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Pet surgery

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  • Pet surgery

    Anyone ever have to have this done. My cat has to have a perinal urethroscopy. Basically, they have to cut off his dick. Male felines urethra's are narrow, and they block easier than a female.

    My cat of 5 years never really had trouble with anything, then lately he got sick and wouldn't hold food. After a week in the vets office and a half a grand later, he isn't better. We took him to a vet that does surgery, and he had the surgery either Friday night or Saturday morning (the vet I took him to is open like all of the freaking time, except Sunday's and they took him as an emergency case. Even if he didn't get the surgery Friday, he got another catheter. I'm picking him up tomorrow, so we'll see). The vet said that there may be other problems that the blood work will show.

    Anyone ever have this experience before? There's the risk of the surgery not working, and my cat still dying. This is really upsetting me. I'm not rich by any means, and I've got my bills, but I would never let an animal suffer. I'm out of work because of this surgery I just had, but I care about my pet enough to get him helped. I charged all of the vet bills. He doesn't deserve to suffer, at least not in my eyes.

  • #2
    been there, man. I've never hesitated to have a pet taken care of by the vet. It can cost, but they're part of the family. I couldn't tell my kids that we had let their beloved furry buddy die because I wouldn't pay for a procedure.

    My cat Oscar, who was killed by a car last month, had been to the vet for a couple of procedures the last couple of years.

    Fell out a second story window. We freaked when we saw him spitting blood, thought he must've ruptured an internal organ. Had just split his bottom lip. Required stitches & an overnight stay.

    He was backed over in the driveway late last year. Little fella had a large family sedan run up and over him. From the way he was trailing his leg as he rocketed away from the car, we assumed his leg was shattered. Plus he was pissing blood on the drive to the vets. Turns out the leg itself was fine. And the fact that he was pissing at all was a good sign that his bladder hadn't been burst. But the accident did bust the shit out of his hip, to the point that ball at the top his right thigh was wrecked, and he had nothing to sit up into the hip socket by the time he came home. It was just the muscle in his flank that was holding the leg in place. 6 nights in hospital and we had to buy an enclosure for when he came home, so that he wouldn't do further damage jumping on furniture before he was properly rehabilitated. It left him with a limp, but otherwise, he got around almost as good as ever. We bought him a little friend,
    Smokey (think of Nermal from the Garfield cartoons) to help with his rehabilitation, and before long, Oscar had his sense of humour back too.
    Hail yesterday


    • #3
      Been EXACTLY there, my friend. Our 7 year old cat started getting infections and blocked about three years ago: about every 6 months. At $500 per blockage, we went through a year and a half (and $1,500) before realizing he was going to bankrupt us. Then the vet mentioned the surgery. And the risk that it might not work.

      We did it. (Well, not ourselves, but had the surgeon do it. On the cat.) He has gone over a year without another blockage, and my fingers are crossed that he won't have any more ever. The cat, I mean. Don’t know about the surgeon. So it looks like it worked.

      Poor cat. Hank Hill, my cat, your cat - damn narrow urethra.

      I wasn't going to keep putting the cat through vet visits every 6 months, just wasn't right. So my wife and I talked about it, and agreed that we owed him a shot at the surgery, and if that didn't help, we weren't going to keep torturing him.

      Good luck bro, not easy or fun. Hope it all works out okay.

      The JCF-er Formerly Known as axtogrind.


      • #4
        That's basically where we were. I could care less about the money, as long as I can pay my bills. That said, we didn't want to torture him. His place is here at home, with us. He shouldn't be in the vet's office getting his bladder poked at, and catheters in his wee-wee.

        I dropped him off for the surgery, and I get him Monday. I just hope everything worked out fine, and that he gets better.

        I see the Hank Hill mention, you watch King of the Hill also?


        • #5
          I hope everything works out fine and this clears up whatever is ailing your cat. It's encouraging that Keith's cat went thru the same procedure and is fine now.
          Hail yesterday


          • #6

            That's what my male cat will look like...some sort of mix of a girl and a boy. Poor guy. Hopefully all that is wounded is his pride.


            • #7
              Here is my guy, just as fat and useless as he was before the surgery. (About 16lbs of Key West cat.)

              I am from Arlen, Texas (well, not really, but it has always been hard for me to tell that King of the Hill isn't set in my real Texas hometown) and I know those people and went to those schools, so I've always thought King of the Hill was funnier than s***.

              I'll bet your guy will be just fine - keep us posted.

              The JCF-er Formerly Known as axtogrind.



              • #8
                Dude. I feel your pain. 7 years ago my dog needed surgery so i sold my truck to pay for it. I drove an 82 chevette for over a year til i got caught up. It was tough but my little girl was worth it.


                • #9
                  We do whatever it takes for our dogs and cats. We just spent a ton on one of our chihuahua's and one of our cats. The dog needed a large tumor removed (for the second time) and our cat lost a fight with a racoon. She needed surgery on her front and rear legs. It was VERY expensive but worth every penny.
                  I did see somebody at the vet picking up a hamster that had just gone through surgery. I might have to draw the line on that one.


                  • #10
                    Before I lost my buddy Patches, she had 2 surgeries to remove tumors. I never hesitated. Had to pay them out, but it was worth it. She lived 17 1/2 wonderful years.


                    • #11
                      I got the call from the vet, he had his surgery and he has peed on his own. He will be coming home tonight. It came out to a little more than anticipated but it's for my boy, so it's okay..well I guess he's not a boy anymore, you know, without a dick and balls poor lil fella.

                      They checked out the blood work, his kidneys are fine but his white count was 2X what it should be. I guess he had a raging infection. He's on two different anti-biotics and another pill to make him eat.

                      He's going to be a-okay hopefully!


                      • #12
                        Tough little fuggers. I bet he's back to himself soon. Glad to hear it went well!
                        The JCF-er Formerly Known as axtogrind.



                        • #13
                          good news.


                          • #14
                            My old kitty Budger had that happen to him when he was 4 years old. He had the surgery, and antibiotics for the infection that had set in, and lived to 4 months shy of his 16th birthday. He was pretty spry up to his last year, then he slowed down. But 15 years 8 months was a pretty good run for a male cat, and he got 15 good years out of life. I would've done, and did do, anything for that cat, he was my baby. Got him as a kitten at the pound and he was the best. I'm sending out all the vibes for your little buddy to get well soon!
                            Ron is the MAN!!!!

