Well here are the pictures from my surgery (nothing gross, no real blood or anything).
They did it arthroscopically (I'd change the spelling in my link, but it would mess up the other places I already linked it.
The top right picture, I've got what's called a Hill Sachs Lesion. I asked the Dr. what they do for it, and he said that they put cadaver tissue in it. I asked why they didn't do it while I was out and he said, because they didn't know it was there until they got in there, and that he didn't want me to wake up with some dead guys tissue in me with my shoulder cut wide open.
What bothers me about this, is I may need yet another damn surgery (we just have to see how this hill sachs lesion goes, what happens with it, if it's engaging and shit like that). I signed a fucking paper saying that the damn doctor could fix anything that was wrong with me, and that if they found something, they could fix it too...and they didn't. I almost want to find out if I have legal recourse.
I'd have to go through another surgery, more lost time off of work, and more rehab. I can tell you, after wearing a sling for a month, I could care less if I ever see one again!
They did it arthroscopically (I'd change the spelling in my link, but it would mess up the other places I already linked it.
The top right picture, I've got what's called a Hill Sachs Lesion. I asked the Dr. what they do for it, and he said that they put cadaver tissue in it. I asked why they didn't do it while I was out and he said, because they didn't know it was there until they got in there, and that he didn't want me to wake up with some dead guys tissue in me with my shoulder cut wide open.
What bothers me about this, is I may need yet another damn surgery (we just have to see how this hill sachs lesion goes, what happens with it, if it's engaging and shit like that). I signed a fucking paper saying that the damn doctor could fix anything that was wrong with me, and that if they found something, they could fix it too...and they didn't. I almost want to find out if I have legal recourse.
I'd have to go through another surgery, more lost time off of work, and more rehab. I can tell you, after wearing a sling for a month, I could care less if I ever see one again!