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  • BITCH! FING BITCH advice

    My wife just called me to tell me something not so good. One of my best friends from highschool '91 Got some terrible news today. He was reading some of his wife's emails and found that she has been messing around with another good friend!!! WTF These two guys actually grew up together and he pulls this shit!!! Chris I guess has thrown all of her shit literally onto the street in front of their house and told her to never come back. I don't know if he's spoken to the other party yet but he's going to be FUCKING PISSED to say the VERY VERY least. I'm so pissed now I don't know what to do. I guess she's over in front of the house picking stuff off the ground. I've lost all respect for two good friends. Pure bullshit. Should I go over and offer my support to Chris or should I just leave him alone??? He hasn't called me yet but Dez (my girl) said he's calling everyone and saying she's a slut hoebag. This bitch has been lieing to US as well asking for support while she "goes through a hard time" Bullshit now I want to spit in her face.The guy is a dentist. He makes about $300K a year. She didn't have to work. She had 3 BMWs and a Porsche in two years. She had all her school payed for. He sold his house and bought one SHE wanted. Then SHE goes around his back and messes with his good friend?

  • #2
    I'd say, "Typical." But then i'd be accused of being calloused.
    How do you think we fund this organization? We're not exactly the March of Dimes.


    • #3
      That just plain sucks... But, if he has been reading his wifes emails, something must have gone pretty friggen haywire. Personally, I would stay the fuck out of that one. Most likely Chris will be talking to you soon while the other party (The guy she cheated with) is going to be avoiding the circle of friends for the most part.

      Just goes to show you... You can take the girl out of the trailer park but, you cannot take the trailer park out of the girl. There really isn't a good reason for cheating like that. That is just some typical schoolyard bullshit if you ask me.

      Insert annoying equipment list here....


      • #4
        "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)


        • #5
          Rollin' Thunder - I hear ya - that's why I say "Rings don't plug holes.... people do."

          Donovan -
          Sucks that happened to your bud. Had a similiar situation with friends a few years ago... not fun by any means... and she tried REAL hard to justify her actions to no avail.


          • #6
            Never mind.


            • #7
              You can't work yourself up over the issue. What's done is done and you can't change what she did. You just have to move on. The best thing for him to do is just to get a divorce as quickly as possible and begin his own life. The worst thing he could do is to try to reconcile with her. My philosophy is once a cheater always a cheater. I know that's not always true, but you would never be able to trust that person again. The guy I grew up with got divorced a little over a year ago because of the same issue and they had two kids. She came home and said "I am pregnant, but it's not yours". He said the worst thing he did was dwell on the issue, be depressed and not just start living his own life and having fun like he is doing now. You should just go over there and let him vent, but don't bring him down even further by showing your frustration and anger.


              • #8
                That would piss me off too. Not sure how I would react but there might be alot of RAGE and possible violence if that was my wife. Although that is never a way to deal with things. If it was my friends, I would stay out of it (other than supporting my bud if he needs) because you never know what lies ahead. I have had friends go through the same thing and end up back together....anyway on the lighter side of things...remember that song....the four F's? Maybe thats how you look at it right now
                Last edited by quakana; 05-23-2006, 08:42 AM.


                • #9
                  Can't trust anyone these days. Not your wife, not your mother, not your friends.
                  I mean it.
                  Mr. Patience.... ask for a free consultation.


                  • #10
                    KingV1 is on the money here. I have been there, and done that. Don't pick sides and support your friend where needed. Your friend needs to move on, no matter how tough it is. You can't carry around all these ill feelings, because the only one it hurts is the one carrying them. The other people go on with their lives and the jilted one is left brooding. Live and learn.
                    Be without fear in the face of your enemies. Be brave and upright, that God may love thee. Speak the truth always, even if it leads to your death. Safeguard the helpless and do no wrong.


                    • #11
                      Just more evidence of why you should not discuss your illicit affairs via E-mail, because you will get busted.

                      Look, people cheat for a reason...that being they generally aren't happy. Someone who goes through 3 BMWs and 2 Porsches over a couple of years doesn't sound very happy to me. Sure, it is an awful thing to do...but so many do it....people are people. If your friend calls, give him support, but don't make it your business to put the wife case they don't get divorced, you know?

                      Sleep. The sound doesn't collapse to riffs of early eyes either.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Joe_Steeler
                        Can't trust anyone these days. Not your wife, not your mother, not your friends.
                        I mean it.
                        The Buzzard does not fear
                        The man in riot gear
                        Harvest a skull of stone
                        The Buzzard grows his own...


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by MBreinin
                          Just more evidence of why you should not discuss your illicit affairs via E-mail, because you will get busted.

                          Look, people cheat for a reason...that being they generally aren't happy. Someone who goes through 3 BMWs and 2 Porsches over a couple of years doesn't sound very happy to me. Sure, it is an awful thing to do...but so many do it....people are people. If your friend calls, give him support, but don't make it your business to put the wife case they don't get divorced, you know?
                          +1 Good advice. I Agree you should be there for your mate because he is surely gonna be hurting right now.
                          Make sure he doesnt doing anything rash or stupid he might regret later on...
                          If you wake up in the morning, it's because Jack Bauer spared your life.


                          • #14
                            Here's my 2¢

                            First off...material possessions (ie; BWM's Porches, etc..) should not be a means to "buy" someone's loyalty. Hell...that could be the root of the problem right there (just playing devil's advocate for a second here, but you'll see my point) He may have been buying her things expecting she'd stay loyal to him, and that very thing could've been driving her away. All the money in the world doesn't make you better at sex.

                            Secondly...cheating (sad to say) is human nature, and it takes more will power to remain monogamous. 7 out of 10 marriages will end in divorce, and the reason is infidelity.

                            I'm a little biased toward the glass being half-empty because my last marriage ended in divorce over this same thing. We both walked away happy in the end...but it got nasty while it was going on.

                            And 3rd...I also agree with Joe Steeler...
                            You can't trust ANYONE these days...ANYONE! Always look out for #1


                            • #15
                              That really sucks. I would offer support for your friend and tell him to not to do anything else stupid. remain as calm as you can, don't confront the asshole guy either, its not worth it, the damage has been done. It will only cost him more money in the divorce...hope he had a pre-nup.

                              How does that work as far as divorce goes if they have kids and she doesn't work? Does she get the house and kids while dentist man pays for everything and pays for a new place to live for himself?

