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I have been in these waters a million times

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  • #16
    Well for christ's sake the guys nickname was bucky, how much you wanna bet he's a snake charming fall down to the floor born again christian, " Ehuh I needs to catch me thisum there shark to feed darleene" And how much you wanna bet he also puts on a white hood and chants with his other "brothers" and burns crosses!
    I'm going to go around and start catching people and mounting them on boards for science, since when is it alright to catch a big endangered shark just because it's chasing your $$$$, why the fuck do we even need to fish in the open waters anyhow, they all eat themselves! plus we have FISH farms and fat women for the fish smell! we don't need to eat fish anymore, because it's all giving us cancer because we dump too much pollution into the waters!

    However I think the funniest thing in the whole article is that the shark was donated to science, so the scientist decided he'd stuff the sombitch! FUCKING CRAZY!



    rant off.

    I'm going back to my steak dinner.


    • #17
      Interesting. As I was reading that story I thought:

      "I'm probably the only guy reading this who feels bad for the shark, and doesn't see the point of killing it."

      Nice to know I'm not alone.

      - E.
      Good Lord! The rod up that man's butt must have a rod up its butt!


      • #18
        not saying what the guy did was right but Hammer heads are not endangered.

        Endangered Shark Species
        1. Ganges shark
        2. Borneo shark
        3. Basking shark - North Pacific & Northeast Atlantic sub-populations
        4. Speartooth shark
        5. Whitefin Topeshark
        6. Angular Angel shark - Brazilian sub-population
        7. Smoothback Angel shark
        8. Spinner shark - Northwest Atlantic sub-population
        9. Pondicherry shark
        10. Smoothtooth Blacktip
        11. Blacktip shark - Northwest Atlantic sub-population
        12. Dusky shark - Northwest Atlantic & Gulf of Mexico sub-populations
        13. Grey Nurse shark (aka Sand Tiger)
        14. Great White shark
        15. Gulper shark
        16. Basking shark
        17. School shark (aka Tope shark)
        18. Bluegray Carpetshark
        19. Porbeagle shark
        20. Whale shark


        • #19
          I was just tarpon fishing down there a couple weeks ago. Those waters are full of really big hammerheads and other sharks. They wait for you tire out your fish and just as you are about reach out to grab and release your tarpon they come in and eat them. Scares the shit out you. 120lb or larger fish chomped in one bite right in front of you as you're reaching down. I'm amazed there are not more attacks on people because the water is teeming with these things down there. Great beaches though.


          • #20
            Originally posted by SpiralArchitect
            Well for christ's sake the guys nickname was bucky, how much you wanna bet he's a snake charming fall down to the floor born again christian, " Ehuh I needs to catch me thisum there shark to feed darleene" And how much you wanna bet he also puts on a white hood and chants with his other "brothers" and burns crosses!
            Uh, how about you stop pulling shit out of your ass and take a

            "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)


            • #21
              Theres no shortage of sharks around here in aus let me tell yas. While I've only ever swam with a dugong (a dumb, 'dog shark') that was more then enough! Mates of mine have been with other types when spear fishing, including a daring dive down past them to get a lost flipper but apart from that, sharks are generally harmless. Most beaches are netted and safe. I think sharks would be great fishing, and back when I'd actually eat seafood they were great eating too!

              'The largest shark ever hooked was a 2,664-pound great white caught off the southern coast of Australia in 1959.'

              Now thats a fuckin fish would eat you!


              • #22
                Yep, here it is


                What was it, 20 foot?
                "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)


                • #23
                  When I was out on the Pacific chumming for blue shark we lost our compas and radio. We decided to try and head in behind a tuna boat and on our way we got to see a 36 foot long basking shark with his mouth wide open and trolling for planktin. We thought it was a killer whale because the dorsal fin was laying over on one side as it came towards us. We even saw it on the sonar graph. Scared the shit out of me until we found out what it was. I got to run my hand down its back. Nice and slimmy with a few barnicles. Also got to see a great white eat a seal off of La Jolla CA in the kelp beds. People were walking on water to get out of the cove after that. I've eaten alot of shark too. Good stuff.


                  • #24
                    Nice fish.


                    • #25
                      more dangerous than sharks and alligators in the USA ...deer

                      There's an average of 130 fatal vehicle collisions with deer in the United States each year, according to statistics kept by the International Shark Attack File at the Florida Museum of Natural History in Gainesville.

                      By comparison, on average, there was less than one shark attack and one gator attack per year during the 1990s.
                      “But does it help with the blues rock chatter?"-Hellbat


                      • #26
                        Bucky-Ted Nugent of the deep.

                        "If you can't eat it, or fuck it, kill it; just for the glory."


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by El_Kabong
                          Bucky-Ted Nugent of the deep.

                          "If you can't eat it, or fuck it, kill it; just for the glory."
                          I'm a fisherman...small saltwater game, but the occsional big game. I don't keep anything I don't intend to eat, or to give out to friends and family to eat. I don't "trophy kill" either. If there's a fish I'm going to target that isn't edible, or I particularly don't care for...I'll have my pic snapped with him, thank him for a great fight, and send him on his merry little way.

                          Just because it wasn't an endangered shark, doesn't mean this guy should've kept him to hang on his wall. I have a fear, but I also have respect, and awe for sharks. I don't want to be eaten by one...that has to be the worst way to go...but I'm still thoroughly astounded by them.


                          • #28
                            ^^ Good post.


                            • #29
                              scientists say most shark attacks are accidents anyway.
                              sharks are peaceful and curious animals!!
                              and I think they're not to blame for having no hands to take a closer look at us, it's just not their fault...
                              tremstick give-away (performer series trem)

