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Where is jgcable??

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  • #61
    Originally posted by SEEGERMANY
    "Since I am in charge of streamlining processes, managing resources, and reducing operational costs"

    For someone in charge, that's a fairly ridiculous statement. I'm curious. Have you people ever sat down and really analyzed how much time is spent on the Internet or are you just shooting from the hip?
    WHo has time to analyze that?? we are too busy surfing the web
    You manager types kill me...Ya know Martha Stewart went to jail for running a sweat shop :ROTF:


    • #62
      "Ya know Martha Stewart went to jail for running a sweat shop"

      Yep, and came out richer and more popular than ever.


      • #63
        I think that surfing and spending time on message boards during working hours is absolutely a form of theft of services. I realized I was on the JCF too much but it was damn hard to stop. Just like smoking I guess although I never smoked. Being confronted by the bosses (who surf half the day on the net themselves along with many other employees) was a good thing for me. I am not into ripping off a company I have been working at for over 22 years. I attribute it to my form of a mid-life crisis. When your 44 with 3 kids and tons of bills and you feel 24 and wish you were a rock star its pretty easy to get caught up in this board.
        Thanks for your thoughts and concerns guys. I appreciate it. Everything is cool at work.
        John G


        • #64
          I just want to say a couple things and then I'm outa here.

          1) To your kids, you're bigger than a rock star. Don't forget it.

          2) Your honesty is admirable.

          3) Thanks for being a friend.

          Mr G


          • #65
            if SeeGermany runs a bunch of physical therapy clinics, then I don't see why everyone is all over him about internet access for his employees....i imagine they are billable when touching people, not keyboards. The cute blonde fixing my dislocated shoulder needs about as much internet time as Cooter down at Hal's Auto Body Shop who's bondoing my 85 firebird back together.


            • #66
              I do tech support over the phone, and there are times when I could either surf the net or doodle on a scratchpad or read a book. So...

              ...I surf the net. I also do that while I'm on hold waiting for someone that I had to call back, etc... My department's productivity metrics are posted weekly, and I received two raises in the last year because I was doing much more than meeting expectations.

              It's a good thing that they measure my metrics though, because that shows that I'm productive and not goofing off, just filling in the time when there isn't anything to do. If they give me the 'personal internet use' speech, I'll ask them if they prefer I bring a book to read instead.



              • #67
                BTW, I wouldn't want to work for Mr.Germany, I think being fitted for a catheter so I don't steal from him by taking a piss would make me miserable.


                • #68
                  Originally posted by Shawn Lutz
                  Sorry if I offended with he Hitler comment... insert other dictator or prison guard if that makes you happier.....I'm offend by your holier than thou tone in every post in this thread...

                  Before the internet you had water cooler talk, newspapers, books, walkmans, etc and I would let people do that as well.

                  Perhaps people in your industry would one day wake up to realized that its not 1964 anymore their "employees" would have better customer service/peoplel skills...just a thought.
                  +1. Well put, Shawn.


                  • #69
                    I was only going to say that when I was at a call center for Schwab and there was down time, the pissants would say tidy up your desk. We didn't have the net then. But this is much better. I wonder when the PT's are a little pissed, do they take it out on those poor bastards on the bench?
                    I am a true ass set to this board.


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by Twisteramps
                      BTW, I wouldn't want to work for Mr.Germany, I think being fitted for a catheter so I don't steal from him by taking a piss would make me miserable.

                      HAR HAR HAR !
                      "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)


                      • #71
                        Originally posted by toejam
                        I get to surf whenever I want. I'm pretty much self-employed and work mainly from home.

                        I work from home also, and while the more time I put in working at home, the more I get paid. That being said...I limit my JCF/Surfing time to an hour block... morning, afternoon, and evening. I have to leave some time for porn and myspace as well...that's the bulk of my daily surfing...LOL!


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by SEEGERMANY
                          I just want to say a couple things and then I'm outa here.

                          1) To your kids, you're bigger than a rock star. Don't forget it.

                          2) Your honesty is admirable.

                          3) Thanks for being a friend.

                          Mr G
                          Ditto and thanks for the honest direct assessment of my situation. You are 100% correct. Your a good guy.


                          • #73
                            Originally posted by Twisteramps
                            BTW, I wouldn't want to work for Mr.Germany, I think being fitted for a catheter so I don't steal from him by taking a piss would make me miserable.

                            That was the best one you've came up with in a long time Pete!
                            My goal in life is to be the kind of asshole my wife thinks I am.


                            • #74
                              Originally posted by jgcable
                              When your 44 with 3 kids and tons of bills and you feel 24 and wish you were a rock star its pretty easy to get caught up in this board.

                              well John....I'm 43 with two kids and tons of bills.....but i can definitely relate there!
                              My goal in life is to be the kind of asshole my wife thinks I am.


                              • #75
                                Originally posted by mm2002
                                well John....I'm 43 with two kids and tons of bills.....but i can definitely relate there!
                                +1. Just hit 40 this year. 3 kids, house payments, bills, and my company is going out-of-business. Shaved off my mustashe (sp?) to get back a few years. Wish I could be a rock star but never had the chops. I just F' around for a hobby and fun.

                                Be glad (I think?) you can work at a job for 22 years without the sucker going belly up by a bunch of dumbshit management. SEEGERMANY is right, I'd give anything to have some dictator-like management come in and kick some ass. I have no respect for the people in charge. One bad decision after another. We used to have annual layoffs every October for the past 4 years, but after this last October, people (the good ones/business critical) are quiting faster than they can lay them off. What has upper management done over the past 4 years? Take a $120M company down to sub-$60M. As it stands, I need to find another job before I'm waiting in the unemployment lines with everyone else. When I leave, I will take most of the IT / business intellegence knowledge with me. Ouch.

