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  • "Chavs"

    What is it with these morons? I just went to the local supermarket to get some things. One of them obviously doesn't know anything about parking his pushbike and leaves it sprawled out on the ramp to the shop. I politely asked him if it was his, and he moved it (took him a while, idiot). I came out later and this stupid fat fuck starts scuffing his shoes as I try to get past the other moron who needs parking lessons. He starts making some incomprehensible growling or moaning noise at me. I gave him the "Is that supposed to impress or intimidate me you uneducated prat?" look and carried on walking off. The fact that I already had a headache was reason enough for me to punch him didn't help, but the last thing I would have wanted was a prison sentence, a big fine, or even the entire "Posse" jumping on me. I don't understand. These low life scum all get part of the £100+ a month I pay in National Insurance Contributions in the form of so-called "Job seeker's allowance", and they do fuck all to get it except maybe queue at the Employment Centre every fortnight. Is the fact that JSA doesn't pay a decent amount not good enough reason to get a fucking job? No. Intimidating the hard working average citizen is supposed to be fun and essential to prove they are "Big" in front of their "Mates". Arseholes.
    Fuck ebay, fuck paypal

    "Finger on the trigger, back against the wall. Counting rounds and voices, not enough to kill them all" (Ihsahn).

  • #2
    Fuck the whole lot of them I say!


    • #3
      "...maybe queue at the Employment Centre every fortnight..."

      I love the way you English guys speak, its a shame our educational system in the USA sucks so bad that I bet half the people 30 and under in the US dont even know what you said right there.

      The USA is going ultra Liberal like the UK is and it really is hurting society as a whole.

      Now if you dont mind I am going to queue up the Lars Ulrich Tama drum kit tonight.


      • #4 someone in line before you to play it?
        Sully Guitars - Built by Rock & Roll
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        • #5
          Originally posted by AK47
          Now if you dont mind I am going to queue up the Lars Ulrich Tama drum kit tonight.
          Does that come with the James Hetfield skin flute?
          The only solution to GAS is DEATH...


          • #6
            Originally posted by AK47
            Now if you dont mind I am going to queue up the Lars Ulrich Tama drum kit tonight.
            queue or cue?

            hey Wilkinsi, didn't we get this "chav" rant a couple of months ago?
            Hail yesterday


            • #7
              and wtf is a chav?
              Sully Guitars - Built by Rock & Roll
              Sully Guitars on Facebook
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              • #8
                "Chav" is a UK term, which apparently came from combining the town of Cheltenham and the word Average.

                Basically, Cheltenham is a fairly upmarket place, so the benefit 'pykies' have more of an attitude and more expensive gear - bling on a budget. They're just run of the mill loser scum, who really wish they were in a P Diddy video....
                Popular is not the same as good
                Rare is not the same as valuable
                Worth is what someone will pay, not what you want to get


                • #9
                  Well that KIND of clears it up...
                  Look Up...Get Up...And Never EVER Give Up...


                  • #10
                    Maybe I did rant about it elsewhere, but I think it was a side-track to another thread. A "Chav" is a delinquent who can't speak English properly, and sounds like someone having a stroke. They resort to loitering outside shops and street corners until the early hours of the morning, intimidating and harassing normal people. Their dress sense is ridiculous and usually intended to sheild their identity from security cameras. They have this idea that they will inherit everything from their grandmother with whom they live (unless the parents have yet to disown them). They don't like work, but are happy to do fuck all everyday, but then have the sheer nerve to hurl abuse at the very people (i.e.: those of us with jobs) who, through no choice of their own, pay NI contributions. NI doesn't go towards the NHS. It's paid to these low life scum in the form of "Social security benefits" (or JSA). Usually I stay clear from such vermin, but I'm not going to be intimidated into starving myself to avoid some dickhead screaming like a baboon 3 inches from my eardrum. Thank science for Paracetamol.
                    Last edited by wilkinsi; 06-04-2006, 10:38 AM.
                    Fuck ebay, fuck paypal

                    "Finger on the trigger, back against the wall. Counting rounds and voices, not enough to kill them all" (Ihsahn).


                    • #11
                      Ah - chavs - you should pop down to Portsmouth & wander round Leigh Park. Nice. Chavtown. Don't suppose you saw the recent "Traffic Cops" series - the first few were based around these parts - especially Leigh Park (funny that)? Chavs, the lot of 'em.
                      Wal - Good from far, but far from good


                      • #12
                        Hmm, I nearly contemplated visiting a guitar shop in that area after I saw a photo of a 2006 DKMG in Trans-Black. I'm definately not going now. I didn't see the program you mentioned. I have seen plenty of "Cop" type programs including scenarios where police chase a pair of chav's who stole a car, then crashed it into a ditch. One of them thought he could hide behind a bush. He was out of breath. All that "Bling gear" (neck chain with his name on it to prevent him forgetting his own identity, trainers 3 sizes too big, the list goes on...) must have weighed him down.
                        Fuck ebay, fuck paypal

                        "Finger on the trigger, back against the wall. Counting rounds and voices, not enough to kill them all" (Ihsahn).


                        • #13
                          If they're causing that much agro on supermarket property, write to the head office and explain the problem. The police will do f*ck all, but the owners of the supermarket might if they think they're loosing business because of it....
                          Popular is not the same as good
                          Rare is not the same as valuable
                          Worth is what someone will pay, not what you want to get


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by wilkinsi
                            Hmm, I nearly contemplated visiting a guitar shop in that area after I saw a photo of a 2006 DKMG in Trans-Black. I'm definately not going now. I didn't see the program you mentioned. I have seen plenty of "Cop" type programs including scenarios where police chase a pair of chav's who stole a car, then crashed it into a ditch. One of them thought he could hide behind a bush. He was out of breath. All that "Bling gear" (neck chain with his name on it to prevent him forgetting his own identity, trainers 3 sizes too big, the list goes on...) must have weighed him down.
                            Ach, most of Portsmouth is OK - just not Leigh Park! Which guitar shop? If PJs, then don't hesitate - get down there. Steve's a Jackson/Charvel freak - knows his stuff. There are plenty of his photos scattered about this forum - just look for the tell-tale cobbles.
                            Wal - Good from far, but far from good


                            • #15

                              Cant stand them! Always want money or fags aswell!
                              "borrow me 20p dickhead or il spark ya'out!"
                              Is about the most polite introduction you will get from anyone at a Doncaster bus stop...
                              If you wake up in the morning, it's because Jack Bauer spared your life.

