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Where is jgcable??

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  • #46
    If by that you mean that I go out of my way to make things right when I've made a mistake, and take care of my debts, you're right.. I do!


    • #47
      Originally posted by axtogrind
      This from the guy who hijacked this thread to call John a thief? By show of hands, who here (besides SEEGERMANY) gives a shit how SEEGERMANY manages his business?

      However, whether you're man enough to admit it or not, stealing time from an employer is THEFT. It's a simple concept. You should be able to grasp it.


      • #48
        Alright dude, this is starting to get a little personal and stupid.

        If my employer says OK- and I abide, productively, is that ok in your book?
        Its not stealing, is it?


        • #49
          Originally posted by SEEGERMANY
          No thanks. I'll pass on the piss poor attempt at an apology. Second, I'll put my employees up against anyone in their field for service and people skills. Hell, for that matter, I'll put them up against anyone outside of the therapy field.

          So, keep your "thoughts" to yourself because as far as my business, it's employees, it's success, or my "tone," you're yapping out your ass.

          The End
 about this.......... STFU....

          I don't have to keep my thoughs to myself and you telling me to do so isnt gonna stop me.

          I have a feeling that if you were to ask your employees there mr big bossman, that they'd have a totally different viewpoint of you and your management approach than what you think they do.

          the end


          • #50
            Now, THIS is a pissing match!!!!
            Tarbaby Fraser.


            • #51
              It's really up to each individual employer as to what constitutes theft of time? Could an employer consider an employee who charges his or her cell phone at work to be stealing electricity? Sure, but than employer could also be considered an ass.

              Since I am in charge of streamlining processes, managing resources, and reducing operational costs, I am going in to the office tomorrow and issuing a new policy that states any employee who uses a pen to write down any information not directly related to his or her position to be terminated for "stealing" company ink.


              • #52
                "I have a feeling that if you were to ask your employees there mr big bossman, that they'd have a totally different viewpoint of you and your management approach than what you think they do."

                Well Shawn, I guess that's a possibility. I guess we could also ask your upper management if there's the slightest possibility that production at your company could have been a little higher if surfing had been curtailed. Apparently, John's company feels the same way.


                • #53
                  My productivity would be a little higher if the receptionist blew me under my desk.


                  • #54
                    "Since I am in charge of streamlining processes, managing resources, and reducing operational costs"

                    For someone in charge, that's a fairly ridiculous statement. I'm curious. Have you people ever sat down and really analyzed how much time is spent on the Internet or are you just shooting from the hip?


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by Trypp Powell
                      My productivity would be a little higher if the receptionist blew me under my desk.
                      OK, you win!


                      • #56
                        [quote=SeventhSon]I work from home too. I can surf porn and rub one out if I felt like it.

                        George, make sure you wash your hands before you grab your guitars.


                        • #57
                          Actually, after IT threw a hissy fit about my accessing ebay, I decided to look into web usage at work and how well our IT department functioned. This resulted in IT being completely restructured and the new guy in charge at IT recommended using a system similar to what was mentioned earlier in this thread. Basically, employees are allowed to surf during breaks and meal time, as well as before or after working hours. There is a password protected log-in and the web habits of each employee can be easily tracked.

                          Of course, there are a few exceptions to this as some positions require that the individuals filling them have unfettered web access.

                          Upper management is happy, employees are happy, and all of the new folks in IT are happy that they have a new job.

                          I have a subordinate (or "team member" in office culture new speak) who would be happy if I would quit smoking in the building.


                          • #58
                            I work in the internet sector so its unlikely that internet surfing is counter productive for my group. My line of work is more operations, broadcasting, production, streaming media. We never miss a broadcast because of surfing so normal business practices and policies are not applicable.

                            I know that you are right in that it does affect production and the bottom line...there was report out sometime during March madness that stated that US companies lost billions of dollars in lost productivity because of people watching and listening to the tourney at work


                            • #59
                              this thread :ROTF:
                              the guitar players look damaged - they've been outcasts all their lives


                              • #60
                                This thread got hilarious when I was out...

