..

                            Bill Z Bub
                            "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
                            Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

                            "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


                            • #89
                              yep bill, people suck.

                              the worst things my dogs ever do is shit on the carpet. compared to the stuff people do that's pretty easy to deal with.
                              I want REAL change. I want dead bodies littering the capitol.

                              - Newc


                              • #90
                                Saudis are not a race. They are a nationality.
                                Just a guitar player...

