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Muslims in Australia

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  • #16
    zeegs, if your exodus takes you east, hows about pickin me up?
    Tarbaby Fraser.


    • #17
      Ooh,I just love it when a government grows some nuts! ........................
      Straightjacket Memories.Sedative Highs...........


      • #18
        Originally posted by Jimmy B
        zeegs, if your exodus takes you east, hows about pickin me up?
        I wonder if we could claim refugee status in Australia.
        Sleep!!, That's where I'm a viking!!


        • #19
          we need to do the same thing in america. politicians need to get a damn pair of balls. i'm tired of seeing our leadership tolerate intolerance. it's gonna tear us apart. i have a huge amount of respect for the aussies. great people. i met some while serving in iraq. wonderful people. very honorable.


          • #20
            Originally posted by zeegler
            I wonder if we could claim refugee status in Australia.
            sure! Come on over, zeegs. We'll set you up in a little flat in Canadatown, to help your repatriation with the rest of the Canadian emigrees.
            Hail yesterday


            • #21
              Originally posted by GodOfRhythm
              If Belgium doesn't want to crumble to its knees in the next 25 to 30 years (and I am not kidding here) it NEEDS A LOT immigrants to complete its workforce. Sure, these people will bring along their own sets of traditions and whatnot, that's fine. But they better learn to accept and live with ours or at least adapt their own beliefs to ours or there's the door!
              well, but that's the point right there. belgium actually NEEDS those immigrants. for example, over here in germany we've got the complete opposite situation, unemployment rates are going through the roof, and given the current national debt i doubt there's gonna be a significant change in the next decade. sure, in my opinion the main reason is that the government just doesn't have the balls to do the drastic and therefore unpopular changes especially in the social welfare system that are necessary, as they are afraid of loosing voters, but seriously, the last thing that we need right now is MORE immigrants especially from eastern countries, we just don't have the jobs nor do we have the money to support them if they become unemployed.
              btw, as for the british, i actually think that e.g. the immigration act definitely was a step in the right direction for them, and while america seems to have problems with illegal immigration, i think the legal way of immigration is pretty good, to me it just seems like you got the laws but not the balls to enforce them and punish illegal immigrants for what they are - illegal aliens.
              just my $0.2
              Last edited by Fragle; 05-27-2006, 05:15 AM.


              • #22
                You'd fit in at the hockey rink here zeegs, they all speak that language eh!

                As for australia, we are a multicultural society. We would be weak as if not for immigrants, the gold rush and the snowy river scheme helping greatly there. But its the freedom that has allowed alot of immigrants live as per their old world cultures, and disregarding local law. There was a massive riot recently because of such a situation (although the locals being douchebags helped greatly in causing it). A total ignorance of Australian law and culture amongst some of these groups, to the point of absolute racism, especially towards the white women, whom they dont treat as equals in both race and gender, boils my blood big time. Muslims still practice this, my sister worked at a muslim private school, primary, and the entire school was run and worked at by women. Except the board, who none of which had any educational backgrounds, were all men. They called all the shots and had NO idea what was going on. As is the human nature, theres good and bad within all groups, some great people there, alot of the younger generation still wearing birkas(?) but laid back and very australian. Its great being in Sydney and hearing a couple of asian teens talking mandarin, a fast aggressive language, but having them hold onto syllabals and drawling, the Australian influence. Patriotism has always been strong in me, its just a shame it takes september 11 to start the government feeling the same way!


                • #23
                  Originally posted by StukaJU87
                  I hate to say it, but our US Government is made up of way too many limp wristed liberals to ever make a bold statement like that. No politician that I know of even came out and told Mexico to fuck off when they threatened to sue us if the National Guard interfered with the invasion of OUR country. My god, man. Patton, Roosevelt, and the like must be spinning in their graves at what we have become.
                  wtf? the US government has a republican administration in the white house and the majority in congress. i think *all* our politicians are too friggin limp wristed. look at our immigration problem. let's not turn this into a left vs. right issue.

                  btw, way to go australia.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by SeventhSon
                    wtf? the US government has a republican administration in the white house and the majority in congress. i think *all* our politicians are too friggin limp wristed. look at our immigration problem. let's not turn this into a left vs. right issue.

                    btw, way to go australia.
                    I agree, we nead super tough laws on Illlegal Immigrants. I use to be Republican, now I am Independant, because the Republicans are limp wristed libs now. We nead some strong Independants that will be super patriots and put the smack down on the Illegal Immigrants and throw their asses out!! You have to be tough or you lose, plain and simple and our governement is very weak right now and way to liberal and way to worried about the almighty Vote. Fuck the vote, do the right thing you fucks We shouldn`t have 1 product or sign written in Spanish or any other language than English in the country, quit pandering to the fucking Hispanics you shit fucks I hate our government with a passion anymore, they suck horse dick We need another George Washington again, very soon Jack.

